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Today, part of Google’s new Play Rules come into force, banning VPN apps which affect ads or tracking, seemingly including those affecting DNS queries to include an ad block list like PiHole does. No vested interest in those rules, clearly, from the company with their trackers in 87.6% of Android apps! (@RDBinns et al.…
in reply to Michael Veale

G: if your entire business model is built on 💩 it stinks… 🙊 I mean: If G deems such drastic actions necessary it shows these apps must be at least somehow effective, huh?

So should you miss them: Welcome to #FDroid 😉 You might miss some "other" apps there – but then you won't find trackers and ad-bombing either 😁

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

There were apps that made their business model just by stripping out ads.

Should we do the same and forbid google to displaumy content with a device/software that add avertisement or collect user activity, namely Chrome.