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“Buh, Aral, #Fedora is a volunteer project… you a nasty bum-bum criticising us for shipping an operating system without a functional screen reader by default for EIGHT YEARS…”

Meanwhile, in reality: “The Fedora Project is not a separate legal entity or organization; Red Hat retains liability for its actions.”

Who owns Red Hat?


What is IBM? A 150 billion-dollar corporation.

Cut the “we’re volunteers” bullshit, acknowledge your ableist culture, and do better.…

in reply to Aral Balkan

I get that the people that spend a ton of hours working on these projects, without compensation, as volunteers, don't agree that they bear responsibility for this.

What I don't get is why they throw themselves in front of the billion dollar company that not only failed to invest in better accessibility, but that also failed to compensate them for their work.

To put it another way, instead of the response you characterize in your post, they could also have responded with:

"Yes, it's embarrassing we don't have a functioning screenreader yet. Sadly being the volunteer run project we are we've never had the money or resources to work on this yet.

And now you mention it, it is a little weird that we don't get help and compensation for this, and other work, from the company that owns this project and benefits from our free labor.

How can we collaborate to demand better of them?"