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When in doubt, throw the Kurds under a bus.

Congratulations to Sweden and Finland for giving in to a genocidal dictator’s demands.

#kurds #erdoğan #nato #turkey #sweden #finland #democracy #autocracy #europeanValues

in reply to Aral Balkan

I was hoping that an economic bailout might have been the sweetening.

Very sorry to read this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

I'd rather the solution was evicting Turkey until they quit murdering their neighbors, too, but that's too much to ask, I see.
in reply to Digital Mark λ ☕️ 🕹 🐙

Oh, we’re all about democratic ideals and human rights… unless it inconveniences us in any way, that is.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I never understood how Erdogan’s objections weren’t dismissed for the hypocritical bullshit that they are in the first place.
in reply to ClaudetteK

I believe the answer lies in our own hypocrisies. We talk a good talk on democracy and human rights…
in reply to Aral Balkan

I guess that’s fair. To be honest, a lot of these well-intended institutions lose credibility by allowing themselves to be strongarmed from the get-go.
in reply to ClaudetteK

Now if only I had any confidence this was just a handy ploy by NATO to get Turkey to accept the new members but then Sweden & Finland could backtrack on a technicality because such extraditions wouldn’t conform with the international human rights conventions.

If only there was even one single nation state on the planet that didn’t pay mere lip service to human rights when it suits them.

in reply to Aral Balkan

just read a Guardian article on this. I'm really disappointed in 🇫🇮and 🇸🇪. They could have let the US and the rest of NATO put pressure on 🇹🇷 to unblock their joining, as they would be a huge boon to the alliance. Instead they drop their morals and historic support for a subjugated people, pledging not to support the Kurds anymore, and planning an extradition agreement so the kurdish are no longer safe in 🇸🇪 and 🇫🇮...really really disappointing.

Aral Balkan reshared this.

in reply to Aral Balkan

Westerners: “haha, we pulled one over on Erdoğan. Don’t worry, the Kurds are safe…”

Erdoğan: “these signatures don't mean the issue is done... Without our parliament's approval, this does not go into effect … The ball is in their court now.”

“Asked about the extradition of suspects, Erdogan said if the Nordic countries did not send these individuals ‘then we will do what is necessary through our institutions and units.’”

#nato #finland #sweden #turkey #kurds

in reply to Aral Balkan

Yeah I don't think the average person realizes the kind of scum that we regularly make deals with:

Erdogan, dictator
Xi Jinping, dictator, running genocidal reeducation camp
Saudis - woman hating monarchists, who we only deal with because they happen to be sitting on a giant pile of oil
Modi, dictator, theocrat, just banned VPNs across India