Items tagged with: Mastodon


Items tagged with: Mastodon

🎉 Die heutige Fediverse-Sprechstunde ist zu Ende.

Ein herzliches Dankeschön geht an @gunchleoc für ihre Ausführungen zu #Peertube inklusive Liveupdate von PeerTube! Wir hatten eine spannende Runde mit vielseitigen Themen, die sowohl für #neuhier als auch für fortgeschrittene Nutzer interessant waren.
Mein Dank gilt auch allen Teilnehmenden der Sprechstunde, die sich aktiv eingebracht und so erneut zu einer gelungenen Veranstaltung beigetragen haben.

🗓️ Der nächste Termin steht bereits fest: Donnerstag 24.04.2025 um 19:30 Uhr
Thema: #Lemmy mit @Ranslite
Weitere Details folgen.

Lang lebe Fediverse! 🚀🌐
#Fediverse #Mastodon #Hubzilla #Friendica #Peertube

Is there any #ActivityPub / #Mastodon URI scheme used in the wild that would allow me to open an ActivityPub account directly in my Android app?

I've seen 'acct' and 'web+ap' mentioned but none seem to be implemented.

The goal is that given a text of "Here is my Mastodon profile" #Conversations_im can link that directly into #Tusky. (Just like mailto and xmpp URIs open my E-Mail or IM app respectively)

Have @apps or @Tusky considered that? If not why not?

Ahoj Mastodone, tady mě máš!

Tedy samozřejmě pokud se ti nedostává tichých, citlivých a zakřiknutých chlapců a chlapů, tu a tam trousících nějaké to všeobecné, generalizující moudro.

#hello #mastodon

#OpenStreetMap hat ein ähnliches Problem wie #Mastodon / #Fediverse aus Sicht des naiven Users: Die Pluralität der Server.

Zwar gibt es als Anlaufstelle, aber dann gibt's zig Websites und Apps, die sogar besser sind, aber wie finde ich die jetzt?

Man weiß nicht, wohin.

Ich habe vergessen, eine Buchmarke zu setzen. Da gab's doch mal so eine Variante mit Metadaten-Ansicht links in so einer Sidebar, die war so mehr wie Google Maps.

Friendica: Welchen Sinn macht die Option Öffentlichen Beiträge für anonymen Besucher zu sperren?

Es gibt bei den Einstellungen folgende Option die es ermöglicht anonymen Besuchern der Webseite den Zugriff auf die öffentlich eingestellten Beiträge zu verweigern.

Für mich persönlich ist das durchaus sinnvoll, da ich meine Beiträge ja fürs Fediverse und nicht für Google und Co. schreibe. Nun stellt sich aber dennoch die Sinnfrage, wenn ca. 80 Prozent der eigenen Kontakte eine Plattform (Mastodon) nutzen die die Beiträge nicht korrekt darstellen und den ursprünglichen Beitrag auch nicht inline laden kann. Deren Nutzer also darauf angewiesen sind anonym über den Server auf der der Beitrag erstellt wurde darauf zuzugreifen.

Wie geht Ihr damit um? Welche Lösungen habt Ihr dafür gefunden?

#Friendica #Beiträge #ÖffentlicheBeiträge #AnonymeZugriffe #Mastodon #Frage #2024-03-24 !Friendica Support

If you're using Mastodon through a computer, did you know you can access almost all of its functions through keyboard shortcuts? There's a complete list of shortcuts plus more info here:


Some of these will only make sense in Mastodon's multicolumn mode, but most of them work in all modes.

NOTE: You don't have to use any of these shortcuts, everthing can be done through the mouse too. The keyboard shortcuts are just for people who prefer them 🙂

#FediTips #Mastodon

📢 Novinky v Tusky! 🦣🚀
Boostování dostalo vylepšení – teď můžeš kontrolovat, kdo uvidí tvoje boosty!

🔹 Public Boost – viditelný pro všechny, objeví se na veřejné časové ose.
🔹 Unlisted Boost – nezobrazí se na veřejné časové ose, ale lidé ho uvidí na tvém profilu.
🔹 Follower Only Boost – sdílíš jen se svými sledujícími, nikdo jiný ho neuvidí.
#tusky #Mastodon #Boosty #Fediverse

Ich habe gerade den "Leitfaden für den Instanz-Betrieb im dezentralen Netzwerk - Datenschutz bei Mastodon" von gefunden.
Dieser gibt neben grundsätzlichen Informationen auf was Instanzbetreiber achten müssen, vor allem auch eine sehr praktische Sammlung an Musterdokumenten unter CC BY-ND 4.0-Lizenz. Ihr könnt es also für euere Instanzen anpassen und nutzen.

Auch relevant für @Friendica Admins / @Friendica Support

Auf einem abstrakten Niveau sind die Anforderungen, die wir beschreiben, auch auf andere Plattformen des Fediverse übertragbar. Dennoch gibt es einige Aspekte, die von der konkreten Plattform und Software-Implementierung abhängen. So sind zum Beispiel die Möglichkeiten, rechtliche Texte einzubinden und anzuzeigen, unterschiedlich.…

#impressum #dsgvo #fediverse #friendica #mastodon #tos #deutschland #datenschutz

So I have been trying out the #BlueSky Social app lately. And I thought it might be a good alternative to Twitter. Turns out it is no better than Twitter. Oh, they might smile at you and talk civil for a while. But as you get to know people you find out they are just undercover bigots, racists, and fascism supporters. I am very disappointed. Guess I will stick with #mastodon.

People always seem weirded out when I tell them I'm not on any corporate social media.

But it's been so long for me, I barely remember how it was there.

I just remember that I feel so much better since I deleted all these corporate accounts and decided to invest all my social media time in Mastodon instead.

I feel like I live in some blissful parallel universe that almost no one else knows about. Anyhow, I live here now :neocat_box:


Ich gehe daran, eine landeskirchliche Gemeinde ein bisschen zu beraten, wie man mit #Friendica, #Mastodon o.ä. eine von Facebook unabhängige Infrastruktur für ca. 6000 Gemeindemitglieder aufbauen könnte. Da ich nicht alles neu erfinden will: Gibt es Best Practice Vorbilder, die man studieren kann, wie die vorgegangen sind? Handbuchwissen?

Question for my friends on #Mastodon who have smart phones, do you choose to turn Wi-Fi calling on or off and why? Thanks in advance for indulging my curiosity once again.

This commit on #Mastodon adds a new feature called "Fetch all replies"to the backend. This is an important step forward. It might help small instances (like mine ;) to get more complete threads from other instances and avoid the duplication of replies with the same/similar content because not all replies are visible everywhere.… cc @evan FYI 1/2

Some good news about #Mastodon, there has been a very significant bit of code added which will automatically fetch all the replies in a thread. This means everyone will be able to see a thread's whole conversation no matter which server they are on! 🥳

The code has just been "merged" which means it should become available in the next update to Mastodon, hopefully within the next few months.

(Those who want the technical details can see the Pull Request at…)

(Via @rolle)

📢 Aktualizace Mastodon instancí!
Všechny naše Mastodon instance byly aktualizovány na v4.3.5 ✅


📢 Nově budou všechna oznámení a novinky zveřejňovány na @oscloud pro lepší přehlednost. Doporučujeme sledovat! 📰

🔧 Pokud narazíte na jakékoli problémy, dejte nám vědět.
#Mastodon #Oscloud #Update

In the last few months, many people have called on the EU to start supporting open alternatives to US-owned social media sites. The thing is: The EU has been doing that for some time already. It has financed, among others, ActivityPub, Mastodon and PeerTube. For @netzpolitik_feed, we spoke to Michiel Leenaars, who professionally gives out buckets of EU cash to open source projects.

#eu #europeanunion #opensource #activitypub #mastodon…

While other private services leave Mastodon, we simply ❤️ this community.

And getting close to reaching 30k followers! 🎉🤩

#Mastodon #Tuta

Last night, I suspended an account, 27 minutes after it was created, for claiming to be E lon M usk. It had the whole scammer M.O. It immediately began following a bunch of people, hoping to hit on someone who would believe it was the real person contacting them.

I read about people losing huge sums of money to these scams.

This is the 4th famous-person impersonation account I've removed since starting this Mastodon server. The first time, they did hit someone on Mastodon who believed the account was official and who started engaging. I reached out to that person after suspending the offender to tell them the account they responded to was fake.

For those who need to hear this, please be careful. No famous person is going to reach out to you on Mastodon, or any other social media.

#Scam #Mastodon

🚀 Zpravobot byl aktualizován! 🎉
Právě jsme aktualizovali instance Mastodonu Zpravobot na nejnovější verzi 4.3.4! 📢

#Mastodon #Zpravobot #Update #OpenSource #Fediverse

Wait. This can't be. I must be dreaming.

Congratulations @brusselmobiliteit om niet alleen op #mastodon te zijn, maar om zelfs een eigen server te hebben! #Brussel

#MastoAdmin folks who weren't around the #Fediverse and #Mastodon back in 2018 may not know (or those who were, may have forgotten) how unpopular trending tags were when the project leader forced it despite extensive criticism about creating abuse vectors and clawing back promises of creating an algorithm-free network.


Hilfe, welche #Mastodon #App benutzt ihr und warum? Ich hab einfach mit der Standard-Mastodon angefangen, aber ich kann, während ich Antworten schreibe den ursprünglichen Tröt nicht lesen. — Unhilfreich.

@Peter Vágner @Dieguito 🦝🧑🏻‍💻🍕 How conversations work is not unified all across the Fediverse. Even how connections work is not unified.

Mastodon has taken over the follower/followed principle from Twitter which is always illustrated with arrows with one point. A following B is illustrated with an arrow from A to B. A being followed by B is illustrated with an arrow from B to A. A and B following each other mutually is illustrated with one arrow from A to B and one arrow from B to A.

It appears to me that Friendica has adopted this to become more compatible with Mastodon. But its several descendants, created by Friendica's own creator, starting with Hubzilla, haven't.

Hubzilla, (streams) and Forte still have the bidirectional "connection" or "contact" as the default. It's illustrated with one arrow, but with one point on each end.

Also, all three understand a threaded conversation as an enclosed contruct entirely owned by the conversation starter. Everyone on these three who has the start post on their stream always actually has the whole thread on their stream.

In fact, all three have Conversation Containers implemented. This feature was originally created in the streams repository in 2022. Forte has had it from the get-go as it started out as a fork of (streams). It was eventually turned into FEP-171b and backported to Hubzilla last year.

All three make sure that everyone who has a post on their stream also always has all comments on that post, at least those that are made after they have received the post.

This works on two basic principles:

  • All comments go directly to the original poster because the original poster owns the thread.
  • Those who have the post automatically receive all comments from the original poster.

In a pure Hubzilla/(streams)/Forte system, your above example would look like this:

  • User 1 and User 2 are connected.
  • User 1 and User 3 are connected. (This doesn't even matter.)
  • User 2 and User 3 are connected.
  • User 2 and User 4 are connected.

Much simpler than explaining everything with "following" and "being followed", isn't it?

Now, the conversation works like this.

  • User 2 sends a public post, thus creating a Conversation Container of which they are the owner.
    User 1, User 3 and User 4 receive the post.
  • User 3 comments on User 2's post.
    The comment goes from User 3 to User 2, who is the owner of the conversation, and it is automatically forwarded to User 1 and User 4 who already have User 2's post on their streams.
  • User 4 comments on User 3's comment.
    The comment goes from User 4 past User 3 straight to User 2, who is the owner of the conversation, and it is automatically forwarded to User 1 and User 3 who already have User 2's post on their streams.

The only mentioning that occurs here, if any, is User 4 mentioning User 3. This is not necessary for User 4's post to reach anyone. This is only necessary to make sure on Hubzilla (which doesn't have a tree view) that User 4 is replying to User 3's comment and not to User 2's post.

On Mastodon, for comparison, everything depends on who follows whom, who mentions whom and whose instance knows whose instance.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Forte #Conversations #FEP_171b #ConversationContainers

Someone please clear this up for me. Is there any way of seeing which servers a #mastodon server is federated with?


So I've gone back to #Mastodon because I wasn't really getting anything better from #Friendica, but I've kept @raccoonforfriendicaapp. It's a great app, @dieguitux8623 has done / is doing amazing work.

On that note, **small bug**:

On your profile, when you tap on an empty tab (like "Pinned" in my case), the tab rack disappears, no way to go back to your posts or replies. Closing the app fixes it.

Adding meaningful alt-text is not only important for everyone using a screenreader and an essential #inclusion and #accessibility requirement. Alt-text is also searchable and used by filters. People who prefer to filter certain people and topics for mental health and other reasons can't filter memes or images without it. Please use alt-text and cw generously 🙏

Added bonus: with added alt-text you can find images in your own posts with "from:me" and people are more likely to boost your posts.

#screenreader #fediverse #Mastodon

One significant way Mastodon and the Fediverse have transformed digital culture is through the use of alt text. When I look back at my older images online and in my blogs, I rarely included alt text - even though I actively work on accessibility. For some reason, I simply overlooked it.

Now, every time I post something online, I take a moment to write alt text. Mastodon has changed my mindset, and I believe its impact extends far beyond this. The Fediverse encourages a level of consideration for others that no other social networking platform has before.

#A11y #Accessibility #AltText #Mastodon #Fediverse #SocialWeb #SocialNetwork #SocialMedia

I very much welcome quote posts. Despite the fears that some have about it, I believe it’s needed.

What’s important is that the @Mastodon team was mindful about their decision, spending ages simply considering it.

There’s an opt-out, which means those who want it can use it. And those who don’t, can keep it from happening to their posts.…

#Mastodon #QuotePosts #SocialMedia

The amazing feeling of discovering that The Archive Of Our Own has a character tag for "Fediverse Network/Mastadon Platform (Anthropomorphic)", followed by the disappointment of finding only a single #fanfic using that tag. I wanted to read a bunch of erotic #Misskey#fanfiction about all that forking! Maybe a #GnuSocial#Pleroma slashfic! Or some #GoToSocial and #Mastodon lemons. A #hubzilla and #friendica hurt/comfort fanfic anyone? C'mon, people. The fact a tag exists means we should use it.*s*Mastadon%20Platform%20(Anthropomorphic)/works

Happy I Love Free Software Day! 💕

Unfortunately, this year I could not join nor organize any in-person celebration, BUT of course I want to share my gratitude to the many, countless #FreeSoftware services I don’t merely use, but actually depend on.

Last year, I decided to focus only on #YunoHost, because it would have been crazy to list all the projects I use and I love.

This time, even if I will most certainly forget someone, I am challenging myself to mention all the #LibreSoftware my life is powered by.

Without further ado, THANK YOU to:

  • @yunohost, for powering Nebuchadnezzar
  • @fedora, for running my beloved #Framework laptop
  • @frameworkcomputer, for designing and building repairable, #Linux-friendly and truly open hardware
  • @gnome and @GTK, for being just gorgeous
  • @calyxos (thus @LineageOS), for powering my #Fairphone5
  • #Obtainium, for making me directly download apps on my phone, and @fdroidorg for distributing them
  • #AuroraStore, for proxying the download of apps I am doomed to get from Google Play
  • @element, for developing #Synapse, even though the new proprietary Synapse Pro is VERY PROBLEMATIC AND DISAPPOINTING
  • #Fractal, for being the most beautiful and awesome #Matrix client ever
  • @signalapp, for keeping me connected with the people I love
  • @Mastodon, for also maintaining a feature-packed experimental fork (#GlitchSoc), that is what Pan runs
  • #Tuba and #Moshidon, for being the most beautiful and awesome #Mastodon clients ever
  • #Firefox, for still remaining the best possible #browser choice, despite #Mozilla’s governance messiness
  • @openstreetmap, for allowing us to find the right path, both literally and metaphorically!
  • @organicmaps, for being the simplest, cleanest, yet feature-rich #OSM client and navigation app
  • @protonvpn, for making me browse safely from/to anywhere in the planet and @protonprivacy #ProtonMail, for hosting my email, despite the latest alarming political statements…
  • @libreoffice, for allowing me to draft documents with ease, the last of which was my #CV
  • #LanguageTool, for preventing me from making embarassing spelling mistakes
  • @photoprism, for safely storing and indexing all my photographic memories, on Aby, and for providing stellar and friendly support too!
  • #Actual, for moderating the very likely risk of ending up completely broke, since it forces me to manage my finances consciously and coherently
  • @readeck, for storing and sorting ALL my varied and overwhelming inputs
  • @nextcloud, for storing and synchronizing my data, for its #calendar, its #tasks, and all its awesome apps
  • #Rustdesk, for preventing my friends and family members from going crazy, by allowing me to remotely connect to their devices and directly address the issues they have
  • #Listmonk, for sending out my newsletter
  • @eleventy, for powering all the websites I maintain, above all the virtual representation of my mind, and for being the only reason why I resist and try to continue learning #JavaScript
  • @forgejo, for giving us a chance to truly control and collectively develop the sources of our software, but most importantly @Codeberg, for RESISTING, RESISTING, RESISTING, despite the hatred and attacks nazi assholes throw at them
  • @musicbrainz for keeping music knowledge open and free, and @ListenBrainz for scrobbling the crazy music I listen to
  • The @fsfe, for promoting this celebration and fighting the good fight!

Lastly, but most importantly, the biggest thank you goes to all the free software libraries and dependencies the above mentioned #software are made of/built with, including #C, #JavaScript, #Python, #Rust, and all community-maintained programming languages.

I am super sorry if I forgot someone!

#OpenSource #ILoveFS #SoftwareFreedom #Fairphone #Android #LineageOS #FSFE #OpenStreetMap #PhotoPrism #LibreOffice #Readeck #Eleventy #11ty #GNOME #Signal #forgejo #Codeberg #MusicBrainz #ListenBrainz #MetaBrainz