Items tagged with: linux
Linus Torvalds: Rust will go into Linux 6.1
At the Kernel Maintainers Summit, the question wasn't, "Would Rust make it into Linux?" Instead, it was, "What to do about its compilers?"
The Rust in Linux debate is over. The implementation has begun. In an email conversation, Linux's creator @torvalds told, "Unless something odd happens, it [Rust] will make it into 6.1."
#linux #rust #linustorvalds #rustlang #it #code #opensource #kernel #linuxkernel
Anyone knows why #gnome-software and #KDE #discover are so slow with #flatpak?
Like often when I'm downloading sth. I can't browse apps or they load for ages. Using the website works instantly.
It feels and is a lot more reliable to use flatpak from the terminal in my experience, I wonder why the #GUI stores have these problems.
Also often had long load times in those stores on #linux mobile.
Did you also experienced such issues? Are you a gnome/kde dev and know where it could come from?
Two years after @UniversalBlue started this cat showed up built #bazzite . Got trashed by know it all typical #linux users.
Tonight we celebrated his first patch that got accepted into the Linux kernel. Ignore the haters.
We make our own fate.
Утверждается, что plocate работает гораздо быстрее.
Когда-то я разбирался с устройством базы mlocate, да и смотрел код.
Тогда мне не захотелось ничего менять. Работает достаточно быстро, меня устраивает.
Но кому-то же оказалось не лень сделать ещё лучше, ещё быстрее. Молодцы. #Linux #mlocate #Arch #plocate
Speech to Text on Linux?!?!
I just found "Speech Note" when searching the Software app.
Installed it via flatpak.…
Used the "English (Vosk Large)" and "English (Vosk Small)" language model with very decent results. There are loads of models to choose from.
All processed locally. No network needed!
This is great!
#accessibility #SpeechToText #Linux #debian #flatpak #flathub #SpeechNote
#tech #technology #Linux #accessibility @mastoblind @main
David Airlie, Red Hat kernel maintainer, about the Rust-for-Linux drama: "if people start acting as active roadblocks to work, rather than sideline commentators who we can ignore, then I will ask Linus to step in and remove roadblocks"
#linux #programming #rustlang #unix
Okay, so I just have to rant about something that I think is going to hold the Linux Desktop back a bit, especially for blind users. That is config files. Specifically, editing some file that's got no kind of linter, or checker, to make sure that whatever the user put in it works and doesn't leave one without speech.
So, this is specifically about the Speech dispatcher, which is a package in Linux a bit like Microsoft's SAPI. Of course, there's that new one, Spiel, that's being worked on, but I've not tried it yet. So, you can run spd-conf to set up a config file, but a lot of folks tell me that, in order to increase the default speech rate for stuff like games that use speech-dispatcher, web apps that speak through speech-dispatcher, self-voicing apps, I'd have to edit the config file.
Now, that's not awful for me, I can do it. But there really, really needs to be a GUI for it. And if you ask *me* why I don't make it myself, I'll tell you that if it's so easy, you should have made it with the snap of *your* tallented fingers, instead of spending all that time being a reply-guy. Windows has a speech properties dialog. Mac has Spoken Content in System Settings. Linux should have something similar. And, if it turns out that there is and I just don't have the proper package installed, I'll gladly change my tune to "distros should have this installed by default."
I've also seen this in Emacs packages like Ellama, where you have to set up Emacs Lisp calls to the right function with the right parameters inside your usepackage block, and it's hard for me to figure out how to add the openAI-compatible service that I have to Ellama. And AI hasn't helped yet.
So, having things being customizable is amazing. It really is. There are so many keyboard configuration settings, for example, that I think blind people are going to love playing with. But goodness, there needs to be something to change your system TTS stuff, and hopefully one day we can have a command to turn on and off the screen, like the iOS screen curtain so we can maintain privacy.
