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Tell us! How did you discover #LibreOffice? (If you have another answer, please reply and let us know 😊)

  • From friends/family/colleagues (15%, 126 votes)
  • From a tech website/mag/video (36%, 292 votes)
  • Got it with a Linux distro (47%, 382 votes)
  • Someone else installed it (0%, 7 votes)
807 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

in reply to LibreOffice

Many years ago, at work, I had an important spreadsheet that wouldn't open in Excel. We tried everything to no avail. Then I found a hit on an internet search engine to try this "Open Office" application. I did. It worked. I've used it ever since and swapped to Libre Office when it came out. Nowadays I get it with my distro. #LinuxMint

Thank you.

in reply to LibreOffice

my cousin recommended it to me roughly 12 years ago; libreoffice carried me through most of school and uni, haven't looked back at ms-office ever since.
in reply to LibreOffice

[x] I was using LibreOffice when it was still named StarOffice
in reply to LibreOffice

I also came all the way back from StarOffice, which I think I heard of from an actual printed magazine. Not sure how I heard about the fork to LibreOffice though.
in reply to LibreOffice

You left out "You were using Star*Office back when it was from Star Division."
in reply to LibreOffice

I just was too lazy to install anything other than the pre-installed (Same reason I use Firefox). Pretty good choice though. I've tried some alternatives but they just ain't it.
in reply to LibreOffice

When pre-installed Word wanted a paid update and I searched the internet for an alternative. I was a moneyless middle schooler with a precious laptop that needed a word processor for my stories. No one knew what LibreOffice was, I was partially bullied for using it, and it even received racist comments from my family. I didn't care. It's a wonderful software and I'll never go back.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to LibreOffice

I first read about LibreOffice in the tech news when it launched, but I was already using its predecessor BrOffice (the localized name for OpenOffice.Org); and I first read about OpenOffice in the tech news when it was open sourced, so I guess my answer would be "from a tech website" either way.
in reply to LibreOffice

I used to use StarOffice. Then I used OpenOffice. Then for a short while (because by that time I was on a Mac) I used NeoOffice/J. Finally, LibreOffice came along and looked viable. This isn't an option on your poll. ;-P
in reply to LibreOffice

I think I started with OpenOffice. Wrote my book (2007-2009) with it then transitioned to LibreOffice for later editions. Working on one now.
in reply to LibreOffice

I started using OpenOffice in late middle school as my copy of Office 2000 was becoming painful to use and I had a preference for FLOSS software, then in my first year of highschool (2014) I switched to LibreOffice and never looked back :)
in reply to LibreOffice

I purchased Star Office, way back in the day. I was already on a Linux, and using the Word Perfect port, which was not particularly awesome.
#LibreOffice #StarOffice
in reply to LibreOffice

like so many others, I progressed from Star Office to OpenOffice and then LibreOffice
in reply to LibreOffice

when lockdown started I suddenly had a lot of spare time on my hands so I took up writing as a hobby - but I also decided to try learning my way around Linux on an old Lenovo laptop so I could write on thr sofa with a good keyboard.

Writing in LibreOffice every day is one of the things that got me comfortable enough with Linux to switch entirely on my main PC.

in reply to LibreOffice

I got interested in Open Source softwares, found out the Office suites and discovered LibreOffice. It became my favorite after that.
in reply to LibreOffice

Recommended on a forum somewhere after OpenOffice ended up at Satan Inc. I mean Oracle.
in reply to LibreOffice

from OOo, but I don't really remember how I discovered OOo, it's was a long time ago. Most probably via #framasoft .
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to LibreOffice

it's the first or the second option I don't remember, it's too long ago since the fork from OOo
in reply to LibreOffice

It was a long, long time ago .... in prehistoric internet era with first releasses of OpenOffice. 😁
in reply to LibreOffice

(x) I accidentally started developing it when it was still named StarOffice :p
in reply to LibreOffice

None of that, I came from StarOffice (Star Divisionen in the 90s), to Openoffice to #LibreOffice. 🤓
in reply to LibreOffice

Descobri o LibreOffice cursando informática baseada em Linux e software livre em 2014, desde então, nunca mais usei outro.
in reply to LibreOffice

I work in an academic library and while I don’t usually use office apps day to day, LibreOffice is my go to when doing data recovery on ancient file types.
in reply to LibreOffice

I've started using OpenOffice when 2.0 was released. Switched to LibreOffice as soon as it was released.
in reply to LibreOffice

I discovered Open Office in school then at college a friend introduced me to Linux and Libre Office 😃