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in reply to Talon

Which recorder did you use to capture this? Very clean. I'm in the market for a new unit myself.
in reply to Joseph King

@jdking92 also interested here. and do you just leave the recorder and record everything then find the important one? nice capture there by the way.
in reply to Aaron John Dizon

@aaronjohn0412 @jdking92 Thanks! It's just an Olympus LS-P4. And no, I heard the bird was outside, so I put the recorder there and went away for a while.
in reply to Talon

@aaronjohn0412 Oh nice. My lsp4 died a while ago. I'm looking at the lsp5 if I can get one.
in reply to Talon

@aaronjohn0412 Oh, the lsp5 doesn't? I thought it did. Lame. Hmm. wonder if I could find an lsp4 on ebay then?
in reply to Talon

@jdking92 wow! is this just the stock mics of the recorder? right now, i'm still using my DM620 but the internal mics are not good, so I always plug in my Roland CS-EM10 headset/microphone
in reply to Talon

@aaronjohn0412 That's not at all bad. Definitely gonna be looking for one of these on ebay then. I usually used external mics when I had my old lsp4 before the USB connector and stuff bit the dust.
in reply to Joseph King

@jdking92 @aaronjohn0412 I definitely want to get some microphones for this. Definitely a shotgun mic and maybe an external pair of good stereo mics, but not sure what to get there.
in reply to Joseph King

@jdking92 yeah, they do. my wife has the #BMc3 model, however one of the mics are no longer working. good thing about that mic is that you just clip both mics on your collar and they record in #Binaural. you need to wear a separate headset though if you want to monitor the #Recording
in reply to Aaron John Dizon

@aaronjohn0412 @jdking92 Ah. I'm not looking for binaural mics necessarily, and not ones to wear. I do already have a couple of those.
in reply to Talon

@jdking92 any suggestion and recommendation of what you are using?
in reply to Talon

@jdking92 about that, just a question, will the #Ambeo for Iphone work if I buy a type C adaptor and plug it to my android device? #JustWondering
in reply to Talon

@jdking92 me too! When I record Using the #Roland #CS10EM, I also need to wear the earbuds because the mics are in there. Don't get me wrong though, they record excelent #binaural #audio. but I also want to listen to the surroundings and not on the live monitor.
in reply to Talon

That sounds like a blackbird. Yes, I have always absolutely loved their song! It's my favourite I think.
in reply to Talon

Oh absolutely agree with you! used to comfort me when I was little.
in reply to Talon

Chirp chirp 🥰 .

Is uploading sound files a special dragonscave feature or can I just not figure out how to do it on my instance?

in reply to GreenSkyOverMe (Monika)

@GreenSkyOverMe You should be able to just attach sound files like any other media I'd think? It's a Mastodon feature.
in reply to Talon

Ah thanks! Then it must be a problem with my iPhone or the sound files on the iPhone are the wrong format. On the PC I can see that I could select *.mp3 files.
in reply to GreenSkyOverMe (Monika)

I can never play the sound files of other people without "go to original" though. (Videos are fine.)