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LibreOffice is always free to download from our website. But it's also in the Microsoft Store for a small fee, which helps to cover the costs of putting it there and fund future development. And now there's a 15% #backtoschool discount:โ€ฆ

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@mjdxp The vast majority of our downloads are for the Windows version, and we estimate around 200 million users โ€“ so that's still a lot of Windows users running LibreOffice ๐Ÿ˜‰
in reply to LibreOffice

I am using Windows 10 which came pre-installed with MS Office 2016. Still I prefer to install (not from MS Store) and use the latest version of #LibreOffice.
in reply to LibreOffice


LibreOffice is pre-installed on Linux based systems, so it may be harder to get metrics from that if people are using LibreOffice or something else.

in reply to LibreOffice

@mjdxp Are downlpads from package managers (distribution packages, Flatpak, Snap) and preinstalled packages also counted? I expect most Linux users to not download LO from the website.
in reply to Lenni

@Lenni @mjdxp We can't count stats on infra beyond our control, of course, but we can make some estimates. In any case, yes, the vast majority of Linux users get LibreOffice from their distro's own package repos (which means they're often older versions, but that's another topic ๐Ÿ˜‰)
in reply to LibreOffice

Is it possible to a company to buy a bunch of copies to distribute with the colleagues with a single account? I think something like a licence to have more than one copy. Or the only solution is that anyone buys his copy?