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Items tagged with: fediverse

So earlier today I posted that the CoffeeGeek site achieved a target of a high ranking in Goog searches for a specific topic.

But truth be told, I think a lot of that ranking came from folks right here in the #fediverse, who have been so incredibly welcoming of this account, always ready to boost the ramblings I post, interacting, and just creating a massive amount of good vibes.

Our internal logs show all the traffic we get via mastadon, and I'm seriously grateful, and humbled that you feel our little endeavour about specialty coffee is worth checking out from time to time. I also owe a lot to our small but dynamic blog team who contribute some awesome content.

Thanks for the constant welcome on this platform. It's really appreciated.

Moc děkuji za zaslané bannery pro Všechny byly super, ale nakonec jsem vybral ten od @cynik. Holt, síla #fediverse je síla #fediverse. 🙂

Přátelé #fediverse, mám menší prosbu. Nenajde se někdo, kdo by vytvořil pěkný banner pro

Krásné sobotní #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse
Zde je jeden sobotní song, pro lepší náladu.

If you’re on, I would highly recommend that you switch to a different server that protects its people instead of exposing them to a well-known bad actor like Facebook/Meta via Threads.

For alternatives, see:

And remember that Mastodon is not the fediverse. The fediverse is much more than just Mastodon and definitely more so than and Mastodon gGmbH.

#mastodonSocial #mastodonGGMBH #mastodon #fediverse #threads #facebook #meta

In the glory days of web 1.0, social websites would prominently link out to their digital neighbors via lists known as webrings; magical doorways to an expansive hinterland of digital villages.

Let's envision what a truly federated chat like #Matrix could do to improve the cross-connectivity of chat channels. Most of these features are already possible, they just haven't been implemented yet in a community-oriented client experience.

#CommuneApp #fediverse #community

By the way, if you have any questions about using Mastodon or the rest of the Fediverse feel free to reply or DM or @ me.

I'll try to find you some answers.

#FediTips #Fediverse #Mastodon

Krásné sváteční #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse
Venku to vypadá na pěkné počasí, tak to po obědě vyrazíme na menší výlet.

Moin #fediverse, #neuhier
Ich suche eine vergleichbare Anwendung wie #signal oder #telegram im fediverse. Gibt es so was? Ich meine einen Beitrag darüber gelesen zu haben. Finde ihn aber nicht wieder. Vllt irre ich mich auch

For years, I have used syntax highlighting for code examples in my presentation material.

Not once did I get the feedback that the syntax-highlighted code was hard to read. But now I read once or twice that using syntax highlighting for code examples in presentations is considered a bad practice.

Question to the #accessibility experts of the #Fediverse: Should I avoid syntax highlighting for code examples in my presentations? If not, do you have recommendations for color palettes?


Content warning: Polls on bridging to Nostr (1/N)

How many people are you following?

:BoostOK: Please boost!

#lauteshirn #poll #fediverse #followers @fedipoll @umfrage #mastodon #umfrage

  • 0-249 (40%, 113 votes)
  • 250-499 (25%, 73 votes)
  • 500-999 (13%, 38 votes)
  • 1000+ (20%, 58 votes)
282 voters. Poll end: 2 weeks ago

Krásné nedělní #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse :ablobwave:
Tak angína za mnou, zítra opět do rachoty a postupně se zase vrátit ke sportu, snad to bude na delší dobu konečně.

Fediverse | Probleme bei der Federation

Es gibt im Fediverse einige Newsbots deren 'Anrisse' bei mir scheinbar ohne Link zum Orginalbeitrag sind. Nehmen wir zum Beispiel diesen Beitrag. Bei mir (Friendica) sieht er so aus:

Sprich es gibt nur einen kurzen Textanriss und ansonsten gar nichts. Gehe ich dann auf den Orginalbeitrag (ebenfalls Friendica), so sieht es so aus:

Nun stellt sich die Frage wo unterwegs das Bild als auch der Link auf der Strecke geblieben sind. Liegt es daran das ich die Vorschau für Links deaktiviert habe? Wenn ja, dann müsste ja doch trotzdem irgendwo der entsprechende Link im Beitrag sein, oder sehe ich das falsch?

Achso, der Vollständigkeit halber findet man hier auch noch die verlinkte Seite bei DW.

#Frage #Fediverse #Friendica #News #LInks #Sascha #2024-03-24 @Friendica Support

Takže #NSFW kanál @Nepříliš oblečená děvčata by teď měl být otevřený i jako forum, takže kromě toho, že tam najdete automatizovaný fotky z kanálů po #Fediverse, tak tam můžete vkládat i svoje

Funguje to tak, že budete sledovat @Nepříliš oblečená děvčata a potom ho stačí jen tagnout do příspěvku, on vám to přesdílí.

Aspoň teoreticky :)

Content warning: Meta meta take

I kinda feel like this whole Threads federating discourse is like a referendum in the #Fediverse.

It's not really, because though who want to federate with Threads will, and those who won't won't - or chose an instance appropriate to their desires. It's the quintessential win-win of the Fediverse.

But some of the arguments thrown around have a vibe of electioneering about them. So in that spirit:

  • Vote federate with Threads! (38%, 49 votes)
  • Vote never-federate with Threads! (61%, 77 votes)
126 voters. Poll end: 2 weeks ago

It looks like you can now view anyone’s Threads profile from Mastodon and Pixelfed instances that federate with them.

