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Items tagged with: a11y

Meet the new Orbit Speak and #OrbitReader Q20 & Q40 by #OrbitResearch. TrueBraille™ meets QWERTY in a sleek, compact design. Independence is just a touch away - check them out at AER Conference Booth 101. #A11y #BrailleForAll #inclusion

Join us at AER Int'l Conference in Charlotte, NC, 24-27 July, Booth 101. Discover our new products: Orbit Speak Notetaker, Orbit Reader Q20 & Q40, Optima Braille Laptop, Orbit Magna Magnifiers, and Orbit Slate Braille Displays. #A11y #BrailleForAll #inclusion

Derek attributes his experience with NVDA instrumental to his career success and since working at Google has found numerous ways to improve accessibility, both internally and externally.

"A product built by the community, for the community, is better than one built by some company, simply because the community is in charge of what goes into it." - Derek Riemer

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y #ScreenReader #FOSS #OpenSource

GitHub has released an insightful article to accompany the documentary shared earlier showcasing NVDA, OSARA, & REAPER. The article interviews NVDA co-founders, Mick Curran & Jamie Teh, as well as Derek Riemer, who has used NVDA since 2011. Derek has contributed to NVDA itself & written over 20 add-ons. He also now works as a software engineer at Google.

Find the full article (& short documentary) here:….
#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y #ScreenReader #FOSS #OpenSource

@podfeet interviews Mikael Vikman Sunna, CEO of Index Braille, about their affordable braille printers. Index Braille offers a full line of braille printers ranging from small and portable to high-speed embossers for production use. #a11y #CSUN2024…

(Accessibility) #conferences charging participants ~€300/ticket for an online-only (!) conf that doesn't even offer live transcripts or ASL interpretation, but then not paying their speakers?

“We understand that some may not like this, but you can always just not speak at our event” 🤡🤡🤡

You say you support the community by creating this event but at the same time you exploit all speakers and their knowledge to make money? Be honest, you just wanted to jump on the #a11y hype train to profit.

The folks at TPGuy have finally made a Firefox extension for ARC Toolkit:…

I installed it yesterday. Nothing has caught fire. Appears to work as I recall it on Chrome.

#accessibility #a11y

Something you may not have realised is right-handed: playing cards.

When you pick up a card with your dominant hand and add it to the front of a card you're holding in your non-dominant hand, you create a fan towards your dominant hand.

Standard playing cards have a small version of the number and suit in two corners so that you can see them no matter which way up the card is, *as long as they're fanned right*, and many modern card games follow suit (ha!) without thinking, for the convention or aesthetic

Consider mirroring important summary information in both left and right corners (Ticket to Ride does a great job putting the suits in both corners while maintaining the pleasant asymmetrical feel of having them in one)

It's admittedly only a tiny accessibility issue, but it IS an accessibility issue, so have think about it.

#GameDev #Accessibility #a11y #TableTop #CardGames #BoardGames

If you or someone you love (or even vaguely tolerate) is using #accessiBe, perhaps send them this information about the class action lawsuit against accessiBe for lying about its #overlay:…

#accessibility #a11y

A complete guide for adding captions to YouTube videos… #youtube #captions #a11y

Today at 13:55 MDT (19:55 UTC), my colleague Georges Stavracas will talk about bringing accessibility back to WebKitGTK:…

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024 #igalia #accessibility #webkit #a11y

not going to lie, one of the worst side effects of #WCAG has been the obsession with reading the tea leaves of what a particular SC means (many of these written almost 20 years ago), which SC to fail things under, and generally an obsession (from industry/product owners) to satisfy WCAG ... rather than focusing on actual #accessibility (which often goes beyond WCAG, or involves things that simply fall between SCs, or are just "best practice" rather than hard fails). but it is what it is... #a11y

You may know Allyant (which I pronounce “alley ant”) is the combined form of CommonLook, TBase, and Accessible360.

You may also now Allyable (which I pronounce “snake oil”) is an #overlay vendor.

Apparently Allyable (overlay) was spamming folks on the #DisabilityIN conference app. This resulted in folks regularly visiting the Allyant (combined company) booth thinking it was Allyable (overlay).

#accessibilty #a11y
There are lessons here.

Has anyone tried thunderbird 128 with a screen reader? How is the #a11y? I must admit my quality of life went way down since supernova.

#DisabilityIN The Evinced CEO referred to the W3C ARIA Authoring Practices Working Group as one of the three pillars of creating accessible content. Using it can guarantee “100% accessibility”.

#accessibility #a11y

#DisabilityIN Very quick demonstration of Microsoft Accessibility Insights run against the Disability:IN home page only. Found no issues! Applause from audience. I *think* the “Needs review” tab listed two issues.

#accessibility #a11y

#DisabilityIN Luncheon Plenary: “Nothing About Us Without Us: Accessibility Innovation, Leadership, and Impact”

Microsoft’s CAO discussed one challenge of #accessibility is non-practitioners creating accessible content. She talked about advances in tooling to solve that, using this slide.


