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I shouldn't have gone back to the exhibit hall. I caved and bought a BT Speak. I can find no practical reason y I need it. I just wanted to play. #NFB24

David Goldfield reshared this.

in reply to Audrey Farnum

I hear that device has real potential. If you've got it in your hands push it to its limits and see what you can get it to do.
in reply to Audrey Farnum

Can I offer my sympathy? I swear I have no need for the thing, but I also swear I'm tempted. I have no clue why I'm tempted. I'm perfectly happy with what I have, it could do nothing more than what I have, I don't need the thing, I don't really like the synth as much as Eloquence, yet I'm tempted. No idea why.
in reply to Tech Singer

@techsinger Yes! Exactly me. I probably never would have bought the damn thing but seeing it in person put me over the edge. Lol.
in reply to Audrey Farnum

I appreciate the warning. I'll do my best not to see it in person, I have a thing for buying smaller devices, and as I keep telling myself, I do not need this product! Anyhow, since you have it, I hope you have fun with it. There's allot of potential in it.
in reply to Martin in Toronto

@mcourcel @techsinger Yes, it feels solid to me. I got the Turtleback case for it just for extra protection but it's not a flimsy feeling device.