#Linux #accessibility #blind #LinuxDesktop #foss #tts
#Linux #kernel patches to allow enabling #PREEMPT_RT (aka proper #realtime support) for x86, ARM64, and Risc-V were posted for review:…
"The printk bits required for PREEMPT_RT are sitting in linux-next. This was the last known roadblock for PREEMPT_RT. The RT queue has additionally the "atomic console" for the 8250 UART which is not yet in linux-next.[…]"
See also these earlier other related toots:……
@mnnwvn Тогда процитирую :)
«Так, народ, нужна помощь с Арчем.
Я давно его не запускал, теперь не могу обновить.
sudo pacman -Syu предлагает заменить пару десятков пакетов на названия с цифрой 5 (я так понимаю, старая Qt), а некоторые заменить другими.
Я всё подтверждаю, потом оно пишет ошибки типа:
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing kactivities breaks dependency 'kactivities' required by telepathy-kde-integration-module
То есть там целое дерево зависимостей, которое не резолвится правильно, и не хочет обновляться.
Что делать? Переустанавливать с нуля?
Так, народ, нужна помощь с Арчем.
Я давно его не запускал, теперь не могу обновить.
sudo pacman -Syu предлагает заменить пару десятков пакетов на названия с цифрой 5 (я так понимаю, старая Qt), а некоторые заменить другими.
Я всё подтверждаю, потом оно пишет ошибки типа:
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing kactivities breaks dependency 'kactivities' required by telepathy-kde-integration-module
То есть там целое дерево зависимостей, которое не резолвится правильно, и не хочет обновляться.
Что делать? Переустанавливать с нуля?…
Oh, thank goodness not having a fully functional screen reader isn’t a blocker for Fedora 41. We wouldn’t want them to miss their 10th anniversary of shipping an operating system without a fully functional screen reader, after all.…
#Fedora #RedHat #IBM #a11y #accessibility #screenReader #orca #linux #openSource #FOSS #ableism…
GNOME Shell's Thai translation is in a very sad state right now, with only ~46% of all strings translated. The worst part is, the first dialogue you see on your first login is not even translated!
#gnome #linux #opensource #translation #l10n #i18n #thai #ไทย
"Whaddyamean, you could remove the built-in spyware?
No no no, that's a bug, the removal option was not supposed to be available, let's fix that…"…
I do pity the general population who has to be subjected to that sort of built-in data collection, and all the security and privacy problems it entails. Too bad #Linux is not even a blip on the public consciousness & cultural upbringing.
This week in Plasma: inhibiting inhibitions and more!…
#KDE #Plasma #KDEPlasma #Linux #FOSS #OpenSource
The Elder Scrolls Online now Steam Deck Playable, to be fully Verified in "a future update"…
#unix_surrealism #technomage #dragonflybsd #freebsd #openbsd #9front #linux #comic #cirno #puffy #beastie #tux #fred
For those who use IBM TTS on Linux. Get the IBMTTS dictionaries, copy them to /var/opt/IBM/ibmtts/dict, change files like this, from Enu-main.dic to main.dct. And then it should work. Do change the rest of those files too. Root and abbreviantion. Oh yeah enu-abbr.dic should be abbreviation.dct. So: abbreviation.dct main.dct root.dct.
#linux #foss #accessibility #IBMTTS #blind
Looking for a #gnome #linux suggestion. I'm running #debian on my laptop with Gnome. I'm looking for how to configure a Gnome hot key to do something I'm used to doing.
On a Mac or on Windows, Alt-Tab cycles through open applications. This works the same on Gnome. On both Windows and Mac there's another key combination (Ctrl-Tab on Windows, I think; Cmd-~ on Mac) that will let you cycle through windows of the currently focused application. If I have 2 or 3 terminal windows open, I can press Cmd-~ to bring different ones in focus. These keystrokes don't seem to be working in Gnome. I can't find a key sequence to switch between VSCodium windows, or terminal windows, or Firefox windows.
What's the trick?
Těch možností voleb a konfigurace je tam nespočet. V případě Gnome to teď sice úplně neplatí, což je důvod, proč používám Plasmu, ale o tom to přesně je, o té možnosti volby.
