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After confirming the steps in a self-test, I've now "unlocked" the rooting section in my Article on @shiftphones SHIFT6mq:

🇩🇪 Da der Artikel somit jetzt vollständig ist, wird es bald™ auch eine deutsche Fassung geben. Vielleicht zu Weihnachten – oder statt "Gold, Weihrauch und Möhren" im Januar…

#Android :shiftphone: #rooting #noGoogle
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Interesting project. I used a ShiftPhone for 3 years, but never used the Google Free Version. Now I switched to a Pixel 6a with GrapheneOS.
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Ugh, haha, it was the ROOTING section of course, not the BOOTING section 🙈