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Some AMAZING results coming in from India's elections!!
- #1, the disgusting misogynist man part of the hindu majoritarian party who was representing my parent's new constituency has MAJORLY lost.
- #2, in Ayodhya – where hindu terrorists installed a new temple upon a mosque they demolished in the 90s ushering in the era of hindu supremacy – a Dalit candidate won against two brahmins.
- #3, a former model who claimed women must not wear scandalous clothes etc and was responsible for all of the horrendous incompetent handling of sexual abuse cases has lost her seat.
- #4, A nebo baby of a giant politician in Karnataka who had aligned himself with the hindu supremacy parties was found to have taken thousands of videos of his assault of women and posted them. He lost his seat while he is in jail
#3 #1 #2 #4
in reply to divya

Let's not forget, this is happening DESPITE all of mainstream media in almost every language literally being official spokespeople of hindu majority government. All of them predicted a landslide victory for the hindu majority through "exit polls". The Election Commission has only 1 member instead of 3 that its supposed to, overseeing the election of 1.4 billion people.
in reply to divya

Even better news, the current Prime Minister barely survived in an his own election with lots of rigging allegations.…

in reply to divya

Another meme

"As the exit poll predicted, the BJP got a double digit in Tamil Nadu. 00."