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From my blog: For me, it's a matter of conscience, I can't use #Twitter anymore.

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in reply to Jonathan Mosen

I just read your entire blog post. That was an extremely powerful article! I won’t go into all the details here, but I will be deleting my Twitter account as well. I just think they have gone too far. in my opinion, I believe you are a huge asset to the blind, and visually impaired community, and for somebody to make that statement to you on Twitter is just beyond wrong, in my opinion.
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

this is such a great blog post that has me thinking. I’ve always been incredibly cautious on Twitter but over the pandemic lockdowns found a community there and got sucked into posting. I was gutted when Musk actually went through with it and took over and the results are terrible as expected! Thank you so much for your podcast which showed me how to use Mastodon and I’ve found it fascinating how my use of social media has shifted in the month I’ve been over here, for the better. I feel so much more comfortable replying to posts on here than I ever did on Twitter