in reply to Jonathan Kamens

I need to apologize for taking seriously and encouraging people to sign up.
Discord is not praxis, and I can't take anybody seriously who doesn't understand that.
Discord's security is a joke, and they're only "free" in the sense of "if you're not the customer then you're the product," same as Meta.
These folks could have gone with a _truly_ free and secure platform such as Matrix. Opting for Discord and describing it as free and secure means they're clueless.
This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to Jonathan Kamens

Look, if you put your resistance org on Discord, you're saying, "We don't mind if the government can access the entire chat history of everyone in our org and eavesdrop on us in real-time," because Discord is an American tech company, and there isn't a single American tech company that has shown any willingness to resist the Trump administration in any substantive way.
Any resistance org using Discord is either dangerously incompetent or a false flag.
This entry was edited (1 day ago)