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Items tagged with: politics

Content warning: USpol, AIPAC, what is/isn't conspiracy imo

X is a dumpster fire and Threads didn't work because capitalism. So hoping this platform fills the Twitter void. I'm a public historian that loves to talk about history, current events, and media. #history #historian #politics #twitter

🤡 The wrong way to use aria-roledescription to call out someone as a fascist:

#a11y #webDev #politics #ARIA

aria-roledescription is not a label

It is an alternative expression of the Aural UI of the role of an element.

inappropriately using aria-roledescription may inhibit users’ ability to understand or interact with an element.
ARIA 1.1

The wrong way to use aria-roledescription and call out someone as a fascist:


<img aria-roledescription="fascist" src="dt.PNG"
alt="Donald Trump">

This is wrong because you are not identifying the subject of the image as a fascist, you are overwriting the <img> element role so it effectively becomes a <fascist> element. Also, there is no explicit text identification of the subject as a fascist.

A much better way to achieve the aim of identifying a fascist (and not misusing aria-roledescription):
Example of a fascist
<figcaption>Example of a fascist</figcaption>
<img src="dt.PNG" alt="Donald Trump">

#Nevada Republicans’ Caucus Adds Chaos and Confusion to the State’s Presidential Primary

While legal, the party’s decision to host a competing contest to the Feb. 6 primary election has angered #GOP voters and provided fertile ground for #misinformation to take hold, experts say, undermining voters’ trust in the process.

#Republicans #Elections #News #Politics #Voting #Voters

This paper, "Why democracy survives populism", is encouraging in an era in which concern about the resilience of democracies around the world remains, and for apparently good reasons.
The author was recently interviewed on the Democracy Paradox podcast.
#democracy #uahtoritarianism #politics #PoliticalScience

Přátelé, tohle je totální průser. První ANO, druhé SPD. Dvě ortodoxní pro ruský putinovský strany.
Máme tu moc kolaborantů co chtějí okupaci Česka, udávat, lhát, vraždit. 😡

CNA discusses why Indonesian politicians switch parties easily and frequently.

Short answer: most political parties have no strong ideological differences. There’s no such thing as left vs right, progressive vs conservative.

Almost all are nationalist conservative and try to carry the religious votes, so in most cases it doesn’t matter which party politicians are affiliated with. What matters is to which party leader do their loyalties lie. It’s hero worship and group identity, not political ideologies, that define the majority of Indonesian political parties.

#Indonesia #Politics

📢 The EU Parliament will not be moving forward with chat control! The indiscriminate mass surveillance measures have been removed and secure end-to-end encryption will not be compromised! 🥳

💪Let's keep pushing for strong privacy rights!👇
#chatcontrol #eu #privacy #datenschutz #encryption #politics #goodnews

Trump Says His Hand-Picked Chief of Staff Was ‘Born With a Very Small Brain’
The former president is appealing to voters by explaining how he appointed a bunch of incompetent losers the last time he was in the White House
#News #GOP #Politics #USA #Trump #MAGA #Republicans

.@w3c WCAG should not be developed/designed for the benefit of #accessibility testing vendors. It is there to improve the user experience of disabled people.

#web #a11y #politics #WCAG

We can have one of two things — but not both.

We can either have a society that tolerates millionaires and billionaires polluting the planet and destroying the biosphere. Or we can have a planet with a healthy biosphere but with fewer millionaires and no billionaires at all.

This is from a recently published peer-reviewed scientific paper titled “Millionaire Spending Incompatible with 1.5 C Ambitions”...

Much evidence suggests that the wealthiest individuals contribute disproportionately to climate change. Here we study the implications of a continued growth in the number of millionaires for emissions, and its impact on the depletion of the remaining carbon budget to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

Our findings suggest that the share of millionaires in the world population will grow from 0.7% today to 3.3% in 2050, and cause accumulated emissions equivalent to 72% of the remaining carbon budget. This significantly reduces the chance of stabilizing climate change at 1.5°C.

The concentration of wealth at the top means that a significant share of the remaining carbon budget to 1.5°C is depleted by a very small share of humanity. This comparably small group is also likely to invest its wealth in ways that further increase emissions.

Continued growth in emissions at the top makes a low-carbon transition less likely, as the acceleration of energy consumption by the wealthiest is likely beyond the system's capacity to decarbonize. To this end, we question whether policy designs such as progressive taxes targeting the high emitters will be sufficient.

Like I said, we can have one thing or the other — but not both.


#Politics #Capitalism #Inequality #CO2 #Emissions #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice

Výročí napadení Ukrajiny
Přemýšlím, jakými slovy bych započal moje zamyšlení nad tím, proč se rok díváme na to, že nám vraždí východní sousedy, ale slova nenacházím.

I dnes, po všech těch dnech od začátku invaze, kdy jsme sledovali webky z Kyjeva, Charkova a dalších Ukrajinských měst mě stále mrazí, že jsme se dožili toho, co jsem ve svým životě už nečekal. Stále je mi z toho stejně zle, stále čekám, že se z toho snu vzbudím. Stále doufám, že tenhle dědeček s babičkou svým vínovým vozem za svými vnoučaty dojeli. Nedojeli...

