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🇺🇸 Oh, nice! Finally a music recognition app at #FDroid – freshly arrived:… No more tracker-ridden Shazams etc. I didn't try it yet, but maybe you want to take a look?

🇩🇪 Eine Musik-Erkenner App bei F-Droid? Na, das ist doch mal was! Schluss mit den vertrackerten Shazams & Co? Hab sie noch nicht getestet, aber schaut doch mal :awesome:

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Not sure if I was unlucky, but I tried 3 songs, the last one being "Angie" from the Rolling Stones, and it didn't recognise any of them. There was no noise around.
in reply to Nicoco

@nicoco Oof. That doesn't sound convincing. Thanks for sharing! Let's see if "is it just you…", maybe someone had more luck?