I submitted the manuscript for my next book!
It's a collection of folktales about misunderstood / underappreciated animals. Bats, sharks, wolves, rats, spiders, etc. I managed to find cool stories for each, and in every one of them the animal is portrayed in a positive light.
It was one heck of a research project, and I really enjoyed it 😄
i'm going to make a radical claim:
the "phone" has basically ceased to exist.
these devices we call phones? they're pocket computers that just happen to have cellular connectivity. they should be treated as such - which means open specs, unlockable booting, replaceable operating systems.
if you need to blob the cellular bit for regulatory approval, fine, do that, but agree a standard interface to it (like AT commands for old modems, or the interface to the Pi's GPU capabilities) that all OSes can use on all cellular devices. but there's no excuse for locking down any of the rest of the device, is there?
This one’s quite important, thespinoff.co.nz/atea/25-10-20….
While Māordom has been in an uproar about the Treaty Principles Bill, which New Zealand First MP Shane Jones says is “dead in the water”, the coalition government has quietly set the wheels in motion for at least 28 pieces of legislation to have their Treaty clauses reviewed and potentially removed.
Key terminology here is “investors.” This seems like just the right sort of trickery perfected by conservatives in America.
thx @ClareBear
The under-the-radar Treaty clause review that could have far-reaching consequences
Shane Jones has the Treaty clause in the Conservation Act in his crosshairs – and it's just one of an estimated 28 laws set for review.Liam Rātana (The Spinoff)
The Conversation Africa has published a number of articles explaining the continent’s sanitation problems – and potential solutions.
#medieval #MedievalArt
This is gonna sound a little wonky. But have you ever been scrolling late at night and you come across those videos of that guy cleaning those filthy rugs?
That's what meditation feels like it's doing to my brain.
#meditation #buddhism #buddhist #buddha #meditate #meditationpractice #JapaneseBuddhism #MentalHealth #mensmentalhealth
in reply to alemanita • • •