Peter Vágner reshared this.

BEST HEADLINE OF THE DAY GOES TO: Octopus spotted riding on top of world's fastest shark

Source: Live Science

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Closing in on the first big milestone of Exchange support in @thunderbird! One of the last major items on our list before the next big step is the ability to copy folders - including from outside an Exchange account into one - and I've just managed to get it to work locally. It's not fully done yet, and there's still more work needed elsewhere before everything is ready to test, but it's good progress regardless 😁

The colours in the video are a bit naff, I blame the screen recording tool.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I wrote a CLI tool wrapping the API, so you can just run nvdl to download the latest NVDA version, nvdl alpha to download the latest alpha, etc. It works on all platforms, and on Windows you will be asked if you want to run the installer after downloading. You can also use -u or --url to get the download URL only, not actually download the installer.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Just last week, two people asked me if I could help them set up a #Nextcloud service and move their data off of the big US tech clouds. It may still be small, but the trend is real.✌️

#europeanalternatives #EuropeTech

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to WoundClad

@WoundClad @stooovie Getting it for free? Certainly not with the amount of data they have.
I didn't mean Nextcloud installations on their premise. I do it for myself, but I don't think it's good every one, actually it isn't for most. By "setting up a Nextcloud service" I mean picking something like Hetzner Storage Share and setting it up the way it works for them like the old solution.
Peter Vágner reshared this.

A few years ago, I wrote a web audio game based on an old Eureka A4 game called Aliens. The original version was purely audio. I just added some visualisation to see whether it would be potentially more engaging (and easier to learn) for sighted folks. Given that I'm totally blind and not particularly adept with CSS, the visualisation is kinda crappy, but I got my kids to help me check that it at least works. I haven't had anyone with sight test it on mobile, so it's likely completely broken there and thus I'd recommend desktop for now. Anyway, here it is if anyone's interested:

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Quick demo of a bizarre (not Japanese but Korean) text to speech synth known as JetTalk.

So bizarre it comes with it's own effects processor. Yes you heard that right. Your text to speech voice can have reverb and flanger effects applied to it.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Bummer. Last week our OpenTechFund contract was not signed but suspended along with OTF itself. Shit happening overseas.

However, we wouldn't deliver resilient messaging infrastructure and apps if we weren't a resilient and fun community. We never had much money to begin with, and are graced with great pro-bono contributions.

We are now looking for other public funding but it takes time. Meanwhile it'd be great to get intermittent help via a wealthy donor or small tips

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Haven't seen this widely talked about beyond the Ableton Access mailing list but having just tried this for myself this needs more recognition. For any Live users, we have what I think might be the first fully accessible Max4Live device, and it's a very useful one at that because it's a audio meter, which supports reading both true peaks and all of the Lufs values, either in realtime or by processing a file. It also supports normalising files, and after you turn it on the hotkeys are global so you can keep checking the levels IE wile you mix. The developer is also intending to release the libraries he developped that aid in communicating with screen readers which will no doubt be very helpful in making future Max4Live devices more accessible.…

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in reply to Zach Bennoui

@ZBennoui Great, gonna bookmark this for future advocacy efforts :) In general there are still some M4L widgets that need to be made accessible for general users, like buttons, if those are even a thing - I haven't looked at the developer documentation. For example the new expressive chords device that was just released should have a button to import the selected clip as a set of chords but you can't find it with a screen reader, and I think that's more important to do first.

Zach Bennoui reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Have made my first ever experience with the package pickup stations of the Austrian post last weekend. They have been made accessible to the blind. The procedure is as follows: 1. You receive a physical notification about a package being dropped off at a station in your mailbox. 2. The notification has one of its corners cut off to make a tactile difference. This way you can tell where the code you need to scan is located. 3. You go to the pickup station. The tactile flooring inside will guide you to the stations. 4. You touch anywhere on the touch screen of the station. 5. You touch again, this time the area above a circle shape that can be touched on a strip below the screen itself. 6. The voice guide is activated and issues further instructions. 7. You place the code on your notification in front of the reader. 8. Assuming it has been scanned correctly, you proceed to signing the delivery confirmation on the touch screen. How you can do it without seeing the screen is still a mystery to me but I guess anything you draw is accepted by the system. 9. The locker opens and makes a ticking sound until you find it, remove your package and shut the door. I still find the way of opening it with a mobile app that some providers in other countries offer far easier but it's great those are ready for use even if you don't want or can't use a smartphone. #Accessibility #Blind

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Edit: This post is based on outdated information which is no longer relevant. I apologize for the confusion.
NVDA Remote was merged into NVDA for the upcoming 2025.1 release.
This sounds like something to be happy about, but read on.

Now every new feature and change has to go through NV Access to get approved, which is a lot more work than adding your feature to an addon.

