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Items tagged with: Mastodon

I gave a #presentation about #Mastodon last sundy at @flordi

As promised, here are the slideshows:

(Yes, I know, it is hosted by github - working on setting up my own webspace)

Would you prefer that YOU ARE HIDDEN on the Fediverse?

That nobody (new) ever follows you?

That nobody (new) ever sees your posts?


They don't represent me. And I don't think they should (even implicitly) speak for me


Please boost for reach.

#Discoverable #Fediverse #Mastodon #NoIndex

  • No (71%, 296 votes)
  • Yes (12%, 52 votes)
  • Don't Care (8%, 34 votes)
  • Huh (7%, 32 votes)
414 voters. Poll end: in 1 week

With the latest update to #Mastodon's web app, we show you a little reminder when you're about to post a picture without adding alt text. Alt text is crucial for accessibility, but has other perks too, such as making it much easier to search for your post—or filter it. Of course, the reminder can be simply toggled off in preferences.

#diaspora #pollFeatures

#diasporaPoll about polling.

#poll feature test, related to a #friendica post about vote by name polling.
If I get this right, D*'s poll feature can have a max of four questions and multiple choice is not available.

Also notable, in comparison with #mastodon poll's, there is no time limit for the poll.
As mastodon allows editing post's, the poll count is reset if the post text is edited, but not the time span of the poll.
Time span is from 5 minutes up to 7 seven days.


Hi there @utopiarte,
I'm observing this #poll question on the #friendica @helpers #group from over here on a #mastodon instance and can't like, only fav, yet actually I'd like to be against this proposal as it is very dangerous!

I wouldn't put my name on the line in this internet for poll's by name vote, #democracy or even post an opinion.

That's way to dangerous in the actually #zeitGeist of #neoLiberalFascist's having the thumb on LLM's to hunt us down.…

Attention #Fediverse!

The government of the state of Tamil Nadu in India is offering an enormous cash prize to anyone who can crack the code of an ancient script used in the Indus Valley civilization.

I'm just posting this because I figure if there's some big brain who can decipher the script, and that person needs money right now, there's a decent chance they are posting cat pictures on #Mastodon.…

Скажите, а дорого сервер содержать для mastodon?
А то хотел найти сервер посвящённый логистике и перевозкам, и не смогу, видать плохо искал.

И вот стало интересно, сколько это вообще стоит по деньгам, много ли времени уходит на его содержание.

Хотя с другой стороны, а узко тематические серверы нужны? 🤔 Видел тут сервер любителей кофе))))

Я ведь в любом случае могу общаться с другими людьми из других так сказать инстансов.

@ru @rf #Mastodon #logistics

Ready to move away from Big Tech?

There are options. Choosing those options will require you to learn something new, but that is a small cost to pay to get away from Big Tech, IMHO

Here are my suggestions. Feel free to add your own:

1. Browser : Vivaldi. That one is a given for me, obviously.

2. Mail client : Vivaldi. You may wonder why you need a mail client, but besides the technical benefits, it makes it a lot easier to move between mail services or even use more than one.

3. Mail service : Fastmail. They have been around for a long time.

4. Office software : Libre Office.

5. Video conference : Whereby.

6. Desktop OS : Linux.

7. Social : Mastodon and the Fediverse in general.

As said, I am eager to hear what you are using to help me move away from Big Tech as well. Always looking for new things to try.

#Mastodon #fediverse #Linux #Windows #BigTech #Politics #Technology #Computers

Op zondag 9 februari doe ik een #mastodon-workshop (en dat mag ook een mastodon-meetup worden)

19u30, Sint-Salvatorstraat 5 (Flordi) in #Gent. Beginners (ook) welkom!

Men zegge het voort! Boosts worden geapprecieerd!

It was my dad who first alerted me to this weird term, 'Synaesthesia' in the 90's. I forgot about it for a time, but recently rediscovered it. Turns out I have it and so do many other blind people.
In this episode of my podcast, we discuss it, I explain my version of it and also read out comments from a thread I started on social media from others that also have it.
Only after recording did we realise that our children both have it too, despite not being blind, so we'll talk about that in the next episode.

