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Items tagged with: dataViz

Making data visualizations accessible #a11y #dataviz #charts #graphs #accessibility

The focus on Freedom and taking control of your data is also imperative to #LabPlot, an open source Data Analysis and Visualization software.

It supports multiple file formats and the ODS import support will be added in the next release :-)


#LibreOffice #DataViz #Plotting #FLOSS #FOSS #OpenSource
#DataScience #Spreadsheet #Calc #ODS

It's an intriguing and clear example of the intersection of truth and beauty in mathematics. A introductory map of the world of the Mandelbrot Set. #datavisualization #dataviz #maps #map #math #mathematics

An interesting experiment in turning 💯 data and 📈📊📉 graphs into 🔊 audio.

“… one aim is to make our data journalism more #Accessible for vision-impaired people.”

#Accessibility / #A11Y

# time 👋

- I'm a writer, programmer and researcher based in Melbourne.

- My day job involves a lot(!) of # and my main tools of the trade are #, #, # and # software. But I also play around with p5.js and SQL on occasion.

- Outside of that, I'm looking to learn more about digital librarianship and curatorship, digital humanities, early internet and the #, live art coding, generative art and cool web design.

- I was also a # journalist for a few years and I'm a classically trained singer, so I'm always keen to hear new recs