Help: I've got a student with Android, and looks like we might need to simplify the interface, is there a Dolphin like Guide on Android, any of you might recommend for a low-vision user and/or with good voice command controls? Or am I barkign up the wrong tree, needing to just stick with TalkBack? #a11y

😑🆕 What ARIA still does not do

"Use of ARIA is a promise you as a developer make to screen reader users."

#a11y #ARIA #HTML #WebDev…

Accessibility is not a loud, one-time event; it's a quiet revolution. It's also isn't about quick fixes or public shaming.

it's about the power of ongoing action like watering a plant – splash it once, and you'll make a mess; nurture it daily, and you'll watch it thrive.

#Disability #HumanRights #a11y #Accessibility #SDGs #Poverty #Technology

The Complete Guide to Captioned Videos (2019)…
#captions #video #a11y

@Musharraf :verified: @Cullen Gallagher I think back in the days when @Mozilla was calling it #b2g (Boot to Gecko). They have experimented with #picoTTS voices. The built-in screen reader is called readout.
Now I know there are some interesting apps for #KaiOS such as matrix client, xmpp client, telegram client, RSS / podcasts, Youtube playback through invidious, openstreetmap, kodi remote control, ebooks / text files reading app and more. See at…
It would be nice to find out how much #a11y there is with a #screenReader.

Every time someone who hates the #a11y numeronym says "just say accessibility," I just flash back to all the times I've "said accessibility" to a mid-career developer and they had no fucking clue what I meant.

The numeronym is not the problem. The ignorance is the problem.


Exploring the challenges in creating an accessible sortable list (drag-and-drop)… by my co-worker Kendall Gassner #a11y

Now that the storm has passed — I can share an update on screen reader support under Wayland.

As part of STF; GNOME has been working since the end of last year on resolving the matter.

The main issue is that we currently lack a way to “snoop on” or “grab” key events from the compositor.

We now have a draft protocol and implementation in Orca and Mutter thanks to @matt

We are doing our best to get it ready for GNOME 47.

#GNOME #a11y #Linux #freedesktop #Wayland

I am once again asking you you not to use Web•dev for #accessibility info, but this time with receipts.…


Dear #a11y friends w/ screen readers: I just ran into the following question and haven't been able to do any testing myself yet, so your experience would help me a lot to start from: How accessible are the PDF viewers built into browsers? Do any of the browsers take into account the accessibility features in the PDF, or does the PDF itself hardly matter and the browsers ruin most of it anyway? Or is my intuition fooling me and the viewers are actually quite good? Thanks for your observations!

The City of Boston is going to stop asking people what disabilities they have in favor of asking what accommodations they require. Brilliant!
Via @kellylford…

#accessibility #a11y #disabilities

Hypothetical: a company is advertising a developer job. You are a developer who cares about accessibility, not desperate for a new job. The job description sounds good overall, but they have an overlay on their website. Is it worth applying?
#accessibility #a11y

  • Yes, apply (29%, 5 votes)
  • No, avoid (70%, 12 votes)
17 voters. Poll end: 1 week ago

AccessiBe sued for fraud! 🥳…
#a11y #accessibility #law #accessibe

Having a short form for accessibility, that is somewhat universally understood, has helped a lot with mainstreaming the topic. Plus it can be used where there are space constraints or as tags where the shape makes it easy to recognize.

Plus “accessibility” itself is a difficult word. I typo it all the time.

Using “a11y” in a sentence is cringeworthy, but otherwise I think it’s totally fine.

#a11y #accessibility

New Class Action Lawsuit against AccessiBe – Law Office of Lainey Feingold… #a11y #accessibility

Ah, like this one from @LFLegal:

“New Class Action Lawsuit against AccessiBe: Overlay Company Sued for Breach of Contract, Breach of the Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing +++”…

#accessiBe #overlays #accessibility #a11y

🖖🏽 UPDATED with links to solutions!
💥 WCAG (Level A) BANG for your APP A11Y BUCK

"Does WCAG 2.2 Level A apply to Native apps?

yes, mostly"

#WCAG #developers #a11y #mobile…

The true cost of not prioritizing accessibility: Avoid risk and maximize product ROI

"...if a bug is found in the requirements-gathering phase, the cost could be $100. If the product owner doesn’t find that bug until the QA testing phase, then the cost could be $1,500. If it’s not found until production, the cost could be $10,000."… #a11y #roi #productmanagement

In just a couple of weeks, Carie Fisher and Jesse Dugas from the GitHub Accessibility team will be sharing the accessibility features of GitHub Copilot that you can use to enhance your own projects.

Mark your calendars for July 23, 2024, 1pm ET
#A11y #Accessibility #A11yTalks #Drupal #GitHub #Copilot