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Items tagged with: WeirdDream

Putting the #WeirdDream hashtag at the end is perfect, because when you're having the dream, you think it's really happening, usually until you wake up. So you're giving the reader that same experience.

All CAPTCHAs are discriminatory in some way or another. I recently came across a really bad one.
In this instance, you have to listen to the entirety of 'Allstar' by Smashmouth, which has words missing. At the end, an edit box appears, where you type each of the missing words in reverse order.
If you get it wrong, the CAPTCHA refreshes, and different words are missing this time.

I was using an Apple IIgs with an Echo3 prototype speech synthesizer. It used mostly the same command set as the other Echos, but had the voice of the RC-850 repeater controller, only it flowed naturally. You could set the speech from rate 0 to 15, unlike the older units, which just had two options, compressed and expanded.
It was still just as responsive.


I bought a rat for $20, named Wally, who somehow ended up as a successful stock broker, and appeared on a 90's-era sitcom playing the piano. He could only play one note at a time, but he had his own theme song