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Items tagged with: izotope

It's really sad to see that a reliable company is just riding their fame. #Izotope just released RX 11, with hardly any changes to existing, and quite frankly outdated features. All that while smaller companies, such as Acon Digital, Accentize, Hush Pro, Supertone, Zynaptiq, etc, are innovating. their best features? A codec and loudness preview for streamed #audio, and a loudness maximizer. Both should be a part of Ozone, rather than an audio repair suite.

The so called state of the art, and newest neural models, that Izotope claims on their RX page are for example nowhere near close to SpectralLayers's.

Credit where credit's due, their dialog reverb is a huge improvement over their existing dereverb module. But if this is all they could do in two years, they will be out of business as soon as people notice that there are tools that cost 5 times less and do miles better and they trust a new brand.

My advice, for what it's worth, there are better tools out there that do significantly better. RX still remains a blast of the past.