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You can now watch the talk on "The Perfect Python Project" that I gave on Saturday at North Bay Python on YouTube. Please share and enjoy.…

#python #NBPy

in reply to Glyph

The Modern Major General song was a perfect choice for that talk.
in reply to Glyph

BTW, you got higher as you went through the song. That might be one reason it was harder to hit the high notes. Not criticizing, just mentioning it in case you hadn't realized that.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt I could feel it, even though I couldn’t hear it, if that makes sense. I think I was trying to convey the franticness and instead of just coming out in tempo and timbre it ended up being a shift in pitch.
in reply to Glyph

Ah, makes sense. I've had perfect pitch for as long as I can remember, so I don't know what it's like to not be able to hear what key I'm singing in.
in reply to Matt Campbell

Now this has got me thinking, if conference talks with songs in them are becoming a thing, I guess I should come up with one next.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt thanks again! If we are talking about songs qua trends in tech talks, I have to credit @brainwane at PyCon US this year as my inspiration :-)