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Did I already point out how cool the mastodon-archive tool is? I just had to post a follow-up to a toot from several days ago. But how to find it? Pick the next best open terminal window, type "mastosearch <searchTerm>" – et voila, less than a second later I have it, thanks to my daily cron-driven-updated archive :awesome:

Thanks @kensanata 😍
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

love the idea of local search, i really need to spend some time looking at this tool.

Although keep in mind, we have elasticsearch running, so you can free text search your own local past content on server too 🙂
in reply to Michael Downey 🇺🇳

@downey It's not just the search. It's a backup. In case your instance shuts down while you're on vacation, or for any other reason, you have your local archive. Even tomorrow. Think e.g. of Ash and M.T: Yes, being a phantastic admin & fellow he announced it in time so you could pull an archive & get moving. But how you search the toots once the instance is down?

Oh, and it's even more than backup & search. Just check the readme 😉
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Still not a single volunteer to give the RPM or DEB package of the great mastodon-archive tool a try and report back?

(note that if you had one of the first 2 installed, you need to uninstall that first as the package was renamed from mastodon-backup to mastodon-archive – which was done for consistency)
in reply to James Vasile

@jamesvasile Thanks! Whenever time permits. Guess we'll shove them out to public (via my repo for now) not before the next release is made and we have at least 2+ positive feedbacks for each package.
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

RPM and DEB works.
Consider adding:
Into CONTROL aswell :)
in reply to :debian: 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚊 :t_blink:

@selea Thanks! Need to find out how to add that into the RPM SPEC file (I build with my own framework and a tool that builds DEB based on SPEC files – never really looked into setting up a *.deb "the usual way" or took a closer look into the control files).
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

I dont know about RPMs actually, the few times I have created RPMs - I've cheated.

First I created a .deb package, then used "alien" to convert it to .rpm :P
in reply to :debian: 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚊 :t_blink:

@selea seems to be similar with RMP. In one docu I found a "VCS:" field mentioned but not described (in the block with source details), no other reference so far (so I do not even know the syntax; the URL alone would not do, one would need the protocol as well). So unleyy someone can tell me, I'd rather go without. URL to the repo is provided, so 🤷‍♂️
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

That is used by some applications to control that the packaged version is consistent with the one in the repo.
I have forgot what kind of service I used for that.
in reply to :debian: 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚊 :t_blink:

@selea Thanks! But as it's not mandatory, I prefer to skip it. Can be deduced from the URL: for those needing it. I won't create/distribute SDEB/SRPM anyway.
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

installed .deb on ubuntu20.04, works well, carries on when I supply --no-stopping, skips benchmarks due to version.
in reply to Brent Ashley

@bashley Yupp, expected behaviour on 20.04. Check in /usr/share/doc/mastodon-archive/contrib (the Readme gives you some background) to run as root. 20.04 ships a too old version of the – that script replaces the corresponding files from PyPi.

We decided to not depend on a specific version to not lock folks out, but rather provide this helper. If you got no hint, please open an issue so it can be added. Thanks!
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

I can have a look for Debian, never installed it yet on my machines. I'll see with my mentor when they have time to do so.
in reply to Guinness (they/she)

@Neha Thanks! The DEB is meanwhile available via my repo, please see the Readme for hints (it links to the instructions on how to add the repo to your APT config; that done and the index refreshed you can simply "apt install mastodon-archive" to get it to your system). Hope you'll enjoy it!
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Sure !
I'll suscribe to the ticket (and it will give me a opportunity to bump my professional laptop to 22.04 at last (IT doesn't really like it but well...)) and I'll give feedbacks!