Why not create a separate addon? As said in #17703, they plan to remove the ability for addons to run on secure screens in the future. If this happens, nothing like Remote can ever be created again without the blessing and cooperation of NV Access.
Instead of empowering developers and users by allowing them to choose which addons are usable on secure screens, NV Access plans on disabling them.
Merging this just gives NV Access more leverage to meeting this goal. Their reason might be something like now that Remote is merged, we don't need addons there anymore because the interaction time is so short.

You might say that NVDA is open source, so someone can just modify the features they don't like. That's true, but it has to be signed for UI Access to work correctly, so someone would have to pay quite a bit to fork it and do their own thing. You then also have the problem of a fragmented community between NVDA and the new one.

The advantage with Remote merged in is that the users will be able to use Remote without an extra download, but we're going to be stuck with whatever NV Access gives us. I guess we'll see what they turn it into.

This entry was edited (5 days ago)

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in reply to Brandon Tyson

@BTyson @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 It looks like the way the issue was closed set the system thinking it was "completed" & added to the next milestone (2025.1). Though for THAT to be correct, it would need to have been closed by a pull request (addition of code actually addressing the sisue). The comment about future direction was, as noted, a thought at the time, which hadn't been at fleshed out yet. Since then we've changed that direction. It would only have taken a question to US to confirm.
in reply to Brandon Tyson

@BTyson @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 And we are grateful you did, as the OP didn't bother - In fact, the best place to question that issue comment, if not the issue, would have been an email to US directly, not a public comment to everyone EXCEPT us. We had since considered the impact and alternatives and changed thinking, and would have been happy to confirm that if anyone had asked... (And yes, I've since commented on the issue to confirm that as well)
Peter Vágner reshared this.

Thanks to a meetup at our local hackerspace @metalab , I have learnt about a web-based, open source, highly accessible video downloader frontend you can fire up at Really easy how it works: 1. You open the site; 2. you paste the link into the edit box; 3. You press enter; 4. The standard "Save File" dialog comes up. All the extra stuff like formats and qualities can be set in the settings and a choice between a video, audio-only or video-only version is offered under a button below the link input. #Accessibility #Blind

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in reply to Bubu

A very nice write up, I like the approach. I think the key is that he simply asked them for support. Lots of FOSS devs don't want to ask, I know that from myself. Asking for donations, or even nagging, is well know to work. Like Wikipedia. I wonder if it would be possible to eliminate the friction to donating so much that FOSS devs could make a living without having to learn how to run fundraising campaigns? Maybe it just isn't possible.
Peter Vágner reshared this.

It feels quite uncomfortable that cloudflare is somewhat openly admitting to analysing login credentials that are going through the reverse proxy, and providing aggregated stats on it (without explicit consent of the user it appears?)

Based on Cloudflare's observed traffic between September - November 2024, 41% of successful logins across websites protected by Cloudflare involve compromised passwords.

Don't get me wrong the results are actually pretty interesting, but I just cannot think of a ethical way of doing this, and it feels kind of jarring that they just "did that"…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Today I learned: If you use #Chrome and are annoyed by those "Sign in with Google" dialogs stealing keyboard focus on certain websites, you can disable it at the browser level.

In the address bar, type or paste in "chrome://settings/content/federatedIdentityApi" (without the quotes. You should land on the "Third-party sign-in" Settings page.

On that page, there'll be two radio buttons: "Sites can show sign-in prompts from identity services", and "Block sign-in prompts from identity services". Set it to the second one, and you should find that the problematic dialogs are no longer present.

#accessibility #screenReader

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Andy Whitmore the producer of Peter Andre's song "Flava" doing a track breakdown. Pretty interesting.…
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Peter Vágner reshared this.

It's not often that I get goose bumps from a Hands Up release these days. But this one works for me.

DJ THT - Broken Love…
#Music #HandsUp #Dancecore

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I wrote a #DeltaChat blog post for technical users who are skeptical about how it works

Everything You Think You Know About DeltaChat Is Wrong…


Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Want to try running your own builder – to confirm apps as #reproducibleBuilds or just to build your own apps? At #IzzyOnDroid we've just made "easy setup scripts" available which should take care for all requirements, while letting you choose which parts you want:…

These scripts are not yet thoroughly tested (just a bit on Linux Mint/Debian/Ubuntu), so we'd welcome volunteers & their feedback.

Thanks to @nlnet for supporting us on this project! You're awesome :awesome:

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in reply to

@s3nnet err… Steht gleich am Anfang in der Readme (hat leider nicht mehr in den Tröt gepasst): In der ersten Version funzt das nur mit Debian-basierten Systemen. Für RPM-basierte Systeme haben wir uns schon ein Issue aufgemacht. Für BSD möchte auch schon jemand schauen.

Aber schau gern mal über das Skript, was da für Arch/Manjaro die passenden Dinge wären, und mach dafür ein Issue auf.

Danke Dir!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I just lost access to a substantial amount of issues on one of my #GitHub projects.

I would appreciate if people could help upvote… to get more attention.

