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Items tagged with: Facebook

Asi mám trochu jiný představy o saunování, než #Facebook :D


From leaked # internal documents:

- It has no idea how much data it ultimately collects on its users
- Cannot control where all that data goes internally
- Ultimately does not know what happens with it


Bringing up a #synapse ( stack with,, #elementio, #facebook and #telegram bridges from #mautrix and a bot manager from #maubot, with #dockercompose. My first ever guide!

#matrixorg #traefik #PostgreSQL #homelab


There have been many reports lately that Facebook is blocking links to

If you are still on Facebook, please keep spreading the word about Mastodon and the Fediverse.

If doesn't work, try posting a link to a reliable instance people can join. There are so many instances, Facebook cannot block all of them from being mentioned.

That Facebook are even doing this implies the Fediverse is on their radar, which is quite an achievement in itself!

#FediTips #Fediverse #MastoTips #Mastodon #Facebook #DeleteFacebook #Alternatives