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Items tagged with: bookstodon

I’ve written some thoughts on Blind Spot: Exploring and Educating on Blindness by Maud Rowell, a short book that packs a punch! These essays are so insightful, writing about issues I’ve been thinking about recently in a far more eloquent way than I could ever manage #blind #Braille #Disability #accessibility #art #museums #bookstodon#BookReview #Storygraph @bookstodon @disability…

Just for my own information as an avid #reader, which #audiobook service do #authors prefer? And why? #Audiobooks #bookstodon #writers #WritersCommunity #author

  • (33%, 1 vote)
  • Audible (66%, 2 votes)
3 voters. Poll end: 2 weeks ago

#TIL that in 1929, JM Barrie, the author of Peter Pan, gifted his work's copyright to the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children.

"Through this gift, Peter Pan’s magic made an unprecedented leap from the realm of fiction into reality and the hospital began to receive royalties every time a production of the play was on, as well as from the sale of Peter Pan books and other products."…

#history #literature #books #bookstodon #PeterPan #philanthropy

#reading tip for #tolkien fans: The enhanced 75th anniversary edition of The Hobbit (with audio & video), The complete #LordoftheRings AND The Silmarillion are all on sale at the US #Kindle store for only $1.99 (affiliate link):

Plus: if you buy the Hobbit, you can get the audiobook by Andy Serkis for only $4.58. I loved his narration, it's amazing.


I’ve read all 3 books that are out in the Saint of Steel books by t. Kingfisher, and now I desperately want more! What #books do y’all recommend that are similar? Must be availed as an #audiobook #Bookstodon

Let's do another book poll! For those who read fiction, which out of these 4 genres tends to be your favorite? As always, please boost for more fun! #Bookstodon #Poll #Polls

  • Romance (3%, 1 vote)
  • Mystery (25%, 7 votes)
  • fantasy (64%, 18 votes)
  • historical fiction which can include any of the ab (7%, 2 votes)
28 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

Please boost. Let's do a basic book poll, shall we? I want to see what's more popular here. What do you read more of? #Poll #Polls #Bookstodon

  • fiction (84%, 129 votes)
  • nonfiction (15%, 23 votes)
152 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

1/? 🧵 My #Solarpunk Link Collection

I’ll use this post to collect Links to resources (and people) within the solarpunk movement.

Youtube Channels:…
Authors here on Mastodon:…
Free online stories I liked:…

#climatecrisis #art #activism #books #bookstodon

La Biblioteca Nacional de España digitaliza 1.033 obras de 137 autores que pasan a dominio público este año

Leer más en Publishnews

#libros #books #Booktodon #Bookstodon #literaverso #literatura…

I've read 51 books so far in 2023. That's fewer than last year, but still about a book a week:

Some of my favorite reading memories this year include book festivals in Kolkata and Berkeley, exploring new-to-me indie bookstores (Champaca, Borderlands, and Perelandra), writing gushing reader fan mail, and so many long walks powered by audiobooks.

Of of the books I read this year, here are the ones that will stick with me…


#Books #Bookstodon #NowReading #BestOf2023

TIL Anne of Green Gables is out of copyright and you can get a free (legal) copy from Project Gutenberg.


Looking to solve a mystery. One of my recent used bookstore finds is a signed 1st Edition of #MaySarton’s A Work of Light. The book includes the note pictured below. I realize it’s a (very) long shot, but might someone identify the author or the recipient of the note?

Please boost for broader circulation.

#bookstodon @bookstodon

Find your next favourite author in historical mystery and romance with this selection of free books to download. #vigilante #murder #steampunk #goodbooks #bookstodon #ilovebooks #readers #sleuth #amreading #classic #mystery #guns #detective #suspense #reading #amateur #adventure #historical #whodunnit #action #novels #romance #private (4062)…

Mastodon has been an amazing source for #book recommendations. A few #books I've read since joining Mastodon that were excellent:

The High House by Jessie Greengrass…

The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber, David Wengrow…

Survival of the Richest by Douglas Rushkoff…

Factory Girls by Michelle Gallen…


Do you know there's a #fediverse alternative to Amazon-owned #Goodreads? #BookWyrm is a social network for tracking your reading, writing reviews, and discovering what to read next. You can follow and interact with users on different #BookWyrm instances and on #Mastodon. You can import from a Goodreads CSV export. You can create private shelves and curated lists. Join us at or choose one of the other instances available #books #reading #bookstodon @bookstodon

Tak jo. Jdu zkusit sílu Mastodonu. Dočetl jsem knížku "Zrádná paměť" od Lisy Gray
Recenze na mým Insta:…

A teď síla Mastodonu: Chceš si tuhle knížku přečíst? Odpověz na tento příspěvek, proč bych měl knihu poslat právě tobě. Já platím poštovné i balné.

