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Live tooting is where I wish Mastodon allows you to set toots to expire after X minutes. @streams has it already! Anyway, off to a rocking, ridiculous start. #wwdc
in reply to Jeff Sikes

#VisionOS none of this matters to me if they don't reduce the price of the hardware. Next. #WWDC
in reply to Jeff Sikes

Those huge generated display screens in #VisionOS is the one thing that makes my wallet twitch.
in reply to Jeff Sikes

I wonder how these new lock and home screen controls will affect @christianselig #WWDC Don't take my hedgehog away!
in reply to Jeff Sikes

Oh the offline hiking maps is awesome! They should have spent more time on that! #WWDC
in reply to Jeff Sikes

Ah well, I guess my Journal prediction didn't come true (Share Card for Journal Entries to Third Party Apps) #WWDC
in reply to Jeff Sikes

Features are being tossed out like bread crumbs to pigeons. I can't keep up. #WWDC