👀 "This document describes how user agents should expose semantics of PDF content to accessibility APIs. This helps users with disabilities to obtain and interact with information using assistive technologies."
#PDF #a11y #WebStandards
👀 "This document describes how user agents should expose semantics of PDF content to accessibility APIs. This helps users with disabilities to obtain and interact with information using assistive technologies."
#PDF #a11y #WebStandards
Today's Web Design Update: groups.google.com/a/d.umn.edu/…
Subscribe info: d.umn.edu/itss/training/online…
Featuring @mgifford, @yatil, @aardrian, @LFLegal, @matuzo, @eric, @laura, @tempertemper, @a11yMel, @dequesystems, @pxlnv, @vitalyf, @smashingmag, @rachelandrew, @Kilian, @OddBird, @tabatkins, @mia
#Accessibility #A11y #WebDesign
Web Design References: News and info about web design and development. The site advocates accessibility, usability, web standards and many related topics.www.d.umn.edu
“Be Wary of Accessibility Guarantees from Anyone”
Sort of an updated version of my 2016 post.
TL;DR: anyone promising you that a total solution to digital accessibility is coming, and they are the ones bringing it, may be lying. Background In 2016 I wrote Be Wary of Accessibility Guarantees from Vendors.Adrian Roselli
What's the state of #matrix, #xmpp and #IRC as far as #screenReader -accessible clients are concerned? Desktop (Windows, Mac) and mobile (iOS, Android).
Hoping for some input, please feel free to boost. As far as I know:
Matrix does not have a lightweight, fully accessible client for desktop, but one could be modified, such as #gomuks. On mobile, Element has scrolling issues, which is unacceptable for large rooms.
XMPP has accessible desktop clients (I used to run #Adium on the Mac), also #WeeChat. No idea about mobile.
IRC is perhaps the one which everything supports on desktop, from #MirandaIM through Weechat to the old Freedom Chat, which I could probably rewrite if I had to. Also not sure about mobile, but it would definitely need push notifications, because we can't expect people to stay constantly online on the go. #a11y #accessibility
To be clear, I don't just mean the output chooser dropdown. I literally mean every dropdown on that screen--input, output, configuration for choosing whether something is stereo/5.1/7.1. I'm glad there's an alternative for this specific case but a whole widget class not working feels like kind of a big deal. Also, the output chooser dropdown only lets you select outputs AFAIK. If I plug in a headset that isn't detected, I'll need to switch inputs too. And it was tricky configuring my media PC because I couldn't figure out how to indicate that the system I was connecting to was 5.1.
I plan to do a bit more formal digging next week to figure out whether it's just this specific screen or this widget class entirely, but I do want to fix these things. Is #a11y:gnome.org the best place to go with any questions improving the GNOME apps/widgets?
The reports on monitoring digital accessibility in the public sector of 18 European countries are now available on the website of the European Commission. These are the new reports for the period 2022-2024.
A summary of Luxembourg's report is available here:
#a11y #WAD #webAccessibilityDirective
Websites that are increasingly accessible and, at the same time, apps that are moving away from the objective set out in the law: this great discrepancy, which has already been seen in the past, raises questionsDigital accessibility portal of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
If the extent of your WCAG testing is running axe / ARC / WAVE / EAAC and that’s it, not only are you only testing ~30% of WCAG, but my own 2023 testing shows those tools catch under 15% of issues:
Manual testing is still a thing.
Which you need to know how to do, especially if bumping into `<canvas>`.
Automated accessibility testing tools cannot test 100% of WCAG. This position is not controversial. Other than overlay vendors, no automated tool maker makes that claim.Adrian Roselli
Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, February 27, 2025 - Volume 1004 ♿️
The Week's News in Access Technology
A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication
#news #technology #accessibility #a11y #disability #blind #deaf #deafblind #toptechtidbits
Top Tech Tidbits. The world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in access technology.
Subscribers: 36,455 🔢️ subscribers were sent this issue via email.
The Top Tech Tidbits newsletter. The world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in access technology.Top Tech Tidbits - A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication
A collection of bad practices in HTML, copied from real websites.Misleading Icons: Icon-Only-Buttons and Their Impact on Screen Readers - HTMHell
If you’re serious about digital accessibility, ditch the overlays and invest in real, sustainable solutions—like proper coding practices, WCAG compliance, and user testing with disabled individuals.
Read more about the UserWay lawsuit here: lflegal.com/2025/02/userway-ov…
#Accessibility #UserWay #Lawsuit #A11y #DigitalInclusion #WebAccessibility (3/3)
Another class action lawsuit has been filed by a small business that purchased an overlay monthly subscription, yet still got hit with a lawsuit claiming its website was not accessible.Law Office of Lainey Feingold
WCAG is supposed to give us a reasonably objective way of saying whether or not the sites we are building/auditing are "accessible" (to a particular baseline...YouTube
視覚障害者向けトレインシミュレータ『Dreamy Train〜ドリーミートレイン〜』(ドリトレ) 公式サイトmm-galabo.com
When evaluating a digital accessibility product or consultancy, each time I see “a11y” in the copy of its marketing site I move it a little closer to the do-not-hire column.
New iOS #SwiftUI Videos #a11y technique and documentation waiting for review in the App Store.
Docs: github.com/cvs-health/ios-swif…
Demonstrates iOS SwiftUI Accessibility programming techniques using live good and bad examples that can be tested with VoiceOver and other AT. Includes documentation for developers explaining how t...GitHub
So, VoiceOver or macOS decided to have the mouse cursor follow the VoiceOver cursor which triggers hover states that should totally not be triggered. It’s super annoying. Anyone have an idea on how to disable it? I have reset VoiceOver settings already.
So now that bit.ly is showing ads, if you need a URL shortener, #lynx is decent and #accessible and easy to host. And before you tell me that we don't need URL shorteners anymore and how they're a security risk, I need them for:
1. Business cards, slides, signs, and other physical objects that need a URL. While most phones can scan QR Codes, you can't read them out loud for #blind folks. If you're doing a presentation, "scan the QR code on screen" isn't good enough. You need to have a URL that you can speak and another human can remember. Yes, NFC is a thing, but it doesn't solve that problem.
2. Places that still don't allow URLs (LinkedIn) or where long URLs are awkward to work with (text-only emails, the terminal, etc.)
3. Times (like a phone call) where I need to tell someone a URL using the noises that come from my face-parts
Find it here: getlynx.dev/#a11y#bitly
One significant way Mastodon and the Fediverse have transformed digital culture is through the use of alt text. When I look back at my older images online and in my blogs, I rarely included alt text - even though I actively work on accessibility. For some reason, I simply overlooked it.
Now, every time I post something online, I take a moment to write alt text. Mastodon has changed my mindset, and I believe its impact extends far beyond this. The Fediverse encourages a level of consideration for others that no other social networking platform has before.
#A11y #Accessibility #AltText #Mastodon #Fediverse #SocialWeb #SocialNetwork #SocialMedia
“Evaluating overlay-adjacent accessibility products”
The very fact that a digital accessibility accommodation is a product is a sign that you might not be the customer and, even if you are, only for as long as there’s money to be made.
The rubric I use to evaluate these products remains very similar to how I scrutinize overlays.ericwbailey.website
🤔HTML semantics: <abbr> theory versus abbreviation reality
"The HTML <abbr> element is deceptively familiar and attractive, its been around forever (1999) and thus people assume that it does what it does and does it well. Nothing much changed over the iterations of the abbr element definition over the years."
The HTML element is an incredibly common, but do you know how you can make it accessible? Find out how in this article.Steve Faulkner (TPGi)
I disagree with use cases that rely on CSS, generally at risk from network interruptions and caching, to trigger programmatic state changes in the HTML that references it (see pic). Cart / horse and all.
Instead, use CSS to ensure your programmatic state is correct. Eg: adrianroselli.com/2021/06/usin…
#a11y #accessiblity #css #html
The CSS3 logo as a head atop a torso with its arms folded across its chest. I am a big proponent of the First Rule of ARIA (don’t use ARIA). But ARIA brings a lot to the table that HTML does not, such as complex widgets and state information that…Adrian Roselli
🆕 article from @TetraLogical
Meet Josh: a sportsman who has Spinal Muscular Atrophy
"The missing piece is usability testing with disabled users. Even with good intentions, accessibility efforts can fall short without real user involvement."
Meet Josh, a sportsman who has Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Between training for the Olympics and his busy day job, Josh talks to us about how navigating the web is constantly evolving, how he adapts to various assistive technologies, and his hopes and c…TetraLogical
The Braille Institute created a font designed to make reading easier for people with low vision called Atkinson Hyperlegible in 2019.
It just released an update (Atkinson Hyperlegible Next) and monospace version with enhanced characters, 7 weights, and variable weight.
They’re free for personal and commercial use.
Read easier with Atkinson Hyperlegible Font, crafted for low-vision readers. Download for free and enjoy clear letters and numbers on your computer!Braille Institute
Learn how to use each tab in the WAVE extension.Whitney Lewis (Pope Tech Blog)