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Items tagged with: matrix

having an amazing progress on getting rid of #telegram 😄

managed to move 27 conversations from telegram to #signal (I think one conversation was moved to #threema 😄)

About half of the people already had signal. The other half I spent time explaining all the things that are wrong with telegram.

The fact that people listen to me and then make the move, shows me that my friends, especially the ones who are not into tech, trust and respect me. One of my friends was really

impressed because she thought that all messengers are the same and just have different skins and buttons 😆😆😆

Only 1 friend left who has not (yet) downloaded #signal, but is going to 👌🏾

The family group was impossible to migrate. Apparently older people don't like change. Not really a surprise 😆 No idea how I'll handle that. Maybe my cousin will be a proxy or I'll have to use telegram every now and then (on desktop) to check the family group. OR I will just keep pestering every one when we meet IRL 😂 "We have to move to signal" and one of my uncles will be like "NO! I INSTALLED TELEGRAM BECAUSE LAST TIME YOU SAID WE HAVE TO LEAVE WHATSAPP. I WILL NOT DO THIS AGAIN" 😆😆😆😆😆

Other than that I have a handful of telegram bots. Most of them I have written myself. Nothing crazy though, almost all of them just wrap some APIs.

Since I've started to use #matrix since April, I'm now thinking about turning my telegram-bots into matrix-bots. I think it could be a fun project and would make telegram even more obsolete 😄

After many years away from the stage, I am back! It looks like I’m accepted to give a talk at the Matrix Conference ( to present ✨ native simplified sliding sync ✨: how it differs from the first version of sliding sync (an experimental project implemented inside a proxy), how we’ve implemented it inside the Matrix Rust SDK etc. Gonna be fun!

#matrix #RustLang

Wow, #Element (the flagship #Matrix client) dropped support for #Firefox ESR in release 1.11.70. Or rather, they never supported it in the first place, only supporting "last two versions". The change causes a corrupted session for ESR users, and can't be reverted to fix it.

(Note that all Debian Stable users, by default, run Firefox ESR. This is kind of a big deal. ESR is always up to date on security, and gets new features once per year.)

They're managing the issue somewhat badly:…

The best we've gotten so far, from a dev caught in the middle:

« Element devs follow the policy set out by people that manage them, they get an input but they do not control the policy. »

Nothing from their employer, whoever that is.

#FluffyChat v1.21.2 has been released 🚀 and is right now available in all AppStore (except F-Droid). This release brings several 🐞 bug fixes and a 🚨 security fix.

Rooms without a known last message are no longer jumping around in the room list and the last message in the room list now also decrypts when keys are coming afterwards.

Also a (security related) bug, where the app tried to load images from arbitrary urls, has been fixed.

#matrix #update

I've tagged version 0.0.1 of #libcmatrix - a #matrix client library.

The project was initiated and developed by
Sadiq ( in order to add Matrix support to chatty ( for @purism

It has been a bit 😴 over the past months but my recent interest in #unifiedpush derailed me and I had a look at the code base, cleaned up minor things and figured it might make sense to tag a release so here we go:…

Thanks @devrtz for the reviews!

Huge thanks to @mattj and @ralphm for their time today. I'm delighted to be getting acquainted with leadership at @xmpp – there are _so_ many things we can learn from each other and collaborate on.

It's free, open, federated communications versus the forces of centralization and proprietary walled gardens!

#XMPP #Matrix #FOSS #OpenSource #Interoperability

What? TWO new good first bugs have been opened in the #Matrix #Rust SDK repository? Is this Christmas?…… is even a set of incremental changes that can be picked up one by one

Good luck, and don't hesitate to chime in / ask for help on Github or our Matrix channel… :blobcathug:

#RustLang #OpenSource #FreeSoftware

Good to hear about improving call reliability in calls. Honestly, this is my number one complaint and request for Matrix overall.

I have a family member with an account on my server, and a TURN/STUN server, and our calls have working video and audio both ways less than 50% of the time.

They keep begging me to use Facetime. 🤮

#Matrix #VOIP

The mailing lists are gone and now you can join us on #matrix




Looking forward to seeing you!

The Matrix Rust SDK now provides a room list that is sorted on the client-side instead of server-side,….

It has landed in Element X iOS nightly and soon on Android.

I’m going to publish blog posts to explain all the technical details but it’s really pretty neat!

#matrix #RustLang #stream #future #asynchronous

While @suraj_sloth is working on the #UnifiedPush connector side in #Chatty I got a chance to add the code for registering/unregistering #Matrix push gateways in #libcmatrix and Chatty (with this I can readily round trip messages up to the UP distributor):

#phosh #LinuxMobile #adwaita #gtk

Ok, real important question:
Which one is better and why?

#deltachat #matrix

  • Deltachat (43%, 50 votes)
  • Matrix (56%, 64 votes)
114 voters. Poll end: 3 weeks ago

Okay, this one might not go so well with people but this is a draft I've been sitting on since May.