Thread on #Mastodon:…

Edit so people get to it first, I'd love to discuss these in my podcast if people don't mind. My wife (who's sighted) doesn't get it.
My possibly bizarre version of #Synesthesia means that words have feeling associated with them, as in my fingers can actually feel what that means.
Having just heard the word 'Utah' in a youtube video, it reminded me that both 'Utah' and 'Uber' feel the same.
They both represent an average car tire with very new treads. No, don't ask why, I have no idea.
Some days of the week also have their associated feelings too, such as Friday being a huge soft spongy ball, Saturday being a Yale lock, Monday being a large camping-style water barrel you can pull along behind you, and Tuesday being the lid of an old-fashioned sweet jar with those huge glass lids that had a ball for a handle, if anyone remembers those.

I haven't heard of anyone else with this particular version of synesthesia, so I'll just put my madness out there to start a conversation.
Go wild.

📣 Happy #GlobalSwitchDay to all the brave frontrunners out there!

For whom February 1st came a little too soon, don't worry! Just try again on March 1st and celebrate Zero Discrimination Day in the beautiful #fediverse. Alternatively, you can switch on April 1st, as only fools stay behind ;) or join your friends on May 1st and put your ideals to work.

Help spread the word.

#WhatsApp #Signal #Reddit #Lemmy #X #Mastodon #Instagram #Pixelfed #Facebook #friendica #Youtube #Peertube #Tiktok #loops

Le sette meraviglie di Mastodon glitch-soc (e di

Eh già, Mastodon sa andare spesso oltre i limiti conosciuti, e questo grazie al fatto di essere un software open source, cui chiunque può apportare personalizzazioni interessanti. Oggi parliamo del fork Mastodon Glitch-soc, quello utilizzato nella nostra istanza Poliversity!…

#Fediverso #Glitch #Mastodon #Poliversity #Poliverso


sad but correct decision use #mastodon or try to get a #pixelfed account?

I'd like to help a blind friend get on Mastodon. Anyone have experience using VoiceOver with any of the iPhone apps?

#Mastodon #VoiceOver #blind

Nice. How to leave #X / #Twitter and #Instagram? In the edition of tomorrow‘s newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine offers valuable tips and highlights alternatives in the #Fediverse, such as #Mastodon and #Pixelfed.

A must-read especially for @Gargron from @Mastodon and @dansup from @PixelFed and of course @helpers / @admins

📖 Read more here in german language:…

#SocialMedia #Privacy #Alternatives #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse

Nice. How to leave #X / #Twitter and #Instagram? In the edition of tomorrow‘s newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine offers valuable tips and highlights alternatives in the #Fediverse, such as #Mastodon and #Pixelfed. A must-read especially for @Gargron from @Mastodon and @dansup from @PixelFed and of course @helpers / @admins

📖 Read more here in german language:…

#SocialMedia #Privacy #Alternatives #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse

and this is exactly why I use #mastodon
It can’t be controlled to the same extent Facebook can
What needs to happen is for people here to advocate for the usage of platforms like this, so we can slowly increase the user count here past 10 million and beyond
Bc Facebook has advertising and we don’t

To begin with @Hypolite Petovan, the original idea is to offer for example to projects like @YunoHost :neopossum_box: or @Castopod :podcasting2: a profile on, the same way our very @Friendica Support works.
Most #fediVerse platforms have profiles on their own platform and/or a #mastodon profile, because that's the kinda standard thought and behavior. But actually to me it looks like the #friendica #communityForum page capabilities exceed by far what mastodon or others have to offer. Well, I haven't digged into the fedi clone of reddit to see if that would be an even better option. What is true tho is that is already long standing and our community has gone a long way, so there is in general terms "no single point of failure" like in other projects that depend on one main figure and that's it.

I consider our helpers community experience here, with all the followers of our helpers page getting resend the help requests posted to the forum, chiming in to help out and solve issues, very positive. So this is a proven setup and could help lot's of other projects out here too. Actually I do think that if implemented and adopted, it even could have a positive feed back loop for friendica itself, but that's like something on another page.

