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Items tagged with: wwdc

hey there #Swift folks. At this years #WWDC #Apple had introduced a Translation API, allowing our apps to utilize the built-in translate feature. However I see a major drawback in this API, it can be executed only from the UI. Isn't there any programmatic way to translate the text and get the result as a string? My usecase would be inside an app extension.

Dear developer community,
In the latest beta of Xcode (16A5171c) a bug exists which makes it extremely difficult for blind people from using the autocomplete features. If you are an user of Xcode, please test with VoiceOver and thenfill in a feedback with Apple. I thank you on my behalf and other developers who will benefit from them fixing it.
#apple #programming #wwdc #xcode #swift

Somehow, I feel like Braille Screen input on the iPhone is even *faster*! Like, much more responsive.

#wwdc #accessibility #blind

So, I know this is super early in the dev cycle, but like, I'm really glad I didn't buy a new Mac. Like I know sighted people love Macs, especially developers, but I could have the latest M3 Mac, and still VoiceOver would be pretty awful in the Terminal. That's just how VoiceOver has been for the last forever. I just don't get it. Like, blind people obviously can be developers too, and developers on Mac probably need a smoothe Terminal experience too. So, how is it that VoiceOver just keeps interupting itself? Meh. I'm not gonna even get into Safari, oh yeah I should try Google Docs and Salesforce again. Also, I wrote all thwith the new Braille Screen Input on iOS 18. Yes I had to restart VoiceOver, but BSI is surprisingly stable and nice! #wwdc #apple

Reflecting on Monday’s #WWDC keynote, I must say that it was packed! Of course, many of the AI features won't be available to me initially, not being in the U.S., but some of the other features really excited me, too. Like iPhone mirroroing or some of the writing tool enhancements. Will be curious to see how well these work with #VoiceOver. The new Braille Screen Input features some of you wrote about sound really neat! I have so far resisted the temptation to (or habit of) installing the new beta on my devices, unlike the last 10+ years. I thought about treading a bit more lightly now that I am retired. And especially first few betas can be very stressful. Let#s see if I prevail. ;-)

So, Braille screen input has gotten major new features! Sounds, vibrations, editing, command mode!!!!!! Amazing work, to all the Apple accessibility folks! #wwdc Also, I can type the FOR sign! On my iPhone SE!

Oh woww! SIs their an article explaining this? #WWDC

I wonder whether iPhone notification mirroring on macOS is smart enough to filter out notifications from the smae apps, just on different platforms hmm #wwdc

Let’s do this! ALl my devices are updating to their respectiveb etas. #wwdc

Oh dear fucking god. Why! #wwdc

You can use "rewrite" to make sure whatever you're writing looks perfect.
Describe how you want something rewritten.
Smart reply in mail.
Proofread for written content across apps.
Browse your inbox: see summaries of emails in your inbox. Mine's full of spam, I can't wait to see those summaries!
AI and prioritize emails and put them at the top of your inbox.
This also applies to notifications. Get summaries, and prioritizations.
All new focus called reduce interruptions.

On-device processing for Apple intelligence. Aware of personal data without collecting it.

LLM delivers deep and natural language understanding.
Powers brand new writing tools you can enable system wide.
Prioritize notifications to minimuze distractions.
Express yourself visually. Create original images, personalize them with photos from your personal library.
Take action across apps. (Carry out tasks on your behalf.)
Undserstanding of your personal context. Retrieve and analyze data across all of your apps.

Apple Intelligence is a genius rebrand of “AI” from a marketing perspective

#Apple #AppleEvent #WWDC #WWDC24

In non #WWDC news, KDE Connect continues to do basically everything I ever wanted out of the Apple ecosystem.

"Safari offers an experience on Mac OS like no other browser". Yeah, if you're using voiceover, that's the truth, although not a complimentary one. #WWDC

Ah well, I guess my Journal prediction didn't come true (Share Card for Journal Entries to Third Party Apps) #WWDC

Oh the offline hiking maps is awesome! They should have spent more time on that! #WWDC

Apple introduces Misskey Flavored Markdown to text messages. #WWDC #Forkeys

I wonder how these new lock and home screen controls will affect @christianselig #WWDC Don't take my hedgehog away!

He just booped the dog's nose to change the homescreen! #WWDC #BOOP

#VisionOS none of this matters to me if they don't reduce the price of the hardware. Next. #WWDC

There we go. "Intelligence". Who woulda guessed? #WWDC

Live tooting is where I wish Mastodon allows you to set toots to expire after X minutes. @streams has it already! Anyway, off to a rocking, ridiculous start. #wwdc

Features are being tossed out like bread crumbs to pigeons. I can't keep up. #WWDC

Do not forget that you can watch the Apple Event, WWDC, right in the TV app on your phone. No need to go to any website. Lately they have had audio description. It starts at 10 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 1 PM Eastern Daylight Time. In the TV app, just go to the Home tab, and its the second heading down on the screen. They will be introducing what to expect with iOS 18. #Apple #WWDC #TvApp #iOS

Since today is WWDC, if that is not your thing, you might want to mute the following hashtags in advance for today.

#WWDC, #WWDC24, #WWDC2024, #Apple

WWDC 2023 Accessibility Goodies for Developers… #xCode #a11y #wwdc

I’ve finally found the time to listen to the episode of @podcast I was graciously invited to speak on.

(I’m very excited about some of the #wwdc stuff, including #VisionPro.)

I want to say I’m touched by the way Jonathan explained the impact of r/blind on people dealing with vision loss, as well as the rest of the community. That’s one of the things that made it so hard to make the decision to go dark for two days.

Since we spoke, we’ve also come out of a meeting with Reddit with mixed feelings, and Transcribers of Reddit have announced the upcoming API changes are forcing them to shut down permanently.

I’m growing sadder and more and more disappointed. Whatever happens next, #Reddit will be less welcoming to #blind people.

For what it’s worth, we’ve been testing a Lemmy instance at As discussed with Jonathan, federation and FOSS allow us to be in charge of our own destiny, while staying connected to other communities.

These are hard times, but communities are made up of people, not platforms.

I think I’m going to stick with my original AppleVision 1710AV for now

#wwdc #WWDC2023 #wwdc23 #apple #visionpro #visionOS

If anyone else is having trouble getting the #AudioDescription feed to show up on the #WWDC stream, you can use:

Stereo AAC:…

Seen at the entrance to Apple Park this morning. Guess you all will have to settle for Groove Salad or Deep Space One for the Apple Event.

#dronezone #SomaFM #wwdc