Items tagged with: nvda
In-Process is out, featuring:
- The NV Access 2025 Roadmap
- Thanks to our sponsors
- Corporate support with Benevity
- our new VPAT & Multiple key press timeout.
Read it all here:…
#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Support #CorporateGiving #VPAT #Blog #News #Newsletter
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#Accessibility #NVDA #AIForGood #AssistiveTechnology #OpenSource #NVDAAddons #InclusiveTech #TechForChange (2/2)
In-Process is out - featuring news on NVDA 2024.4.2, our new add-on survey, a very successful SPEVI 2025 conference, and a User's guide: What to do if your add-on breaks?
Read the full issue now at:…
and remember, you can now subscribe to receive In-Process via email at:
#NVDA #NVDAsr #Blog #News #Newsletter #WhatsOn #ScreenReader #Accessibility
In-Process 20th January 2025
Welcome to 2025! And to those subscribed to receive In-Process via email, welcome to the first edition direct to your inbox! We hope you all had a bit of a break and some time with loved ones. We a…NV Access
To protect your privacy, Thunderbird has blocked remote content in this message.
As much as I enjoy using #Thunderbird, this notice gets annoying after a while, especially because it interupts whatever my screen reader is saying, so I have to repeat the focused item to hear the subject line of an email, every single time. Does anyone have a way around this? #NVDA and #JAWS do the same thing.
We are back for day 2 of #SPEVI2025. This morning we started with an inspiring keynote presentation by Mr Michael Sheppard, a solicitor who shared his experience growing up blind. The conference is on today and tomorrow at 293 Queen Street Brisbane, Australia
Pictured is NV Access founder Michael Curran chatting with Michael Sheppard after the presentation about how he uses NVDA.
#spevi #SpeciConference2025 #keynote #Conference #Brisbane #NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y
The Release Candidate of NVDA 2024.4.2 is now available for testing. We encourage all users to download this RC and provide feedback.
Read more and download from:…
This is a patch release to fix bugs with braille devices and reading math in Chromium. Fixed bug with with reading math in Chromium Browsers (Chrome, Edge). Humanware Brailliant BI 40X devices running firmware version 2.4 now work as expected.
#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Release #PreRelease #Update #Update
NVDA 2024.4.2rc1 available for testing
The Release Candidate (RC) of NVDA 2024.4.2 is now available for download and testing. We encourage all users to download this RC and provide feedback. Unless any critical bugs are found, this will…NV Access
Are you in Brisbane this week? NV Access are at the SPEVI conference at 293 Queen Street. We're talking all things NVDA & Mick is on a panel this afternoon on "The New Frontier of Braille" about multiline displays, chaired by Ben Clare.
#SPEVI2025 #SPEVI #conference #nvda #nvdasr #accessibility #screenreader #blind #blindness #education
#Screenreader users: in a timed online exam, how would you expect to interact with something telling you the amount of time left?
I think having it regularly announce the time remaining is an obviously bad idea. If you know that it's labelled "Time remaining", would you just search for that text in the page when you want to check the time?
Here's a much longer example of the quality of speech Kokoro TTS generates. I really do think it might be a decent #NVDA addon. The weird pauses are because I'm just giving it a big long string, rather than chunking it like I should. It generates this in real time on CPU, and faster on GPU. The code to generate it is as follows:
import soundfile as sf
from kokoro_onnx import Kokoro
from onnxruntime import InferenceSession
session = InferenceSession("kokoro-v0_19.onnx", providers=["ROCMExecutionProvider", "CPUExecutionProvider"])
kokoro = Kokoro.from_session(session, "voices.json")
samples, sample_rate = kokoro.create(
"He wasn't sleeping very well, and he knew the people around him noticed, but he didn't know what to do about it. He had quietly gone to Madame Pomfrey, who had regretfully told him that Dreamless Sleep was highly addicting and that while she could give him the occasional dose, it would have to be spread out enough to prevent it from becoming addicting – meaning he could only take it one night out of every two weeks or so. It was one night more of productive sleep than he'd be getting otherwise, so he still did it, but it didn't help the larger issue. He wasn't under the effects of any nightmare-inducing Curses, potions, or other magical ailments, so there was nothing for Madame Pomfrey to do. The nightmares were coming from his own mind, and she was not a Mind-Healer. She'd offered to try and connect Harry with one, but when Harry discovered that it involved having someone else quite literally entering his mind with magic and helping him sort out things like trauma he couldn't. If Harry couldn't even tell Hermione the extent of what he'd suffered at the Dursley's, he wasn't about to let a stranger into his mind to see it. Let alone the 'adventures' of his Hogwarts years. So the nightmares persisted, and with the poor quality of sleep serving as the first domino, everything else slowly began to fall. His grades weren't slipping yet, but he was struggling with the study schedule Hermione had set out for them and doing his homework took more effort, more energy that he didn't have.", voice="af_sarah", speed=1.0, lang="en-us"
sf.write("audio.wav", samples, sample_rate)
print("Created audio.wav")
GitHub - thewh1teagle/kokoro-onnx: TTS with kokoro and onnx runtime
TTS with kokoro and onnx runtime. Contribute to thewh1teagle/kokoro-onnx development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
For anyone who ants to try the new Toby Doom Launcher, you can download it from…
Just unzip it and place all the files in the top level Toby Doom folder. The zip file contains the source code, the compiled .exe launcher, and some examples for custom games in the TobyCustom folder. There's also a _internal folder that contains all the stuff the .exe launcher needs.
