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All CAPTCHAs are discriminatory in some way or another. I recently came across a really bad one.
In this instance, you have to listen to the entirety of 'Allstar' by Smashmouth, which has words missing. At the end, an edit box appears, where you type each of the missing words in reverse order.
If you get it wrong, the CAPTCHA refreshes, and different words are missing this time.
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in reply to Patrick Perdue

Putting the #WeirdDream hashtag at the end is perfect, because when you're having the dream, you think it's really happening, usually until you wake up. So you're giving the reader that same experience.
in reply to Martin in Toronto

@mcourcel Oh it's not just him. Here's one I had several months ago, that stuck with me: I was trying to buy a ticket for an Amy Grant concert at the last minute, like, the afternoon before the concert, but my computer kept doing weird things. I've forgotten most of them, but somewhere in there, there was a pop-up about installing an update for OpenJDK 8. Not just Java 8, but OpenJDK 8 specifically.
in reply to Martin in Toronto

@mcourcel That dream was actually based a little bit in something really happened. There was an Amy Grant concert here in town that I wanted to go to, but I put off buying my ticket too long, because I was hoping my siblings and maybe parents would want to come too. So I missed the show. I don't remember if I had the dream before or after the concert I missed.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@mcourcel But the OpenJDK 8 bit was completely out of nowhere. The oldest JDK version I use for anything now is 11, and yes, I know I should update that.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt I know, right? I’m reading along thinking, "Wow, that's a crazy captcha!" And then the dream tag pops up. Totally realistic!