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Unknown parent

Aral Balkan
Last I looked, she hadn’t disowned any of it and seems to be living rather comfortably with the most exuberant of privileges colonialism has afforded her and her family so, yeah, I’d say she’s 100% guilty of perpetuating the very same system. Is the queen and royal family colonialists? Well, if they’re not, I guess no one is.
Unknown parent

Aral Balkan
You’re defending the British Royal Family against charges of colonialism. Is this really the hill you want to die on?

(If so, that’s cool. I’ve really got better things to do than to keep reiterating the obvious.)

(And no, not every person in every country. But yes, those who benefitted and continue to benefit from colonialism. Look up privilege and reparations.)
in reply to Aral Balkan

Though the British empire is gone, the monarch continues to operate as the colonial ruler in many places.

See the concept of "crown lands". Not something that you're ever likely to see discussed on the BBC.