GitHub staff won't even tell me how much data they've hidden from me, which is quite discouraging :(

#GitHub #OpenSource #DataLoss

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

TL;DR for Youtube Premium Lite: $8 per month, instead of Premium's $14. No ads on most videos, but ads on music. No downloading, no playback when Youtube is in the background/the phone is locked. Basically, consider Lite if you never listen to Youtube with the screen off and/or don't consume music through Youtube.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

For a while, a dog in Milan, Italy named Cacao, frequently rode the No. 54 bus—by himself! Yes, really. He would only board the bus if he recognized the driver, whom he had known for years. Cacao would go to a park and simply wander around gardens and public spaces before taking the same bus back to his house, where his owner, known only as Nicoletta, would wait for him to come back.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

So the primary thing I've learned from trying out the Ducky One #mechanical#keyboard is just how much lag my previous keyboards (a codekeyboard and a razer) were adding. I use a #screenreader, so I'm deeply aware of the audio lag from headphones and the audio subsystem, and configure things to reduce that as much as I can. I also knew bluetooth can introduce lag. But on picking up the! A few ms can really matter! My system feels faster than it's ever felt before. Even if I wind up returning this, now I know that keyboard refresh rate is a thing I care about. Also, the inductive switches feel really nice and clicky to press, but are reasonably quiet for those around me.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Flufs, a powerful loudness analysis tool for Ableton Live, is designed for accessibility:…

A look at the latest from Iftah - plus a full externals pack for developers working on adding accessibility features in Max for Live is on the way soon! Curious what folks think of this / how they use it!

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

So this evening, #Windows update installed the wrong #AMD video driver update for my Framework 16. Using #narrator, I was able to boot into recovery mode, enter my bitlocker key to decrypt the effected drive, find my system restore point, and restore it to just before the bad update. The entire process was fully #accessible: all of my sound devices worked, my external keyboard worked, the screen reader read every screen, etc. The only thing that wouldn't work was my Braille display.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Wake, Boot, Repeat: Remote OS Selection With GRUB And ESP…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

It seems I'm going to get back on TWBlue's development for a while in case someone is interested. So if there are issues that have been pending to fix or new stuff you wish to add (filters are already on the list, and language selector is done) just reply and I'll add those to the issues on gitHub so it will be easier to track them.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

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in reply to Winter blue tardis🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis hi there! sorry for the long time :), I was having some work, health and family stuff. I'll get back to you today with instructions regarding how to register in the translation site for TWBlue. About the issue, I've fixed a bug that was making TWBlue to not display posts with special characters or emojis on them, perhaps that is the same issue you're having?
Peter Vágner reshared this.

🎉 V1.0🎉

PodcastPlugins is a set of Free and Open-Source speech-enhancement audio plugins for podcasters.

vst + vst3 + clap + LV2 + AU
Linux + macOS + Windows

Enjoy :)

Huge thanks to @falktx

@x42 @magnetophon @jkdb

Supported by @PrototypeFund…

#podcast #podcast_creation #podcastproduction #audioproduction #contentcreation #vst #vst3 #clap #lv2 #plugin #audio #sound #soundengineering #audioengineering #daw #mixing #speech #dsp #faust #prototypefund

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Hi everyone, we had a question on the weekend about the best programs, accessible with NVDA under Windows, for:

1. An accessible client to work with multiple calendars via CalDAV

2. A program which can work as a to-do-list.

The user would prefer not to use Outlook if possible. Has anyone got tips please?

CC @bdorer @WestphalDenn

Original message:…

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in reply to NV Access

Link at end but regarding the To Do, I gave up on trying to find accessible ToDo programs because they all appeared to be bloated, poorly designed, and just a hastle, so I went with the ToDo.TXT format and it's many apps. @NVAccess @bdorer @WestphalDenn
Peter Vágner reshared this.

In 2022, I introduced the project DISCMASTER, which is a unique project to make the internals of tens of thousands of 1990s-2000s CD-ROMs findable in a semantic search.

Today, I'm announcing the team has now made DISCMASTER 2, a ground-up rewrite with so much improvement.

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in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

It's good to see LibreOffice getting attention! @WestphalDenn & @bdorer reported another issue earlier which I wrote up as:… - Hopefully the end result will be LibreOffice support continuing to improve!

And for anyone who missed it, Zvonimir's issue is written up at:…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Here's something @jaybird110127 will probably appreciate.

I recorded the alarm of my vintage Sharp CT-661G talking alarm clock with an EM pickup coil, and noticed that it has substantial aliasing.
I put a high pass filter at 12 kHz on the audio, so that only the aliasing is audible, then ran it through a band shifter effect in Reaper a couple of times. The result is rather interesting.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I recieved some interesting news today about the Blind Geek Zone website that I closed last year. Apparently Sam Tupy was able to retrieve most of the audio files and pages from the site before it's demise. He's offered to put the site up so that others can get to everything once again and I plan on letting him do that. I'm very happy that someone was able to recover things as unfortunately I was not. Basically it's of only historical value but I thought it was very nice of him to contact me.
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)

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