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Items tagged with: gtk

GNOME Calendar users, rejoice!

After 7 months of pain and suffering, we finally reworked the event details popover, which will be available in GNOME 47!

The new event details popover builds on top of the existing UI/code, while adding a few improvements and behavioral changes:

  • The popover displays the changes-prevent (lock) icon when the event is read-only.
  • Each section is properly separated with separators, with equal amount of margins.
  • Location and Meetings section are mutually exclusive; only one is shown.
  • When an event has no event note, the popover will always explicitly display that there's no event description.
  • The action button adapts its icon and tooltip text depending on the event permission.…

#GNOME #GNOMECalendar #GTK #libadwaita #GTK4

Matthias Clasen talks about the GTK development and roadmap

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024 #gtk

PyGObject, the #Python bindings for #GTK, have recently merged support for asynchronous programming, closing an orthogonality gap between Python's async support and GTK having been single-threaded / event based since forever:…
This ends a decade of using projects such as gbulb that kindly bridged that gap.

I can't wait. Disks is the only app other than Geary that I use regularly and still is #GTK 3

@vixalientoots did it again 🎩

After adding TypeScript support; Angelo made Workbench able to use TypeScript for JavaScript diagnostics and completions :javascript:

#GNOME #GTK #JavaScript #TypeScript #GSoC

Thanks to @slomo the #gstreamer gtk4-paintable-sink just got support for video rotations. This is nice for video apps, making playback of video recorded on phones (portrait mode) more easy or faster (avoiding a copy compared to using a dedicated gst videoflip element).

The change is even better for Snapshot, the #gnome camera app: it uses the sink for its viewfinder and avoiding additional copies here has quite an impact on #mobilelinux devices.…

#gtk #rustlang

When I look at old (#GTK 3) screenshots I feel like: "what, was that 10 years ago? No, actually just 2"
I feel like we are at a point where there are not many outstanding improvements possible anymore. (Except transparency+blur maybe...)
Even if the trends change very quickly, it wouldn't be hard to adapt (the CSS), the technology is all there.

While @suraj_sloth is working on the #UnifiedPush connector side in #Chatty I got a chance to add the code for registering/unregistering #Matrix push gateways in #libcmatrix and Chatty (with this I can readily round trip messages up to the UP distributor):

#phosh #LinuxMobile #adwaita #gtk

I finally published my app to Flathub!

Echo is a GUI ping utility. Give it a try, but go easy on me as it's my first real project :))…

#GNOME #GTK #linux

Ticked off a few more to-do items for my upcoming icon manager app!

- When importing a folder of icons it now scans sub-directories too. It can handle icons with the same name but in different folders, and it looks for keywords in folders and filenames like "solid" or "duotone" to detect the icon style.
- You can filter by icon style
- Flip a coin. If it's heads, you can delete a set without the app crashing. (I got tails)

#UXDesign #IconBear #GTK #GNOME
Source code:…

Over the last months, we've completely redesigned and rewritten @dino 's accounts and settings dialogs. The dialogs are combined into a single one now, which is adaptive and offers additional features like an option for OMEMO by default. The rewrite also resolves a number of issues and feature requests that were raised with the old implementation. It's still work in progress and will require further polishing.

#dino #xmpp #gtk #libadwaita

TypeScript progress in Workbench 👀

• Inline type checks
• Auto completion

By GSoC student @vixalientoots 👏

#GNOME #GSoC #GTK #TypeScript

Here's my latest update on Newton, the #Wayland-native, #Flatpak-friendly #accessibility project for the modern #FreeDesktop ecosystem, developed as part of @gnome and funded by @sovtechfund. It's not ready for production yet, but this blog post includes a demo video and links to GNOME OS and Flatpak runtime builds you can try. As a bonus, because I'm integrating #AccessKit into #GTK, GTK apps will finally have #a11y on Windows and macOS.…

One more demo of GTK autocomplete in Workbench

I'm very happy so far with the experience, checkout the video.

I love that the same feature can be used to discover widgets, properties and write UI faster.

There are still many improvements to be made, but I think it's close to a first release.

You can try it yourself in Workbench nightly

Feedback very welcome

Credits to @flyingpimonster for making this possible!


Awesome update and progress by GNOME GSoC student @atbrat on porting Workbench demos to Vala…

Vala took the lead over Python 😉

Thanks to @lw64 and @dimmednerd for reviewing

#GNOME #GSoC #Vala #GTK #pygobject

First part of the Nautilus file chooser implementation by @antoniof was merged!!!…

#GNOME #GTK #Nautilus #GNOMEFiles #libadwaita

Made good progress this weekend on #IconBear , my upcoming open-source icon manager for Linux.

* Install pre-packaged icon sets to quickly start building your library.
* Icons are automatically categorised as "Outline", "Filled", "Duotone" or "Color" when you import them.
* Icons are loaded asynchronously, for improved performance.

Once work on importing, deleting and filtering sets is finished, I'll be looking to release the app 🙌

#GTK #GNOME #UIDesign #Design

took Keypunch for a spin. accidentally set a new typing speed record for myself in the process


Checkout @alice update on GTK CSS :gtk: 💅…

So many goodies 🤩

• variables
• color()
• color-mix()
• relative colors
• rgb, hsl, linear srgb, hwb, oklab, oklch, ...
• math functions
• accent colors


The Rust+Gnome hackfest sponsored by gtk-rs ( just ended, it allowed us to make great improvements like:

  • rewrite the clone! macro so it can now be formatted and have rust-analyzer run on it
  • rewrite rustdoc-stripper so it now uses rustc internal API directly and can be called with cargo. Some work remains to be done but it's already useable.
  • finally finished the release blog post (we're months late but better late than never :p)
  • lots of other cleanups and bugfixes

#rust #rustlang #gnome #gstreamer #gtk #hackfest #thessaloniki #greece

New article: "Libadwaita: Splitting GTK and Design Language"…

#GNOME #GTK #Libadwaita #OpenSource #FOSS #Linux #GTK4 #Development

We're a bit late but we finally finished writing the release blog post for the last gtk-rs release!…

#rust #rustlang #gtk

After 2 days of cursing, @alatiera got graphics driver working with Flatpak apps in Asahi :party_sparkles:

#Linux #Asahi #AsahiLinux #Flatpak #GTK #Qt #freedesktop

Auto complete coming to Workbench 🛠️

Besides writing GTK faster than light, I want to use it to help newcomers discover and learn about widgets and properties.

Thanks @andyholmes for the help!


🚀 📱 phosh 0.39.0 is out. Some highlights:

- #phosh: folder support, night light quick setting
- #phoc: wakeup-key handling (to prevent accidental unblank)
- #squeekboard: New layouts, lots of layout improvements
- mobile-settings: Allow to manage custom quick settings, allow to toggle whether to ignore hw keyboards, many new translations

Check out the full release notes at…

#librem5 #pinephone #gtk #wlroots #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile

GSoC didn't even officially started @vixalientoots already made Workbench able to compile and run TypeScript code 🤯 🎩

#GNOME #TypeScript #GTK

Got very excited by @matt demo of AccessKit integration in #GTK

AccessKit is a cross-platform abstraction for accessibility infrastructure written in Rust.

His work will bring a11y support for GTK on macOS and Windows as well as for the new accessibility architecture on Linux code-named "Newton".…

#GNOME #rustlang #accessibility #a11y #Linux #Windows #macOS

Reminder: instead of using StackOverflow for your questions about GTK and the GNOME software stack, use the GNOME Discourse instance:

You can also use it for applications and the overall GNOME desktop.

#gtk #gnome #development

Workbench 46.1 is out!…

Happy International Workers' Day

See what's new and details at

#GNOME #GTK #JavaScript #rustlang #Python #Vala #Linux #development

Christian Hergert just published a massive PDF document named "Builder, A Developers Notebook", where he documents over the technical details of GNOME Builder.



#GNOME #GNOMEBuilder #GTK #IDE #Development #OpenSource #FOSS #Flatpak

Thanks to @slomo the #gstreamer #gtk gtk4paintablesink just got support for DMABuf (and thus Wayland/KMS) passthrough \o/…

This will allow to make video playback in various apps much faster. And, if everything works out, allow the same for Camera viewfinders in apps like #gnome camera / snapshot 🤞