Items tagged with: finland
Here it is: the Finnish Parliament has sided against #ChatControl !
I am overjoyed that in their statement, they have outlined exactly what this proposal would entail: mass surveillance in Europe.
From their statement (translation by me):
"..the suggested model would, in fact, lead to the mass surveillance of communication and would weaken the integrity of communication in the EU."…
#privacy #encryption #Finland #Europe #EU #surveillance
police violence in finland.
court has ruled in favour of extinction rebels in a case where police force recklessly assaulted the protesters. for example, pepper spray was sprayed directly on peaceful protesters faces, while protesters sat in the demonstration.
#ExtinctionRebelion #eloKapina #policeViolence #finland #acab
I would like to hear some comment from Linus Torvalds and Bill Gates regarding this:…
#Eurovision #Eurovision2024 #Finland
Windows95man - No Rules! | Finland 🇫🇮 | National Final Performance | Eurovision 2024
Subscribe and 🔔 to Eurovision 👉 ⠀Windows95man won Finland's national selection show UMK and will...YouTube
So uhh...
Finnish Interior Minister, Mari Rantanen (PS), is suggesting we'd have "welfare-detectives"
Her reasoning?
The welfare system's own statistics say there's very little fraud/misallocation among those receiving benefits, so the system itself "has to be faulty."
In essence, she wants the state to send authorities to spy on the poor (kinda like how insurance companies do) just for the sake of them being poor.…
#Finland #finpol #persut #kokoomus
Sisäministeri Rantanen ehdottaa ”Kela-etsiviä” tukien väärinkäyttäjien paljastamiseksi
Sisäministeri Mari Rantanen ihmetteli Iltalehden haastattelussa, miten väärinkäytöksiä selvitetään ainoastaan katsomalla tulorekisteriin: ”Se ei ehkä ole koko totuus.”Tiia Etelämäki HS (Helsingin Sanomat)
I found some more traveling libraries! These are from the Finnish Seafarers' Union from the 1920s and are, I believe, to be brought aboard boats. From (yes I am at work today) Flickr Commons. #libraries #books #finland…
Leisure / Vapaa-aika - Kulutusosuuskuntien Keskusliitto
Images of urbanisation, industrialisation and the emergence of consumer culture and the welfare state – the familiar 20th century story of the upheavals of Finnish society. This time, however, the vantage point is that of the working class.Flickr
Inside the Walmart of Finland
Finland's largest private sector employer is a consumer cooperative.People's Policy Project
They should do this here. Boosting Brent Toderian (BrentToderian): This is REALLY important.
“In Finland, the number of homeless people has fallen sharply. Those affected receive a small apartment and counselling with no preconditions. 4 out of 5 people affected make their way back into a stable life. And all this is CHEAPER than accepting homelessness.”
Let that sink in. It costs less than accepting homelessness.
#Finland #Helsinki #homeless #cities #homes…
Finland ends homelessness and provides shelter for all in need
In Finland, the number of homeless people has fallen sharply. Why? The country applies the "Housing First" concept agains (
So like...
Remember how Finland had #nazi minister #Junnila not too long ago?
Well, his replacement has made jokes about himself being a nazi while visiting a nazi memorial in Germany.
The guy's also involved in grooming and coercing of minors.
...And now the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation is looking into him detailing classified details of the victims in his case in his book... In which he claims he's a martyr, basically.
Shit's bad.
"I asked a group of Helsinki officials what role information technology has played in their success reducing crashes in recent years. 'Zero,' replied Palomaki. 'We simply slowed down the cars.'"
Finland also investigates fatal car crashes similarly to how we investigate plane crashes.
From October 2022:…
h/t @kdorse @robsonfletcher
#cycling #Finland #traffic
How Finland Put Traffic Crashes on Ice
The Nordic nation’s rate of vehicle fatalities is a fraction of the toll in the US, despite a harsh climate and ice-covered streets. Here’s how the Finns do traffic safety.David Zipper (Bloomberg)
❗️The US and its allies plan to provide Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets as part of long-term efforts to strengthen Kyiv's security, — a senior White House official commented to NBC News
#Ukraine️ #Russia #Russian #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #news #Moscow #USA #UK #Germany #Poland #France #Turkey #Finland
#Finland Olkiluoto #nuclear power plant block 3 is now going into full power after being first connected to the electrical grid in May 2022. The power capacity of the new block is 1600 MW and levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) 42 EUR/MWh, even after all delays that plagued the plant due to changing legislative environment.
Olkiluoto 3 aloittaa ”säännöllisen sähköntuotannon”, mutta sillä on lähinnä symbolinen merkitys – lue, miksi
Edessä ei ole dramaattisia muutoksia.Elli-Alina Hiilamo (Yle Uutiset)
Elokapina - Extinction Rebellion Finland regrets and finds it shameful that the Sámi Parliament Act revision was effectively killed yesterday by Constitutional Law Committee.
This makes Sanna Marin's government a third Finnish govt which fails to revise the current law. The law has been condemned e.g. by the majority on the Sámi Parliament, the UN Human Rights Council and UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
More here:…
'Sad, angry, betrayed and empty': Sanna Marin's human rights reforms for indigenous Sámi fails
Finland's right-wing parties decided there wasn't enough time for a parliament committee to discuss the new Sámi rights laws.David Mac Dougall (
The students were to pass the test by connecting their computers with an Ethernet cable to the examination machine running a special OS, presumably a fork of Debian. The test was taken by tunneling into the examination machine through the web browser and handling the exam in an accessible HTML from there.
Sadly, the audio recordings for the listening part do not seem to be available. Pity, as they reference Whatsapp voice messages. Would be fun to check for their authenticity based on the sound quality.
