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Items tagged with: financialassistance

@MutualAidNet While I have been at my new job fore just over 6 months, and most often I now make just enough to cover myself, this last paycheck was bearly over %$100. THank you arctic weather keeping people safe at home. The downside to this is that I only had a couple of clients this pay period, and not near enough to cover bills, groceries, etc.
Due to this, I am in need of at least 200-250 dollars to cover bills for the next week or so until my benefits hit.
1)$270 for gas bill, of which 132.19 is past due and needs to be paid by the 28th or I get disconnected. The 132.19 is included in the amount listed; the rest would be for the current bill. 2) the rest is for other miscellaneous expenses that may come in after the gas bill comes due. Some this includes shared ride services that I, as a totally blind individual, have had to take to get to and from work because unreliable cabs.

cashapp: $rowansong
venmo: @rowansong
Zelle available upon DM request.

Thanks a bunch, y'all.
#mutualAid, #DisabledCroudSorcing #blindLMT #LGBTQ #fedimutualaid #crowdfunding #donations #financialassistance #aid #welfare