So having already up and running, why not support the fediVerse community opening our doors to those who fulfill certain basic community standards?

This server here ( as well is only mend to be a forum server, and of course it's doors are open for any #fediPlatform that likes to have an own forum page over here, yet somehow to me it look's like is the first natural and ideal candidate for something like that.

Of course same goes for a #fediAdmin, #activityPub or #APIdeveloppers community support forum, if that is desired or useful.

Right now in general terms the fedi lives on using some tags or maybe some addresses, but it's actually us who hold and develop that option for more than a decade now inside the federation itself.

Was that more clarifying @hypolite?

Tak se zdá, že se po cca. 2,5 letech běhu své solo instance Mastodonu dostávám na limit databáze. Zkusím zapnout automatické mazání příspěvků starších jak 2 roky, co to udělá.
#Mastodon #mastohost

What are some good general-purpose mastodon-instances with larger than 500 character-limits besides, and
#mastodon is a Mastodon server for DJs (and related fields) of any kind, including club DJs, radio, mobile sound-systems, livestreaming etc.


Find out more at or contact the admin @luka

#FeaturedServer #DJ #DJs #Music #Radio #SoundSystems #ClubDJs #Mastodon #Fediverse #FreeFediverse

🚀 Phanpy byl aktualizován! 🎉
Právě jsme aktualizovali novou verzi Phanpy! 📢 Verze 2025.01.26.24f03f5
💬 Máte návrhy nebo jste našli chyby v překladu? Lokalizace ještě není kompletní, takže uvítáme jakékoliv návrhy na zlepšení a pomoc s překladem.
#Phanpy #Mastodon #Update #Localization #OpenSource

I'd love it if #Mastodon asked you to confirm each and every time you posted something without text in the body of the post, and no #AltText in the image.
If you post an image without alt-text, but you wrote something, no confirmation, only if you type absolutely nothing at all.
Anyone with me?

@elk Elk is still my favorite Mastodon client out there. Best UI of them all. How do you navigate #Mastodon?

Are there other accessible mastodon-clients besides enafore, tweesecake, TWBlue and mona?
I've heard about a lot of other mastodon-clients, but I don't know if any of them are accessible or not except for the above-mentioned clients.

I have a #Fediverse #ActivityPub question:
Why doesn't my client ( #mastodon or #pixelfed ) automatically load the comments from the original page so that all comments are visible?
Is there a technical reason?

With today's update, we've improved the look of the alt text modal you see when composing new posts on #Mastodon, and added some information about the significance of alt text for accessibility and how to write it.

For those migrating to the #fediverse from #Facebook, the experience can be a bit overwhelming.
Choosing an instance/server can be daunting, not to mention trying to match basic need with feature set. One thing I can recommend when inviting folks to the fedi is to gently get across that it's not exactly what they're used to. They have to be a bit more hands-on, since there is, for the most part, no algorithm.

From working in tech support for about 13 years, I learned that when introducing something new to the user, it's best to take one aspect and focus on teaching that to them. Get them a foundation, help them get comfortable, then move on to the next aspect. Education = empowerment.

Here's a list of the protocols I use/have used and my experience with them. I've done a little footwork, and made a list of servers by protocol for users to peruse. Courtesy of FediDB! I recommend going to each instance's about page and reading up on such info as character limit, location, instance focus, blocklists, and who they federate with.

One thing I can say for sure: My interactions in the fediverse - with a couple of exceptions - have been pleasant and rewarding. Fedi is truly a breath of fresh air when compared to the mainstream platforms.

Mastodon course, the most widely known of the protocols. I've had more experience on it than any other. Mastodon instances usually have a 500 character limit. If one is particularly verbose, it may not be ideal, as you have to create a thread in order to have a longer post. There are other mastodon instances with larger character limits. Again, best to look at an instance's about page to get the lowdown.

Sharkey my favorite thus far. Sharkey is a fork of the MisKey protocol, and has a rich feature set. It has a selection of reaction emojis, so you can do more than just "like" a post. If you're versed in MFM formatting language, Sharkey also has you covered. Character limits are usually higher. (the instance I'm on) has a 5000 character limit.

Friendica a more Facebook-like experience, and a practically unlimited character limit, Friendica offers a bit more familiarity to a fediverse newcomer's experience. It has events, calendars, and you can create groups, though you actually create a new page to act as a group. In all honesty, I find Friendica a bit clunky, but that's just personal opinion.

And that's my offering. I hope this is useful, and as always, if what I presented needs correction anywhere, please feel free to let me know, just be constructive.

#Facebook #Mastodon #Sharkey #Friendica

Im Moment empfinde Ich das #Fediverse und darin #Mastodon als den normalsten Ort im Internet. Das liegt daran , dass hier nicht die am stärksten polarisierenden Aussagen belohnt werden, was wiederum dazu führt, dass die Leute hier einfach nur normal interagieren, oder mitlesen wollen.

Was ich mal damit sagen wollte, ich bin dankbar für diesen Ort und für die Menschen hier. Danke. 🙂

I ain't gonna lie when I first joined Mastodon i thought just another app i won't use. But I really like it. So different to all da other socials y'all get different views and y'all can actually talk to folks.
I love it . It's my go to social now.
Shout out the #fediverse
#mastodon #introduction
I love you all
Jaden xxxxxx

By popular demand, a single post to boost global switch day across multiple platforms on February 1st 2025.

For those who can no longer get behind Musk or Meta's new policies and feel like switching (e.g. from #Whatsapp to #Signal, from #Instagram to #Pixelfed or from #X to #Mastodon) I made you some graphics to use freely in communicating with your contacts.

Let’s lead by example 🙂

In einer Welt, die von rechtspopulistischen Figuren und Tech-Giganten beherrscht wird, stellt das #Fediverse (#Mastodon) eine essentielle Alternative dar. Es bietet einen Raum für dezentrale Kommunikation, der frei von kommerziellen Interessen und der Manipulation durch zentrale Plattformen ist, und fördert eine digitale Kultur, die Unabhängigkeit, Vielfalt und respektvollen Austausch anstelle von Hass und Desinformation in den Mittelpunkt stellt. ✊

🌟 OSCLOUD: Od malého projektu k velké Open-source komunitě! 🌟

Začali jsme jako malý projekt na podporu Open-source aplikací, dnes máme:
✅ Dva Mastodon servery
✅ PixelFed s 1000+ uživateli
✅ PeerTube VHSKY pro videa
...a další!
💻 A teď s radostí představujeme nový web 👉
Za jeho podobou stojí @cynik_obecny – díky za skvělou práci! 🙌
Připojte se a objevte svět Open-source – svoboda, soukromí a bezpečnost u nás vždy na prvním místě!

#OpenSource #Mastodon #PixelFed

Omgggg!! I just discovered that Project Gutenberg has an automated feed on #Mastodon where they post new books they add!

Go follow them: @gutenberg_new

#books #bookstodon #reading

🔁 Mastodon users can follow Pixelfed accounts.
🔃 Pixelfed users can follow Mastodon accounts.

🖧 It's the Fediverse. Not everybody knows this. Spread the word!

#Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse

Je viens de faire mon #eXit! L’exode de X est massif. Ne perdez pas un seul de vos abonnés. Grâce à #HelloQuitX j’ai inscrit 1003 nouveaux passagers pour partir vers #BlueSky & #Mastodon. Retrouvez automatiquement vos communautés le #20Janvier via !

Wir vermissen hier so viele Protagonisten aus der #KatholischenKirche. Hoffentlich werden sie bald noch mehr als bisher in Hinblick auf ihre #Präsenz in den herkömmlichen #SozialenNetzwerken die nötigen #Konsequenzen ziehen. #mastodon als #dezentrale und sozusagen #subsidiäre Plattform entspricht übrigens den #Prinzipien von #Subsidiarität und #Solidarität, die als zentrale #Eckpfeiler der #KatholischenSoziallehre gelten.