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Tonight's "exciting" #gtk discovery: Apparently ListBase and ListItemFactory have their functions excluded from the public API, making it way friggin' harder to write list-backed widgets than it should be.

Why? Who can say! I seem to be unable to make an account in the gnome discourse so it will remain a mystery for the ages...

in reply to Hugues Ross

because nobody ever asked for them to be public, and because a lot of the behaviour of those classes is bound to the list view widgets; making them public would require going over the internals to ensure they can be shared.

In general, we're much more conservative with public API than we used to be 15-20 years ago.

The question is: why do you need ListBase and ListItemFactory?

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

as for Discourse: I haven't seen any particular issue in the logs; there's just some throttling when we're getting hammered by spam bots.

If you want to, you can use Matrix and/or IRC:

- #gtk on

in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

nah, I have asked - there are quite a few things in libadwaita that we cannot support at all without being able to wrap one factory into another one (which is also impossible for this reason)
in reply to Alice :neocat_flag_transbian:

@alice ah, yes, found the issue:

Yeah, it's going to be hard to unravel.