Rozumím směru, kterým M$ jde a jsem rád, že mám možnost volby jiného OS.…
Zkrácené datum a skrytí tlačítka oznámení. Microsoft ladí hlavní panel ve Windows 11
Microsoft dále ladí hlavní panel ve Windows 11. Nedávno zlepšil navigaci mezi programy pomocí klávesnice tak, jak to fungovalo ve Windows 10. To se týkalo stabilní varianty, další novinky se dopékají v programu Insider. V kanále Beta siPetr Urban (Živě.cz)
#NixOS #linux
Nix in 100 Seconds
Try Brilliant free for 30 days You’ll also get 20% off an annual premium subscription. Nix is a purely functional package mana...YouTube
As I rework my Emacs configuration, I am reminded once again of the many reasons why I like Emacs. Currently, I especially appreciate the quality of the documentation (available not only for Emacs but also for many established packages).
Importantly, the keyboard interaction is the primary and expected means of using the application, not an afterthought to pointer-based graphical input. The documentation reflects this priority, as does the design of the software.
There are no compromises made in the flexibility and efficacy of features to cater to non-technical users of software - people who don't know basic programming concepts and who don't enjoy learning to use powerful, complex tools. This focus is liberating. Efficiency of interaction for the experienced user is a priority.
Emacs has been evolving for decades, and it remains as relevant now as it ever was. I first learned to use it in the mid 1990s, and that investment has more than been repaid. If you're going to learn to use software well, it's advantageous to choose tools that are likely to remain relevant and useful over the long run. The UNIX shell and utilities, Emacs, Vi, LaTeX and Git, among others, have all been in this category for me.
#Emacs #Linux
I'd really like to read a well researched article that sums up how Linux distros reacted to the massive influx of #Linux #kernel CVE that started ~half a year – both for their #LinuxKernel packages and their live-patching offerings.
But I guess that is an enormous amount of work that no media outlet in this world is willing to pay anyone for writing. 😕
Slide taken from @gregkh's "Why are there so many kernel CVEs?" talk he gave at OSS China yesterday (… ) #LinuxKernel
Greg K-H (
Here's a link to the slides for my "Why are there so many kernel CVEs?" talk I gave at OSS China yesterday: Link to
Rejoice! GNOME 47.Beta is released!…
GNOME 47.beta Released
Hello, GNOME 47.beta is now available. It also marks the start of the UI, feature and API freezes (collectively known as The Freeze).GNOME Discourse
Only a few days left to submit your #LAS2024 talk! Make sure to submit your proposal by Aug 21:…
#KDE #GNOME #opensource #Linux
Linux Desktop Migration Tool 1.4
After many months, I finally found the time to finish the GNOME desktop/application settings migration in the Linux Desktop Migration Tool and did another release.
#dconf #gnome #linux #migration…
phosh 0.41.0 is out 🚀📱:
- media player widget gained track position, length and progress bar
- New Wi-Fi HotSpot QuickSetting
- New Bluetooth Status page
- More vert space for status pages
- Silent mode on Vol-
- new layouts in squeekboard
- swipe to close gesture in phosh-osk-stub
There's much more. Check out the full release notes at…
🙏 to everyone who contributed to this release.
#phosh #librem5 #pinephone #gtk #wlroots #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile
Third-party GNOME/Adwaita app developers: if there was a simple way to opt into some more expressive kind of user-chosen theming (think: more like Material You with Adwaita and less like whole GTK stylesheets), would you be interested in opting your app into it?
Why or why not?
Feel free to boost widely! Not a poll because raw numbers are not as interesting as the discussion to me. 😊
the hacker march
#unix_surrealism #openbsd #technomage #linux #9front #penguin #comic #fediart #mastoart #foss
Ralfs Matrix Migration
Aus Gründen musste ich den Matrix-Server wechseln. Hier lest ihr, wie es mir dabei ergangen ist.