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Resources #Mastodon instances need to run are not free. If we users want to keep the network the way it is, we need to take responsibility for that.

That's why I did my humble part today and made a contribution to my instance:
Thank you, @downey, for running it! It's a reliable instance with a friendly community which I enjoy using every day.

in reply to Jiří Eischmann :fedora:

Great to see that the previous goal (which I saw not that long ago: 2 weeks or so?) was not only reached, but surpassed! And a new proper goal (considering the extra load) was set :awesome: 🥳

As the other Fedi-Admins do, @downey already puts the mental work, his time & nerves into running things (THANKS!!!), so let's ensure WE at least cover the monetary part (including the coffee input plus a "bite") to keep the ship afloat!