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I wrote another miniblog, this time about why I decided to donate to @matrix. :apartyblobcat:


in reply to Frisk

I would rather to see a bounty to get @matrix to stop using #CaaC (Cloudflare as a Crutch) and switch to #securityByDesign. I can’t be motivated to donate to #Matrix project until it shakes free from its tech giant dependency.

in reply to Luddite under protest

@deflarerOfClouds The only reason we use cloudflare on is to mitigate DDoS, knowing that folks who don't want CF (and are less likely to be DDoSed) can just run their own servers without it. Matrix itself has *no* dependency on CF at all.
in reply to The Foundation

It’s not accurate to say Matrix has no CF dependency. If that were true, the flagship instance could simply stop using CF.

To say there is no CF dependency requires the unrealistic absence of DDoS attack. /Hope/ that a server is not DDoS’d is not a sound security posture. Everyone hopes they are not attacked, and hope is easily defeated.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)