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Today is probably the right day to rewatch the best video essay ever made (IMO). Nothing stuck with me that much: Carlos Maza's "How to be Hopeless"…

No matter what story we try to tell ourselves, in the end, America prioritized preserving our shameful history and culture of bigotry and misogyny over all else. #USPolitics

I'll summarize the story for you so you don't have to waste any precious moments of your life reading it: Privileged American couple move to France and find out that France has its own culture **AND LANGUAGE** that they refuse and/or are incapable of learning so they hate it.

This was on the landing page of CNN, just under the election dross. This story of intolerance and incompetence was deemed important enough to be on the landing page. Marked as "featured".…

in reply to 🇨🇦🇩🇪🇨🇳张殿李🇨🇳🇩🇪🇨🇦

Oh my, this reads so incredibly absurd: in France they have bureaucracy, we do too but it's different because we know it, also no frozen yoghurt.

What the hell.

Imagine, when you move into a different country they speak a different language and do things in different ways.

I'm sure moving is not for everyone and people will miss things, but it sounds like they just wanted to have the same experience, at which point why bother moving.

Woke up this morning to the news in the US. I have no words. How can a country willingly vote in such an awful person again.

Yesterday's news leads me to forecast the next big thing in SF/F genre fiction: the Cosy Dystopia—a future or fantasy setting in which the backdrop is ghastly but the sympathetic protagonists are running a tea shop in the borderlands.

Think Warhammer 40,000 space marines, with added knitting. (Narrative focus STRONGLY on the knitting.)

This entry was edited (55 minutes ago)

Cinco apuntes sueltos:

1- Trump esta vez ganó el voto popular. Cortó fuertemente ventaja en lugares fuertemente demócratas. Eso se explica en parte por la insatisfacción con Biden pero también porque la persona estadounidense promedio (igual que la persona promedio en todo el mundo) se parece más a Trump que a Harris.

This entry was edited (48 minutes ago)
in reply to Jose Luis Peñarredonda

Esto que significa?

la persona estadounidense promedio (igual que la persona promedio en todo el mundo) se parece más a Trump que a Harris.

La reelección de Trump es una mala noticia para los pueblos del mundo.

Representa el autoritarismo, el pisoteo institucional, el matonismo tabernario internacional y el desprecio a la clase trabajadora.

Y por otro lado, es garantía de privilegios a los ultrarricos y a los genocidas.

in reply to Izquierda Unida 🔻🇵🇸

En Europa, el trumpismo traerá aranceles y tensiones.

El debate que tenemos delante es si Europa asumirá el rol de sumisión para continuar con la agresión genocida e imperialista en Ucrania, Oriente Próximo y Asia, o si replanteará sus relaciones con EEUU para no pagar los platos rotos de su política exterior.

in reply to Izquierda Unida 🔻🇵🇸

Por la parte que nos toca, es urgente deshacernos de la influencia estadounidense para que sus guerras no nos arrastren a la miseria y la barbarie.

Tenemos que explorar el nuevo horizonte de relaciones multilaterales que se abre en torno al BRICS para fortalecer unas relaciones internacionales de cooperación de y paz.

USPol/USGov question

Sensitive content

No matter what happens tonight,
or this year,
or in the next four years…

the mountains stand
the moon and sun smile
the wind dances
the stars sing
the seasons change
the ocean murmurs
and our world turns on its axis
without the aid or consideration of men.

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow there are only three things you need to do. They have not changed and will never change.

1. Enjoy life.

2. Be someone you would love.

3. Make things better.

Every act, every word, every breath that is not one or more of these things is wasted. And there is not a single day in which you are not capable of all three.

btw, did YOU know that cookie names are case sensitive?…

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

nope or I just forgot as I did not touch such things for over a decade. But IIRC I always did everything all lower case.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I actually assume that everything is case sensitive … with the exception of mail addresses and domain names.

Filenames are often also not, but its safer to assume they are.

(I once formated a mac in HFS+ extended journaled case sensitve ... for FUN. Yeah, … "fun" I had)

and here's how we worked on the recent #curl CVE from it first being reported until published earlier today: