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Items tagged with: quotes

"The human being cannot live in a condition of emptiness for very
long: if he is not growing toward something, he does not merely
stagnate; the pent-up potentialities turn into morbidity and despair,
and eventually into destructive activities."

-- Rollo May

#quotes #MentalHealth #productivity #RolloMay

"The pen might not be mightier than the sword, but maybe the printing press was heavier than the siege weapon. Just a few words can change everything ..."

– Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment (Discworld #31)

#Quotes #TerryPratchett #Discworld

Italo Calvino was born today (10/15) in 1923. A good day to read some of his stuff then later name drop in your own writing! "The heavily illustrated Magical Rites from the Crystal Well was my favorite even if the numerous guided meditations did make it seem as if Italo Calvino was your Dungeon Master." #quotes #writing