Vítěze vyberu příští sobotu 11.2. ve 14:00

#lisagray #knihazaknihou #docteno #soutez #knihazdarma #knihazaodpoved #thriller #bookstodon

Over on #booktube I posted a quick update sharing a bit about the new weekly series I’ll be doing:…

SO excited to be creating content again after my long hiatus!! Just *one more place* for me to blather on and on about my favorite hobbies! 😂

Thanks, @AeroEagle!!

#bookstodon #books #friday

If you're looking for samples of #audiobooks narrated by AI, search for the term "Narrated by Apple Books" in the Apple Books app. It will pull up a list of books converted to Audio by #Apple.

Here are a few samples:……

#bookstodon #accessibility #audio

I have mixed feelings about this.

Apple quietly launches a catalog of #books narrated by #AI on its Books app, in a move that publishers, authors, and agents warn may upend the #audiobook market.…


Here's a good piece that lays out some advantages to #AI narrated #audiobooks. The trouble is that there is no analysis of what happens when an author or publisher decides to forego hiring a human and go directly to this method.

Why AI audiobook narrators could win over some authors and readers, despite the vocal bumps…

#books #bookstodon

I really enjoy listening to audiobooks and appreciate the emotion and nuance that skilled narrators bring to the story. So I have my (considerable) doubts that AI-voiced audiobooks will be just as good. Hope this doesn’t become the norm. #Bookstodon #BookToot #AudioBooks #AI…

I just read, in an anthology of Russian 19th-century Gothic Tales (…) a story by Vladimir Odoyevsky, called The City Without a Name.

I can't find an english translation of the story online, but if you find it somewhere, read it! Written in 1839, it's a very accurate description of our own times almost 200 years later when profit motive drives everything and every humane pursuit is driven into nonexistence in the name of endless gain.


I was gifted a copy of this book by Tor Teen Publishing. I have not read it yet. But I’m excited to read it. It follows a pair of Black, magical twins who have to solve the thirty year old murder of their mother in order to save the New Orleans magical community from utter destruction. #bookstodon #blackbookstodon #writingcommunity #amwriting #bipocauthors #writewithmichael #dybpublishing

I'm still being haunted by this Barnes & Noble article and everyone praising the new policy changes so I just wanted to share another piece about it

This one is about the authors. because no one loves books and readers more than authors. especially not the CEO of Barnes & Noble.…

#bookstodon #books #reading

If you are interested in diverse reading, I have a monthly subscription box that ships out a Black or Brown indie book each month, along with exclusive content from myself and the author! #bookstodon #blackbookstodon #indieauthors #diversereading #amwriting #writingcommunity
Sign up:…

Angel of Greenwood is a retelling of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre. It follows two young Black teenagers: Isaiah and Angel, as they enjoy their last few weeks on Black Wallstreet. It was written for a younger audience and manages to capture the horror of one of the most horrific attacks on Black America without the graphic details many comparable books offer. 5/5 ⭐️. #bookstodon #blackbookstodon #bipocauthors #writewithmichael#writingcommunity Grab a copy:…

I put together a little book trailer for GODS OF LONDINIUM. It's always a blast getting to cut together something that represents the book. #bookstodon #newbook #comingsoon

Un pequeño vistazo a los tesoros de la Biblioteca Pública de Jalisco. Muchas gracias a Rafael Villegas y a todo el personal de fondos y acervos. 💜
#libros #bibliotecas #bookstodon #bookporn #bookworm #memoria #memoriahistórica

Our #introduction to #bookstodon!

Hello, we are Canongate Books, an independent #publisher of an eclectic mix of #authors for an eclectic and discerning audience of readers. You might know us from the spines of:

Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Lanark by Alasdair Gray
The Book of Form and Emptiness by Ruth Ozeki
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat by Samin Nosrat
The Outrun by Amy Liptrot
& many, many more.

We're based in Edinburgh and London, and next year we'll be 50. Hello!

Time for an #introduction now that my account is finally on my own instance where I intend it to stay.

I'm a techie and a writer. I first started programming on a Vic20 when I was about 5 years old. I started writing some years later but put it aside for many years.

The last few years I picked it up again, and have published two #scifi novels so far, which you can read more about at

#scifi #reading #amwriting #bookstodon #twittermigration

Just come across these guys as a sustainable and ethically run alternative to Bezos for #audiobooks
#bookstodon #books #sustainability #ethicalconsumption #climate #thereisnoplanetb #wordnerd

We are a new instance of #bookwyrm - a social network for tracking your reading, talking about books, writing reviews, and discovering what to read next. A #fediverse alternative to goodreads. We have a particular interest in sharing books related to our love of walking or other outdoor activities but anyone is welcome. @bookstodon #bookstodon