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the CEO of Flickr, who is now active here at @d0n, is wondering if #Flickr should implement #ActivityPub and become part of the #fediverse! #FediNews
in reply to Liaizon Wakest

Flickr CEO Don MacAskill (@d0n) is currently running a poll to decide whether to add #ActivityPub to :flickr: Flickr to join the #fediverse (Mastodon, Pixelfed, Peertube, etc.)
Make your voice heard:
Poll on Twitter too:

Remember this has good and bad repercussions whether you use Flickr or not, it would be the first time an old giant joins us but also would bring many many new issues we would have to face together. Please boost for reach!
in reply to Christine Lemmer-Webber

@mike Wow. I was just telling my team this morning that I'd read the #ActivityPub spec last week and said "It's possibly the best written, easiest-to-follow, technical spec I've ever read.". Thank you for writing something so easy to follow and well thought out.