Poslední rok je podle mě rokem, kdy se začaly ukazovat charaktery jak lidí, tak národů. Opět jsme "šili roušky" tím, že jsme ve velkém sbírali jídlo, ošacení, posílali peníze, ubytovávali. My jsme dokonce bez větších problémů zvládli největší migrační vlnu, jakou Česko pamatuje a to bez ztráty kytičky! Jestli byl někdy důvod bejt na národ hrdej, je to přesně z tohoto důvodu.

Strašili nás vším, čím se dalo. Dojde plyn, přijde státní převrat, přijdou nemoci (protože Ukrajinci nejsou tolik proočkovaní), sankce nás zničí, dojde ropa, půjdeme do zákopů, budou padat atomovky. Nic z toho se nestalo a my s rovnou páteří pomáháme napadenému sousedovi.

A co je nejlepší? Neděláme to jen jako stát, ale i jako lidi - jednotlivci. Poslali jsme zdravotnický materiál, tank jménem Tomáš, PVO Viktor, sanitky, teď se chystá MLRS Přemysl atd. Všechno z peněz občanů a firem na plně dobrovolné bázi. To je přeci kurva velký! Přesto všechno však neoslavujem. Část společnosti proto, že se jí podpora Ukrajiny prostě nelíbí, druhá část je zase zklamaná tím, že nepomáháme dost.

Přihodím názor, který je můj, je osobní, lidský a plně ignoruje geopolitiku. Chci abychom jim poslali vše o co si řeknou. Klidně i lidi (na plně dobrovolné bázi). Už nikdy nechci vidět dítě v sutinách jen proto, že si Vladolf z Kremlu řekl, že je to zrovna dobrej nápad.

Nechci se dívat na to, jak sousedé umírají. Zastavte to prosím. #ZastavteVálku
#politika #ukrajina

Ukraine invasion anniversary
Next words are only a loud thinking of random #Czech citizen.

I have hard times to figure out how to start my consideration about why do we look at our eastern neighbors while they are being slaughtered, but i can't find proper words.

Even today, after all these days since invasion started, when we were watching Kyiv, Kharkiv and other cities webcams i still have goosebumps, that we are actually experiencing something i would have never expected in my life. I'm still totally sick from it. I still hope for waking up from this nightmare. I still hope that this elderly couple will arrive to their grandchildren with their red car. They wont...

Last year shown up a lot about our characters - personal or national. We were "sewing facemasks" again (at beginning of covid pandemy in #Czechia we were sewing facemasks to help people protect themselves - it was quite bonding moment when women at home with kids were sewing masks for hospitals) - collecting food, clothing, money or living places for refugees. We also made it through biggest refugee wave ever in Czech republic without any bigger issue! If there ever was a reason to be proud Czechian, it's this one.

People were spreading fear with anything though. They said we will run out of gas, goverment overthrow, diseases (Ukrainians have different vaccinations), sanctions destroying us, crude oil will run out, we will meet in trenches and nuclear bombs will fall on our head. None of this happened and we still help our neighbor while having our head straight.

But what i do see as best is, that we do not help only as nation - we also do help a lot as individuals. We have sent medical stuff, Thomas the tank, Victor AA vehicles, ambulances and we are about to send MLRS Přemysl. Everything from companies and citizens money - voluntarily. That's fucking big! We still do not celebrate any of this though. Part of us because they do not like us supporting Ukraine. Other part is let down, because it's not enough.

I will put my opinion on the table. It's my, it's personal, it's humane and it's totally ignoring geopilitical situation. I want us to supply everything they want. People involved (only volunteers). I don't want to see dead child in rubble only because of some Vladolf from Kremlin though, that it's a good idea.

I don't want to see my neighbors die anymore. Stop it please. #StopWar
#politics #ukraine

Yes, the mood has shifted against Brexit. But the road back to Brussels is long and hard | #Brexit

"Brexit is no longer an abstract future goal, where coming benefits can be talked up, while potential drawbacks are dismissed as partisan pessimism. Brexit is now a lived reality, whose frictions and costs are a daily experience, and whose promised gains have not arrived."

#UK #Politics

the news media, or as I like to call it the views media, is a bad joke. #

Seeing Andrew Neil lambast Mick Lynch for making the nation suffer while bosses make millions and workers are being sacked. # #

Rishi Sunak saying he’ll rebuild the # he’s been in charge of for years! That he’s all about trust‽ #

I long for sources that aren’t tools for the highest bidder to manipulate public opinion. #

Any recommendations?

Content warning: USpol, privacy

New on mastodon, time for an #!
I'm eqyo from the Netherlands 🇳🇱, I'm in my twenties and studying # & #. I am also: a semi-agnostic churchgoer ⛪, not exactly straight but still figuring things out 🏳️‍🌈, and very much into # 🎻.
(Expect the frequency of emojis and hashtags to drop drastically after this post)
I see myself posting about my life, about # & #, maybe about some #-related stuff...

Just found out that the EU has an official Mastodon server it operates:

# # # # #