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Bits from the DPL
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@valhalla @eliasr

It didn't occur to me, that some of the #Debian #slang might be obscure or even alienating to other people. Maybe we should from that #jargon? Or better point to

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Debacle

@debacle @valhalla I think it's almost always a good idea to define each acronym the first time it is used, in any kind of document.

In this case, is a fairly long text with "DPL" mentioned more than 20 times. Writing it out the first time would not take much space, and would help make the text a little bit more welcoming to newcomers.

in reply to Elias

@eliasr @debacle @valhalla

Hi from the Press Team! You are correct, sometimes we edit things and sometimes we do not, oft is is essential that the speaker speaks as intended and our edits would change the flow of the intention, so we leave them in.

Recently we are addressing this with a few policy changes on editing articles or submissions for publication, we of course invite you to join us: