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Items tagged with: fdroid

#NewPipe 0.27.2 is out now!

This version fixes the recent issues with YouTube and Bandcamp. Support for URLs was also added.

The new version is available through our #FDroid repo (…) and should be shipped with F-Droid's main repo in the next days. The in-app updater should offer the update within one hour.

🚗 :android: Passando a utilizar este aplicativo para gerenciar despesas do automóvel com a tornozeleira eletrônica de bolso #Android: Autu Mandu é #SoftwareLivre (licença Apache 2.0) e está disponível, entre outros, no repositório do @IzzyOnDroid para #FDroid.

Vamos ver como se sai, mas parece ótimo. Usei por muitos anos outros privativos de liberdade, então aproveito para iniciar a gestão de novo veículo finalmente dando basta nessa privação.

Mais alguém o conhece?

Hey @fdroidorg, how about we replace the "Non-Free Network Services" flag with two more specific Anti-Feature flags; "Non-Changeable Network Services" and "Proprietary Network Services";…

#SoftwareFreedom #Android #FDroid #AntiFeatures #NetworkServices

Gibt es eigentlich Überlegungen, die App auch im #FDroid Store verfügbar zu machen?

I participated in the #OsmAnd anniversary quiz and now I've won 3 months of OsmAnd pro... Except that:

- I don't need it, as I use the full version from #FDroid
- despite that, I somehow still pay a monthly fee to them. (I'm actually not sure who pays that bill though 🤷 )

In other words, send me a PM if you want three months of OsmAnd Pro.

The manual on how to activate is here:…

You'll need either an Apple or Google account for this.

FWIW, I've submitted a proposal on Mozilla Ideas:…

#Thunderbird #Mozilla #Email #Minimal #FDroid

don't overlook the option for download on #FDroid. 🙂

#NewPipe update: version 0.27.0 is available

🆕 comment replies
🆕 playlist descriptions
🆕 re-order custom playlists
🆕 reset settings

↗️ improved download checks
↗️ ask for consent before checking for updates
↗️ UI improvements
↗️ various player improvements

🐛 [YouTube] fixed comment extraction
🐛 [YouTube] fixed access to some streams
🐛 fixed crashes
🐛 fixed insecure backup import

:fdroid: The update is available through our custom #fdroid repo:…

It's pretty unsavory how everybody talks about #MarketPlaces when it comes to platforms for distributing apps. I guess because of #DMA. But it's important to take a step back once in a while and appreciate that like many other #FOSS platforms #FDroid is not a maket place, it's a #commons.

We have a new This week in #FDroid (TWIF) post.

Thanks to the EU's DMA, 3rd party stores will get more love and treated more equally than before.

Tailscale is doing a redesign, until that's done we've released the crash fix update.

Conversations and Quicksy have their 10th anniversary and celebrate with a design update.

Last but not least, we had 10 new and 160 updated apps this week.…

"Just search for 'Linux Foundation Events' in your app store to find our brand new [proprietary?] AI-powered app!"

- Jim Zemlin @ #OSSNA

#OSSNA24 #FDroid #hypocrisy

As Snikket is still not available on the #Google Play Store, we've published a longer blog post about the situation, how to work around it using #FDroid, and the long path of stupid Google review responses that led us here.…

Just a heads-up that #Snikket #Android has been pulled by #Google from the store. We'll work on restoring it once we figure out their (as usual) nonsensical complaints. Apologies to everyone affected. Please look at #FDroid and free yourself.

Today's excuse for delisting yet another #XMPP app?

"Your app is uploading users' Image information without posting a privacy policy link or text within the Play Distributed App."

Funny. What's this then?? 👀

All I'm asking is for #ResponsibleDisclosure. The tone you sense was my panic as I scrambled to figure out the proof-of-concept to ensure that #FDroid users are kept safe. Signature verification is a key part of that. I cleared my schedule this morning to deal with this.

Thanks to @obfusk to doing the hard work of the proof-of-concept and the patch. I posted my preliminary analysis of the issue on…


Three years ago, #FDroid had a similar kind of attempt as the #xz #backdoor. A new contributor submitted a merge request to improve the search, which was oft requested but the maintainers hadn't found time to work on. There was also pressure from other random accounts to merge it. In the end, it became clear that it added a #SQLinjection #vuln. In this case, we managed to catch it before it was merged. Since similar tactics were used, I think its relevant now…

Gerade gesehen:
Die #XMPP App #monocleschat ist über das Osterwochenende im Play Store zum reduzierten Preis von 0,99€ (anstatt 3,99€) erhältlich.


Zur Vollständigkeit: Bei #fdroid und #codeberg ist sie weiterhin kostenfrei erhältlich.

Hintergrund: Die App monocles chat ist ein Fork von #Conversations und setzt einen Schwerpunkt auf intuitiver Bedienung. Sie ähnelt vom Aufbau noch stärker den typischen Messengern.

Featurevergleich, siehe:

#davx5 @davx5app is in my 5th #fdroid #exhibition in #zwickau #germany at @zLabor since September 2023.

We are happy to announce that DAVx5 4.3.15 is now available (also on #fdroid @fdroidorg).

* Great parts have been rewritten to Compose and (will be finalized in 4.3.16)
* We've changed how we use various sync types, resulting in much less used system sync quota. This means a much more reliable scheduled background sync. Hope you enjoy the new version! 😀


@IzzyOnDroid sehr interessant, danke :) Nur in der Tabelle ganz unten finde ich hätte man @fdroidorg bei "APK-Quelle" ein grünes Feld statt grau gönnen können. Dass #fdroid die Apps selbst aus dem veröffentlichten Quelltext baut ist ja schon ein wichtiges und sehr starkes Feature.

Byla vydána nová aktualizace pro aplikaci #pixelfed, pro systém #android
Už se myslím i brzo dočkáme oficiální aplikace v Google Play. 👍
Pro uživatele #fdroid je zde repozitář 👉…

I use K-9 Mail (aka Thunderbird Mobile) on my phone, installed via #FDroid. Last week, K-9 showed up in the list of pending updates in the Google Play Store, despite it not having installed that apk, and not being able to update it (and it wants to install the same version as is already installed). I can't clear it from the "pending updates" list. Unfortunately this seems to be a new #Android Play Store bug (see…). Reported to Google.

@IzzyOnDroid have you had any experience with this bug?

Danke, ich habe es über #fdroid gelöst und beobachte das Updateverhalten mal über #Droidify

Danke für die Empfehlung! Leider will über #Droidify der Download gerade nicht starten 🤔

Über #fdroid klappt es.

Oh there will be a new mirror? Maybe droid-ify will then update it automatically via the #fdroid #repository.

Or get it from #fdroid - That version even has address book integration and public channel discovery! 😂


There are even more repos around. For example, the #IzzySoftRepo repo exists since 2016. While being a "simple binary repo", it has good security measures implemented – detecting even things the scanners at @fdroidorg miss (and vice versa). Its inclusion criteria slightly differ from those at #FDroid so you'll find apps there which are not available at F-Droid. High transparency and interesting additional details. And more than 1,100 #apps. Give it a try! Read more at…

We have been running an #FDroid-compatible repository since 2012! Since then, the free software ecosystem on Android has blossomed, meaning @fdroidorg can be properly strict about #FreeSoftware. A couple of our apps still have a couple #proprietary blobs that are requirements. F-Droid no longer includes any third party repos by default, that means our repo is no longer there by default. It is still easy and safe to add it! Read on for more info:…

Since yesterday, the really cool fork of #openboard with active development and support of adding a #swype library manually, got rebranded into #Heliboard. A release on #izzyondroidrepo and #fdroid should be coming soon. @IzzyOnDroid

To celebrate Conversations being back on the Play Store and to deny Google their 15% cut I made the app free for the next ~48 hours. 😜

If you are new here: Check out #XMPP. It's federated, provider and vendor independent instant messaging. It’s great!…

Or get it from #fdroid - That version even has address book integration and public channel discovery! 😂

#TinyWeatherForecastGermany version 0.62.0 just was built successfully at #fdroid ! 🎈 🎉 ✨

This version comes with overhauled home screen #widgets and new options to better customize data syncs.

You can choose the data categories that should be kept updated automatically, and specify intervals for weather forecasts and weather warnings.

This version also launches significantly faster on #legacy #devices .

This is a #floss #weather #app using #opendata from the #dwd .

Get it at #fdroid !

This week in F-Droid (TWIF) was just published again!

We explain the "unattended upgrades for everyone" in 1.19.0 of our client in more depth.

- we talk about Acode editor - Android code editor, MRepo, PiliPala, SIYuan, K-9 Mail, Rocket.Chat and SimpleX Chat.
- big apps like Gao&Blaze, TuxPaint and Katawa Shoujo: Re-Engineered got their own paragraph
- the spring-cleaning continues
- our recap of FOSDEM is also linked…


Seems like at #fdroid we started to tackle a problem which I personally also encountered, but never found a good solution in my head: the distinction between F-Droid (the repository of FOSS apps) and F-Droid (the client for repositories of android apps). See… (thanks @uniqx for bringing it up)

It basically the #NamingThingsIsHard problem, you always have in technology

New apps at F-Droid today:

* Peristyle: wallpaper manager
* FoCal: create your personal photo calendar
* Jass board:
* Openlib: download and read books from shadow library
* Hisn Elmoslem: app for Azkar
* Closet-Archive: Organize clothes, log events, track laundry…
* Xray: Xray GUI
* Micro REPL: MicroPython IDE
* Circles: social sharing

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 12 updated and 1 added apps:

* BeatInspector: view BPM, key, genre, time signature & avg loudness of a track from Spotify API

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

Oh, and just in case you wanted to know that as well: at #FDroid there were 104 updated and 9 added apps. Details in the next toot.

Not enough? OK, (2/2) here:

#FDroid had 138 apps updated and 6 added:

* OpenTapasReader: Read comics
* Same: a game with colors
* Het Saldo: De Lijn "smart"ticket saldo checking
* Fossify Contacts: your green replacement for the orange adware
* Fossify SMS Messenger: your green replacement for the orange adware
* Carrion: Block spoofed calls

Enjoy those #free #Android #apps, too :awesome: