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Hey #NVDA users, is there a way to remap find nvda=control+f to control+f, next find nvda+f3 to control+g, and previous find nvda+shift+f3 to control+shift+g? I don't really use built-in browser find features.
in reply to Chi Kim

Absolutely. Focus a document in browse mode, NVDA menu -> Preferences -> Input gestures, filter for "find", remap as you wish.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Oh cool! Thanks so much! I've looked in the Input gestures, but I must have missed it!
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Hmm, I feel dumb. I opened a webpage on a browser. Went to nvda menu > preference > input gesture, and then type "find" in filter by, but the treeview is empty. What am I missing?
in reply to Chi Kim

Can I verify that the page was in browse mode, not focus mode? The input gestures dialog is highly context sensitive depending on what is focused when the dialog is opened.
in reply to Jamie Teh

Similarly, if you unfocus the browser before opening the NVDA menu, the Input Gestures dialog will be looking at the wrong context.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Yeah I made sure it's in browse mode with nvda_space before I opened the input gesture dialog. Also I manually went through all the rowse mode input gestures. I saw bunch of single key navigation stuff and few other, but couldn't find anything related to find features. I'm on 2024.2.rc2.
in reply to Chi Kim

That's really odd. Not to patronise you or anything like that, but just to be extra extra sure we're on the same page, you're focusing document, switching to browse mode, NVDA+n, Preferences, Input gestures? I guess the add-on might have something to do with it, but I wouldn't have thought so.
in reply to Chi Kim

@jcsteh Yep that was it! I removed teh enhanced find dialog addon, and they appeared in the search result! I installed the addon again, and I couldn't find them. Thanks for your help! lol
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Were you able to reproduce it? I opened an issue.…
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Can I ask what addons you use? There are so many choices! So far I installed and tried AI content describer, remote support, Sonata Neural Voices, Screen wrapping, and enhanced find, and extended winamp.
in reply to Chi Kim

I am very boring. My llama.cpp add-on, Notepad++, Remote Support, Review Cursor Copier (with some local tweaks I should really submit as a pull request), WhatsAppPlus.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Cool! Thanks for the list! I should look into Notepad++ especially now I'm trying to replace Jaws with NVDA after using Jaws for 26 years. lol
in reply to Chi Kim

Notepad++ is quite usable even without an add-on, but the add-on provides some useful things like an audible alert when a line reaches a configured maximum length, ability to jump to said maximum length, better reporting for find next/bracket matching, etc.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh I tried to open 2MB json on notepad++, but NVDA freezes. If I just open in rregular notepad, it works. Any tip on opening a big textfile on Notepad++?
in reply to Chi Kim

I haven't opened anything that big in a long time. That really shouldn't cause a freeze. Hmm. I'm not sure. I can try to take a look when I get some time.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Thanks, that would be amazing if you could look at it. Here's the file I tried to open.…
in reply to Chi Kim

Oh I see the problem. That file is one big long line. By default, Notepad++ doesn't wrap text across soft lines - you scroll horizontally instead - so NVDA tries to speak the entire line in one go.
in reply to Jamie Teh

View menu -> Word wrap (ideally before loading the file :) ) will fix that.
in reply to Chi Kim

NVDA should probably be a bit smarter than that and truncate the text or something, but ... I"m going to bed. Enough pull requests and patches for one day.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh What tweaks did you make to Review Cursor Copier? Just curious since I've been meaning to add some as well, namely trimming whitespace at the end of a line. Oddly enough that seems to happen when I do ctrl+c on the terminal. Maybe it's doing some magic that this add-on isn't.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@tuukkao The old Windows console support had code to strip spaces when copying to the clipboard, but the new UIA based console support doesn't. I figured spaces aren't really useful in any case, so easiest just to fix this in the add-on.
in reply to Jamie Teh

Nice. I ran into this just yesterday. I copied a very large database ID from a MyuSQL result in cmd, and pasted it into a new query. It was faster than writing the proper join. Then I noticed there was a space after the ID. I love this add-on so much it's one I wish were added to NVDA's core.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Ah, that explains it then. If you've got something already I'd love a PR whenever you have the time and spoons.