Here is my opinions about the current going alternatives to Discord, especially #Matrix and #XMPP. We need to talk about this rather now than soon.'s%…

Why the hell is the stance of some @matrix and @element people that web browsers should implement 1) a client side alternative or 2) redirect to if no Matrix client is found AS A REQUIREMENT for clients to actually switch to using matrix: URIs. Wouldn't a first step be to actually REGISTER such a link handler with the OS instead of using some custom, undocumented element URI scheme. Supporting the link internally is just not enough for widespread adoption...


Recently, I learned that #Thunderbird supports #Matrix, so I immediately logged in with two of my accounts to try it out.

Me: Hm, all rooms from both accounts appear in one list. So confusing! Let's see whether I can hide some of them... 🧐

Thunderbird: There's a little grey X icon next to each room :blobcatgiggle:

Me: Handy! Let's click on a couple of those. 😄

Thunderbird: OK, so you've just deleted all the chats ☺️

Did you know? There is a #Matrix Space for…
#Thanx to

New on // The #Matrix #Conference by The Foundation on 19-22 September 2024 in Mitosis LAB in #Berlin, #Germany…

Call for participation is running until 26.06.2024


#TheMatrixConference #foss #floss #freesoftware #opensource #events #europe

Reasons why Matrix can be better for diversity than closed platforms:

* Wide variety of implementations
* Public accountability
* Low cost

Our openness makes us stronger!…

#matrix #diversity #opensource

What is your preferred way to chat or communicate with other people?

#chat #irc #xmpp #matrix

  • IRC (9%, 21 votes)
  • XMPP (33%, 73 votes)
  • Matrix (29%, 64 votes)
  • Other (27%, 60 votes)
218 voters. Poll end: 4 weeks ago

The CfP deadline for both the #Matrix conference and the Matrix dev room at FrOSCon is pretty soon. Please submit your talks now! Don't think about what to say yet, just yolo it! We don't have much time!……

I have indie developed a Matrix iOS client called Nil.

It not only comes with basic features like encryption, rich notifications. But also with:
🐈‍⬛ Tenor GIF
🗂️ Message room folders
☕️ Customizable reaction emojis
⌚️Upcoming WatchOS, MacOS, VisionOS app

App Store:…


I tried #Matrix in the (very) early days and it was so difficult and buggy. Today I tried joining a community that was only on Matrix and the process was super smooth. Nice work @matrix.

Guten Morgen - Tässle Kaffee ☕️?

Habe mich oft gefragt, warum etwa Terroristen „feige“ genannt werden. Nun weiß ich: Weil Feigheit vor der Wahrheit zum feindseligen Dualismus führt! #Feigheit #Dualismus #Cypher #Matrix…

The conversation with @josh and @matthew about @matrix on @FLOSS_Weekly was fascinating and for once I would have enjoyed more than an hour. Matthew's frustration with trying to explain to legislators why #ChatControl and #OnlineSafetyBill are so misguided was especially striking - I do hope @EUCommission listen.…

#OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Matrix

Hey, look! Our Flathub build is out now as well!…
Now I just need to adapt the old app to eol-rebase to the new one...

#nheko #matrix

How long does it take to forget, that you are supposed to post to the fediverse, when you did a release? Well, about a year I guess. Anyway, #Nheko 0.12.0 is out now! Took us a while (and there seem to be 800 commits in that release?!?), but our Qt6 port is finally out and with it exciting features like automatically deleting messages, ignoring users, intentional mentions and much, much more. Tbh, I forgot half the things we added and am always surprised that wasn't in 0.11.3 yet!

Anyway, grab the latest version of this #Matrix client here:…
Or don't, I can't tell you what to do! But if you read so far, it surely is worth giving it a try, right? :D

Here's my WIP #Matrix-#Revolt bridge that I've been working on for the past month:…

Still needs some polishing (permission checks and error handling, plus documentation). After that I'll set it up in prod create a room for public general testing.


...and it's now in testing! Try out the #Matrix-#Revolt bridge today:


#OpenSource #interoperability

Think more people should know about the Matrix Ham Radio community!

Mike, M0AWS who runs the #matrix space has a nice info dump at:

There are rooms for #hf, #vhf, #uhf, #qo100, #satellites and #meshtastic amongst a bunch of others.

Meine #Timeline könnte in der letzten Zeit den Eindruck erwecken, ich sei #Katholik

Ne, so ist das nicht! 😇
Ich möchte lediglich meinen #Geist frei und offen halten.

Die #Inspiration, die ich in den letzten Jahren vorwiegend über #fairDigital Kanäle wie das #FediVerse oder #Matrix von Katholiken erhalte, ist mir sehr wertvoll.


The votes have been counted! Introducing the first elected Governing Board of the Foundation 🎉

Thanks to everyone who ran and everyone who voted, and congratulations to those who have been elected!

This is a huge milestone for Matrix, and now we can tackle the challenges we face with greater community involvement:…

#Matrix #OpenSource #FOSS #OpenGovernance

Last call for votes in our Governing Board elections! 🗳

A lot of people worked hard to advocate for and implement more open governance for the Matrix ecosystem – don't let your ballot go unused.

Results will be announced on Monday!…

#Matrix #OpenSource #OpenStandards #OpenGovernance