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This update notification feature in OSARA is just awesome! Makes it much easier to keep it up to date and get a quick overview of the changes. #a11y #REAPER #OSARA

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in reply to Marco Zehe

@Scott and @jcsteh have been really busy. Not gonna lie, should the keymap management happen this year i'll be more than satisfied for the upcoming 5 years lol.
in reply to Toni Barth

@ToniBarth @Scott @jcsteh Yeah, managing the key map would be great, since on the Mac, the only way to use REAPER is by adding a U.S. keycap, not international, not UK PC, just the U.S. plain key map. That is the only one that will work on any language edition of MacOS with OSARA’s key map. Mac treats key maps and languages drastically different from Windows, and although I’d love a Mac key map that works with the German layout much like the Windows version does, it would be a heck of work. I filed an issue against OSARA a while back for this, but Jamie quickly clarified that this would be hugely messy. So I left it alone and instead bit the bullet and added a U.S. key map. I only use it in REAPER, though, and hope I don’t make too many typos when I have to enter text, for example for chapter marks. 😉
in reply to Marco Zehe

@ToniBarth @jcsteh yeah sorry about that Marco, our hands are pretty much tied. If it's any consolation I know many Windows users also switch to a US map because REAPER's handling can be pretty iffy there too.
in reply to Marco Zehe

@ToniBarth @Scott I really don't see a way to fix that other than shipping (and continually maintaining) key maps for every language, with contributors agreeing to maintain the maps and users agreeing never to switch system key maps while using REAPER.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh @ToniBarth /me briefly considers the amount of moving parts and dies inside.
in reply to Scott

@Scott @jcsteh @ToniBarth Agreed, the key map doesn’t seem to diff easily, like every time it is saved, the order seems to be drastically different, so it is not merely a process of updating diff chunks. That’s also why I let it slide for the time being.
in reply to Marco Zehe

@Scott @ToniBarth We've solved that part at least. There's a tool in tools/ which sorts the key map such that diffs are far more reasonable. We only ever check in sorted key maps now; CI builds fail if you try to land unsorted.
in reply to Toni Barth

@ToniBarth @jcsteh Already got some feedback done for switching layers. In case you haven't used that yet, it's doable to maintain your own additional layers right now so long as you back them up and merge after each OSARA update. If you mean us shipping a layered key map, hmm, guess it'll happen at some point after we're at REAPER 7 minimum, no idea when though.
in reply to Scott

@Scott @jcsteh Yeah I know that it is possible somehow, I however don't know the process of backing up the current one and especially how to merge it back. What I meant was the auto-merging by OSARA which basically respects my changes and don't revert them whenever I update OSARA.
in reply to Toni Barth

@ToniBarth @Scott @jcsteh Agreed, I have read about this feature, but not used it at all. Neither the backing up nor the merging.