On that note: Do language exams in your countries reference modern communication methods or is it still a telephone? When I took my final in German, "Social media: pros and cons" was just a subject of the mini essay I had to put together as part of the writing assignment.…
#Accessibility #Blind #Finland #Education #Languages #German
“In #Finland, the number of homeless people has fallen sharply. Those affected receive a small apartment and counselling with no preconditions. 4 out of 5 people affected make their way back into a stable life. And all this is CHEAPER than accepting homelessness.”
Make sure everyone understands this — It’s costing us far too much to NOT provide housing and supports to those who are homeless.…
#homelessness #cities #housing #HousingFirst
Finland ends homelessness and provides shelter for all in need
In Finland, the number of homeless people has fallen sharply. Why? The country applies the "Housing First" concept agains (
Polska drużyna Mistrzami Europy w #Showdown!!! 🇵🇱
W finale 31:27 pokonujemy Finlandię 🇫🇮
Co za mecz! Co za emocje! 😱
Zobaczcie to!
#sport #IBSA #Poland #Finland #Polska #Finlandia #POLFIN #Champions #European #Paris #blind #niewidomi #visuallyimpaired
8. EURO SHOWDOWN IBSA 2022 - 16/12/2022 Teams 2 - 16h
Euro Showdown IBSA - Antony France - Table 1Programme et résultats / Schedule and results : sous réserve ...YouTube
#Winter is definitely coming and it's freezing where I am as I am trying to resist switching the heating on for as long as I can LOL.
But I thought I'd share this lovely wintery scene which I shot last winter in the #ArcticCircle in #FinnishLapland.
Westerners: “haha, we pulled one over on Erdoğan. Don’t worry, the Kurds are safe…”
Erdoğan: “these signatures don't mean the issue is done... Without our parliament's approval, this does not go into effect … The ball is in their court now.”
“Asked about the extradition of suspects, Erdogan said if the Nordic countries did not send these individuals ‘then we will do what is necessary through our institutions and units.’”
#nato #finland #sweden #turkey #kurds
Erdogan raises possibly nixing NATO-Nordics deal if promises not kept -media
An accord signed with Finland and Sweden to lift Turkey's veto on their NATO membership bids is not the end…inkl
When in doubt, throw the Kurds under a bus.
Congratulations to Sweden and Finland for giving in to a genocidal dictator’s demands.
#kurds #erdoğan #nato #turkey #sweden #finland #democracy #autocracy #europeanValues
Turkey agrees to back Finland, Sweden NATO bid
Turkey agreed to lift opposition to Sweden and Finland joining NATO, a breakthrough in an impasse clouding the summit.inkl
“For as long as Tayyip Erdogan is the head of the Republic of Turkey, we definitely cannot say ‘yes’ to countries which support terrorism entering NATO”
Well it seems like there’s a very easy solution to that problem… 🤔
Also, what kind of dickhead speaks about himself in the third person? Oh yes, that kind.
#erdogan #turkey #nato #sweden #finland
Erdogan Says Won’t Let ‘Terrorism-Supporting’ Countries Enter NATO
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said talks with Finland and Sweden about their joining NATO were not at the "expected level"…inkl
Your daily reminder that Erdoğan is an islamist autocrat and his regime has the largest number of imprisoned journalists in the world.
(Hey, if I’m to be called “a terrorist” by these people and barred from visiting the country I was born in for speaking out against him publicly, I might as well continue to do my job diligently.)
Fuck Erdoğan. I realise Turkey’s geopolitical military value for NATO but just fuck Erdoğan.
#erdogan #turkey #nato #sweden #finland
Turkey blocks early vote on Sweden and Finland joining Nato
Move comes hours after the Nordic nations officially launched their bids to join the allianceinkl
What does Turkey demand from the USA?
Precisely because these countries were not in NATO, the #CIA had parked the PKK people in #Sweden and #Finland.
Turkey is only using the #PKK as an excuse to say no directly. Rather, it is about lifting sanctions for acquiring #S400 defense systems and rejoining the #F35 program, acquiring modern #F16 fighter jets and that the #EU and #USA don't keep coming up with some new punitive measures.
So #Turkey is about erasing all repression.
What does Turkey demand from the USA?
Precisely because these countries were not in NATO, the #CIA had parked the PKK people in #Sweden and #Finland.
Turkey is only using the #PKK as an excuse to say no directly. Rather, it is about lifting sanctions for acquiring #S400 defense systems and rejoining the #F35 program, acquiring modern #F16 fighter jets and that the #EU and #USA don't keep coming up with some new punitive measures.
So #Turkey is about erasing all repression.
I’m all for Finland and Sweden joining NATO but I hope with my whole heart it doesn’t come at the cost of throwing the long-suffering Kurdish people under the bus yet again. If there was ever a time to tell Erdoğan “sit down, shut up, or fuck off”, it’s now. In other words, the sultan has no clothes; call his bluff.
#kurdishSolidarity #nato #sweden #finland #turkey #erdogan
Turkey sets demands, not opposed to Finland, Sweden NATO bid
NATO expects the Nordic countries’ membership bid will not be hindered by Ankara, whose concerns will be addressed.inkl
In case you were still wondering, no, the islamist despot of Turkey, Erdoğan, has never been (and is not) your ally.
I may have been born Turkish but my solidarity is with the Kurds and their struggle for an independent, democratic, and egalitarian society. Sweden and Finland should be applauded for their support.
#turkey #erdogan #kurdishSolidarity #nato #sweden #finland
Erdoğan says Turkey does not support Finland and Sweden joining NATO
A formal objection by Turkey would derail Finland and Sweden's accession to NATO.inkl