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Running #archlinux ! After 3 wonderful and mostly problem-free years with #manjaro I decided to move forward and do what I've been putting off for so long and try Arch ... after much consideration I've decided to forego any installation script and get the full experience with manual installation. I got it right on the first try. It's not as hard as some rumors say ... 😎

in reply to PeterSoukup

Congratulations. It is not so hard and wiki is very helpfull with every step. And the bonus is, you have a complete freedom and control over the system layout/security...
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

@stepan Thanks. 😀 Yeah, the Arch wiki is great and legendary! It was actually one of the main reasons I switched - most of the wiki works on Manjaro, but with some file layouts being different, it's not 100%.