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Holy.. I hate upgrading Postgres on OpenBSD. What could possibly go wrong every. single. time?
in reply to Tommy Skaug

It started as a migration on OpenBSD and ended as a move from Matrix Synapse to Dendrite on Docker with Traefik and Tailscale.
in reply to Tommy Skaug

This turned out to be an R&D project.

I’d like to close my network from the open Internet. Can a small service such as Matrix Dendrite function via a Tailscale Funnel? Hypothesis says yes.

Dendrite is in Docker with a traefik reverse proxy in front, using the new Tailscale cert integration in v3.

Additionally I’ve established a Tailscale image which sends traffic to traefik via socat which works well.

Current problem: does the Matrix well-known support Funnel for federation?

in reply to Tommy Skaug

Conclusion is a big yes.

Firebase-host static files under a primary domain .well-known/matrix/{server,client}. Config server to Tailscale Funnel on ports 8443 and 443 (one federation port).

Through a Tailscale Docker container configured as a proxy, traffic can be forward TCP/TLS via socat.

From socat, traefik handles routing to Dendrite.

Was concerned with bandwidth, stability and latency, but things are looking good so far.

#tailscale #traefik #docker #funnel #matrix #dendrite

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Tommy Skaug

Probably a billion possibilities of improvement in this, but it actually ended up as a working setup.

I did a write-up of running @matrix Dendrite behind Tailscale Funnel.

#sdn #tailscale #matrix #funnel

This entry was edited (1 year ago)