If you’re a Mastodon user wanting to block Threads, or a Mastodon server admin looking not only to block Threads from federating to your server but also block all inbound and outbound traffic (data scrapers, loads of traffic overwhelming small servers) from all their IP addresses, I wrote a guide that can help:

#Threads #Fediverse #Mastodon #PixelFed

Hoera 🎉! Sinds vorige week zijn onze collega’s van Logius actief op Mastodon in de #fediverse.

Volg @Logius voor nieuws over DigiD, MijnOverheid, Digitoegankelijk, Digikoppeling, API-standaarden en nog veel meer!

#digitaleoverheid @minbzk @avhuffelen

Weil ich das Projekt FediBuzz von @astro vorhin in meinem Talk erwähnt habe:

Bei den letzten #Datenspuren hat er auch einen Talk dazu gehalten:

#FediBuzz: Globale Hashtags fürs #Fediverse


Assalamu alaikum, #Muslim #Fediverse. Friendly reminder that we have a muslim friendly space at for people looking for Muslims and Muslim-adjacent peoples. We'd love to have you join and support us.

Server funds:

Do you turn off your PC after you are done using it for the day?

Please BOOST for maximum exposure to the #Fediverse

Comment below with your thoughts on powering off or not powering off your PC after each use.

#Poll #Polls #POTD #Question #Questions #QOTD #PC #Power #Tech #AllThingsTech

  • Yes, I turn my PC off when I'm done! (46%, 120 votes)
  • No, I don't turn off my PC when I'm done! (53%, 140 votes)
260 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago


ATELIER #MATRIX - #MOBILIZON par @lafediversenantaise
au #BouillonduCoin, café associatif du quartier #Dervallières-Zola

Venez découvrir ou partager vos connaissances,
y rencontrer les groupes locaux qui se développent sur ces réseaux,

Entrée libre et gratuite..

N'hésitez pas à passer :

Et merci d'avance à celleux qui pourront relayer l'info ! 🙂

#Contributopia @Framasoft

@wahlhesse Oftmals sind es nicht mal echte Hausmeister, sondern einfach nur Evangelisten, die durch das #Fediverse pilgern und jeden anpflaumen, der sich erfrecht hat, seine selbstbestimmten Regeln zu missachten.
Etwas vom Dümmsten, was ich schon gelesen habe: Leider kann ich deinen Post nicht weiter teilen, da kein Alt-Text enthalten ist. Als ob ich an einer Weiterverbreitung interessiert wäre. Tsss. 🙄
@Sascha 😎 🏴

Keep the momentum going for free open source projects in this week's Follow Friday by giving your support with contributions, boosts and follows.

- LÖVR @lovr
A framework for rapidly building immersive 3D experiences.
- NV Access @NVAccess
A screen reader.
- BiznisBox @biznisbox
A web app for managing invoices, clients, & payments.
- BookStack @bookstack
Documentation system.

#FollowFriday #fediverse #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #ff #oss #foss #floss

Good morning #fediverse ☕️🙋🏼‍♀️
Today is the first

You voted
The topic today #MUSIC 🎵

Have you ever heard a #song and you were immediately captivated by it even though you don't understand the #language ?
Did you also try to find a #translation ?
Post this song 🩵
Comment if you like

#Boost for more reach if you like ☺️

I hope for a lot of music from many #countries

And if someone can help with translations that would be perfect 😃

#mastodon #love #fun

The #ContentNation situation is a dumpster fire for the #Fediverse. What would you do if you were building something, people misunderstood what it was, and things escalated to a point that someone loaded CSAM onto your server for the sake of reporting it?

I made a thing to help me find RSS feeds, and I really liked it. So I made it prettier so you can use it too, if RSS feeds are your thing.

As it turns out, in my corner of the fediverse there’s a ton of them…

#rss #fediverse

Hey #Fediverse, and #MastoMods!

For my MA thesis, I am looking to research #moderation on Mastodon, and specifically moderators' experiences with it, how it is enacted on their instance, as well as what it entails.

Are you a moderator of an open registration, general interest instance? If you would be willing to participate in a one-off, 45-60 minute-long (online) interview, please reply to this toot or reach me at Thank you in advance!

Boosts are appreciated:)

Krásné páteční #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse
Dnes to bude pohoda den. Dopoledne musím k našim, tak to bude určitě něco dobrého ke kávě a v pět jdu se synem do kina na druhý díl Duny 👍.

Good morning #Fediverse!

Hope the day is well for everyone. Let’s start it off with our #KoffeeWithKyle chat and see what’s on the agenda.

For me, it’s just the usual day job stuff. I also am having to up the resources for the #AllThingsTech blog as it is currently down because we underestimated the interest we’d get.

Later today will be relaxing and working on week 3 of school.

#GoodMorning #HappyWednesday #AIArt

Just realized one of my favorite place is the perfect Fediverse IRL café

• Lofi hip hop music
• Multicultural
• Random mismatched furniture
• A copy of “Das Kapital” on display
• Library with free to take books
• Gender neutral bathroom
• "Barista antifascista" stickers

#Fediverse #Mastodon #Berlin

Good morning and happy Sunday #Fediverse

How is everyone doing today and what do we all have planned for today?

It's very possible the wife and I might head to the mall today, but not sure. We definitely need to catch up on some TV shows that we are behind on, so maybe that too will happen today as we keep putting it off.

Other than, just a relaxing day hopefully.

#MorningMoments #GoodMorning #HappySunday