Items tagged with: audio
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
Audio Player (f.k.a. Decibels) is out!
Thanks to everyone who contributed, and it's so nice to see the first TypeScript app in GNOME Core! Nice times ahead!…
#gnome #decibels #typescript #audio
Are there any good #accessible mediaplayers and recording-apps out there which aren't just the built-in memo and musicplayer-apps?
I'm asking because this IPad air has USBC so I can connect external drives to it and I'd like to play and record stuff on it without going through the standard apple-apps if possible.
#accessible #accessibility #apple #blind #ipad #audio #music
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
#accessibility #audio #blind #music
Das erste mal die #PodcastPlugins von und eingesetzt und begeistert!
Was meint Ihr, erübrigt sich damit #master_me?
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
🎉 V1.0🎉
PodcastPlugins is a set of Free and Open-Source speech-enhancement audio plugins for podcasters.
vst + vst3 + clap + LV2 + AU
Linux + macOS + Windows
Enjoy :)
Huge thanks to @falktx ❤
@x42 @magnetophon @jkdb
Supported by @PrototypeFund…
#podcast #podcast_creation #podcastproduction #audioproduction #contentcreation #vst #vst3 #clap #lv2 #plugin #audio #sound #soundengineering #audioengineering #daw #mixing #speech #dsp #faust #prototypefund
GitHub - trummerschlunk/PodcastPlugins: speech enhancement audio plugins for podcasters
speech enhancement audio plugins for podcasters. Contribute to trummerschlunk/PodcastPlugins development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Manchmal ist aber hinten dran das #LSP #Clipper noch nötig. Besonders wenn es um Onlineaufnahmen mit suboptimalem Audiokonferenzequipment geht.
So auch bei der Vorbereitung dieser Tagung zur #Inklusion:…
#Audio #FX #DeBeSSZukunft #DeBeSSTagung
KOM-IN-Netzwerk (
Angehängt: 1 Bild "Auf der Suche nach der zukünftigen Stadt“ – #Wege in die #Zukunft der #Blinden- und #Sehbehindertenseelsorge. Herzliche #Einladung zur 6. #DeBeSS-Fachtagung von Freitag, den 28. Februar, bis Sonntag, den
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
I mentioned a lo-fi plugin I made with cell phone codecs, and I just published an initial release! There are some features that are still in the works, but there are plugin files available for macOS, and the codecs and downsampling work:…
#JUCE #Audio #Plugin #VST #VST3 #AU #CPlusPlus #MusicProduction #LoFi
Releases · reillypascal/RSTelecom
Lo-fi plugin with telecommunications codecs and glitching effects. Allows instruments to sound like a telephone line, cell phone, or video conference call! - reillypascal/RSTelecomGitHub
I'm continuing my databending series with a look at MP3s. We'll talk about how to glitch and corrupt them into oblivion while still leaving them playable!…
#Databending #MP3 #SoundDesign #ElectronicMusic #ExperimentalMusic #NoiseMusic #Glitch #GlitchMusic #Audio
#Audio Bearbeitung des Gespräches mit zu #Inklusion und dem Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverein Hamburg e.V für
mit und den für mich neuen #LSP #PlugIns
Demnächst im #PodCast und in einer #Blindenhörzeitschrift
#Calf #PlugIns no longer work with new versions of out of the box.
What #LV2 #EQ #Compressor #Limiter would you recommend as a replacement?
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
Join the zoom call and initiate screen share from the PC, go to the Advanced Tab, select to share iPhone/iPad screen via Airplay, find Screen Mirroring in Control Center, Select Zoom, and restart Voiceover.
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
New writeup up! #GStreamer + #PipeWire: A Todo List…
#linux #audio #linuxaudio ~ GStreamer + PipeWire: A Todo List
Boutique open source consulting firm, specialising in multimedia and other low-level systems
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
It's that time of the year, I am open for #audio mixing and mastering, as well as #restoration jobs on the Fediverse.
Even better, for the entire month of December, I will do it for completely #free, especially if it's meant to be a gift, or you are looking to preserve dear memories.
If you need professional quality, custom ear-tailored audio work that sounds good and translates nicely, no matter where you listen, get in touch and let's discuss your needs.
Please note: This is on a first come, first serve basis, depending on requests.
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice
Welcome to The Global Voice - The Global Voice
The Global Voice brings together an international team of broadcasters, producers and radio journalists to present for you a wide range of entertaining and informative programs.The Global Voice