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💡 portal for anonymous telemetry. Hear me out!

Many developers want to have telemetry so that they can learn about how their app is used and how they perform.

It can lead to better software, but it's also a privacy nightmare 😮‍💨

Currently, apps need to enable full network for it (or more) and users have 0 control over it. This is happening. Right now.

What if there was a way to remove all the negative aspects of telemetry so that we can consider it safe? 🛡️

1/2 🧵

#Flatpak #Snap #Flathub

Federico Mena Quintero reshared this.

in reply to Sonny

With a telemetry portal for apps, we could

• Let the user enable or disable telemetry per app
• Be transparent about what is being sent
• batch, throttle and schedule transmissions
• deduplicate efforts to collect generic info

Combined with a trusted server to process and relay, we can

• anonymize
• aggregate
• make public

Worth thinking about, no?

2/2 🧵

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Andy Holmes reshared this.

in reply to Sonny

yes please!! This is something I would prefer to not build if I can avoid it and we need some basic telemetry badly :)
in reply to Sonny

…wouldn’t devs always be able to just ask for network permissions and keep business as usual?
in reply to Xerz~! :blobcathearttrans:

@xerz the network permission is not considered safe in Flatpak / Flathub

That's why we have leverage.

in reply to Sonny

@xerz honesty I don't think neither users nor developers really care for what Flathub considers unsafe, and maybe in part because of such silliness as considering network access unsafe.

I like the idea, but honestly I only care for the ability to turn telemetry on/off, especially if I can make it off by default

in reply to Maksym Hazevych

@mks_h @xerz

This wouldn't be possible if network was considered safe and had no penalty.

It's not silly, it's honest and forward-looking.

It gives the platform leverage and will let us innovate and do what no other platform does.

But I'm not interested in debating this again tbh :)

in reply to Sonny

what is the penalty?

Users not installing it because it show a "potentially" unsafe warning?

@mks_h @xerz

in reply to Sonny

Interesting idea!

KDE has a kuserfeedback library that combines anonymous data points sent at a fixed frequency (same approach that Endless OS's metrics system uses to get a distribution of values without having to identify individual devices), a way to prompt users to complete surveys, and a control panel to select the level of data to contribute (but not per-app).

A prototype might be a portal for the same data model – then you'd get all KDE apps in the new system “for free”.

in reply to Will Thompson

And since the model is so similar (at least superficially) I could well imagine converging this with the Endless OS metrics system.

Anyone pursuing this in earnest should also look at other widely-used telemetry systems on the desktop – e.g. is OpenTelemetry used in desktop apps? Does Electron have a thing, whether built-in or widely used? – and figure out how those can be brought into the same fold.

Sadly I don't have the time/resources to work on this…

in reply to Will Thompson

but "be transparent about what is sent" is not necessarily a consequence of having a portal. Each data point is a name/event-id and some blob of data - what can be shown to a human without knowledge of the app's particular data points? What stops the app from shoving a machine ID into that blob?
in reply to Will Thompson

@wjt More generally, covert channels are basically impossible to eliminate if one party is determined to send something
in reply to Philip Withnall

@pwithnall @wjt Yea a telemetry portal is an interesting idea, but it’s inly really “useful” for people that will want to inspect open source apps.
in reply to Jordan Petridis

@alatiera @pwithnall @wjt

No expert but I was hoping the aggregation would make fingerprinting or unique identifiers useless.

Also, if there is a server, say administrated by Flathub, we can have terms and conditions at least.

in reply to Sonny

@alatiera @wjt I’m not a statistician (and I may be misinterpreting what you have in mind), but I think it wouldn’t be possible to do aggregation without having detailed domain knowledge of the data you’re aggregating. e.g. Is it statistically sound to take the mean of a given field, or should the maximum be taken instead? Does this other field need to be aggregated with another field that it’s paired with?
in reply to Will Thompson


That depends on how the system is designed, right?

From client API to whatever we want to enforce in the terms and conditions.

`about:telemetry` in Firefox is a good example of transparency.

in reply to Sonny

you could even provide users a telemetry id and key per app, so they could access the portal without signing up.

only requiring email sign up if they want an easy way to manage and collate the different apps using it.

in reply to Joel


By "portal" I meant this

It's basically standard Linux APIs for apps.

Maybe you understood web portal?

I don't think there should be a signup

in reply to Sonny

oh nice

i was thinking more the full spectrum of telemetry sources across apps, websites, devices, etc.

in reply to Sonny

I'm unsure it'd provide much privacy improvement. Apps could still exfiltrate any identifiable information, there's no way the "trusted" server can understand and automatically remove those from logs. It would only hide the IP, which can already be done better by a VPN.

But in a similar idea, it'd be cool if Flatpak had a per-app domain whitelist firewall. For eg I'm okay with Blender reaching, but I don't want a 3rd party Blender addons reaching any other domain.

in reply to Sonny

I'm all for anything that can make the Linux community more open to telemetry! It is so needed! Go forth and do it! :)
in reply to Sonny

Content warning: Telemetry standards

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Seirdy

Content warning: Telemetry standards

in reply to Seirdy

Content warning: Telemetry standards

in reply to Sonny

Sure. Absolutely. But the problem remains: how do we trust the server?

Imo the solution needs to involve not *having* to trust the server.

in reply to Sonny

it sounds like a lot of effort, and I’m unsure about the benefits.

Given the tremendous task (not only in terms of build but also of run), user testing with mockups sounds like an install important step.

It would also be interesting to know how many apps are actively maintained and don't require network access. A biased indicator, but it can help get an order of magnitude of the number of apps concerned.

in reply to Thib


I'm told KDE has a telemetry API and server that could be reused, at least to play around with the idea.

I think we need more network related portals to cover other use cases currently requiring full network access so it would concern more and more apps in the future.

We can also encourage apps to adopt it regardless because they don't have to build it themselves.

in reply to Sonny

From Inkscape's perspective, I think we would be interested. Stats are very hard. But I'd also like it if it was multi-platform and windows and mac users could submit to the same system.

It would be useful to have the data and perms be a defined standard. Not just an empty json bucket.

Though I'd also like telemetry to include one extra field called "owch", text of no more than 200 chars that the user can populate with whatever their single most important demon is.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Martin Owens :inkscape:

@doctormo thanks for the feedback!

Inkscape was an interesting case study when I was researching use cases for the network permission.

I wanted to ask about extensions. We have Flatpak extensions but they wouldn't be a good fit I believe.

I think we should also have a mechanism/portal to let apps fetch assets.

Perhaps by letting them download from the verified domain? In your case

in reply to Sonny

We also download assets from wikimedia, openclipart and github (for some science repos)

For installable code extensions, I'm not sure how solvable it is. We promote python over anything else and we expect certain workflows, so it should be possible to sandbox. But hard to download that code at a whim.

Though for code would be fine. We still check extensions and sign them.

in reply to Sonny

This would be 100% opt-in, even with a network portal :/ Apps that want to avoid it, would just ask the network portal to allow their proxied analytics. With that said, I'd totally use it if it was added!
in reply to Sonny

wouldn't a network portal mark it as safe? (Where the user gets asked to allow connections to certain domains)
in reply to GeopJr

@GeopJr ha got it

I don't know what *the* network portal would do yet and how it would interact with the security rating.

A telemetry portal certainly is *a* network portal.

This is one of the thought that came to mind while thinking about the problem space.

in reply to Sonny

Honest question: can you define "that they can learn about how their app is used"?

I get that devs might want performance information and crash reports, and maybe know on what OS it is running. But I am confused about the: how the app is used part.

I mean, a music player plays audio files. A text editor edits text, a translation app translates text, etc.