Hopefully it works well for you. For #nvda users, you will need to press alt+down arrow to expand the combo boxes. I plan to eventually look into this and see if they can be expanded by default, but for now it's time for a break so I can actually play Doom instead of coding for it. 🤘…
#Accessibility #NVDA
GitHub - mltony/nvda-browser-nav: BrowserNav is NVDA add-on that enhances NVDA browse mode with new keystrokes.
BrowserNav is NVDA add-on that enhances NVDA browse mode with new keystrokes. - mltony/nvda-browser-navGitHub
NVDA is becoming Emacs! We have a Pomodoro timer now. :) Now we just need a text editor, svn client, programming modes, web browser, calendar, email client...
The final In-Process blog post for 2024 is out! Featuring news on our new email service, end of year office hours, an update on the NVDA contributor documentation survey, and best practises for add-on developers as we move towards NVDA 2025.1.
(Please note, for those who have signed up, this issue of In-Process was NOT sent to email subscribers as we have another special email coming out tomorrow and didn't want to inundate you).
Read it all here:…
In-Process 19th December 2024
Welcome to our last blog post for the year! We’ve got a bit we wanted to leave you with over the break, starting with a very exciting announcement. What’s inside this week: You Can Now Sign U…NV Access
We've been asked about it for years, and we are pleased to confirm that we have finally setup an official NV Access mailing list. You can subscribe to receive:
- Our fortnightly In-Process blog
- NV Access organisational updates
- NVDA Release announcements (Stable, and / or beta)
- Good news stories
- Job listings
To subscribe to any of the above, please go to:
#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #MailingList #Newsletter #Information #Accessibility #A11y #Blind
What do you use more than anything else in your list of options?
for non-NVDA users, even if you only use it for 3 seconds a week, do join in.
- Braille (0 votes)
- Eloquence (IBMTTS) (0 votes)
- Orpheus (0 votes)
- eSpeak (or eSpeak NG) (0 votes)
- DECtalk (0 votes)
- Windows OneCore voices (0 votes)
- Sonata Neural Voices (0 votes)
- No particular preference (0 votes)
- Something not listed here (Include in reply) (0 votes)
- What's NVDA? (0 votes)
I've tried desktop #Linux as a #blind many times.
It was #Ubuntu, #debian, #archlinux, and even some "for blind" things based on Debian or Arch.
And every attempt was accompanied with such phrases like "come on, friend, you can do the same as on Windows! Accessibility had become much better since your last try!"
Okay, I spend several days configuring things, and... No, thanks!
"You can play games on Linux" they say. But they play only Stardew Valley and Factorio. Or they play on a Windows vm.
"There are no problems with accessibility" they say. But they are used to switching from gui to terminal and back to solve simple every day tasks.
"No no, drivers are okay" they also say... But they stay silent about hours spent on forums finding solutions and looking for components which have known good drivers for Linux.
"#Orca behaves just like #NVDA!" - but you will spend days and weeks configuring it to behave like NVDA.
But I still try because I love Linux.
"Given the fact that NVDA has an extremely light computer resource foot print the portable version is a blessing" - Squire, South Africa / NVDA negates the barriers many face when accessing a PC, as a free and light-weight screen reader translated into more than 50 languages.
#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #GoodNews #FOSS #Free #Lightweight #A11y
This International Day of People with Disabilities, we want to highlight our amazing community and how you live the theme of this year's #IDPwD "Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future"
We have just put out a blog post; every piece talks about how you, our community are empowered to take on leadership in your lives, your work, and your #ScreenReader, #NVDA - check it out here:…
#NVDAsr #idpwd2024 #Blog #News
In-Process 3rd December 2024
Happy International Day of People with Disability 2024! The theme for this year is “Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future”. I …NV Access
Did you catch our last "In-Process" blog? Lots of handy info in there from info on NVDA 2024.4.1, to our Contributor Documentation Survey and more info on our add-on compatibility process! Find it all here:…
#NVDA #NVDAsr #Blog #News #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Newsletter
In-Process 15th November 2024
Welcome to a jam packed In-Process. We have a release, a survey, several expos, an award finalist and more add-on info. Let’s dive in: NVDA 2024.4.1 Released NVDA Contributor Documentation Su…NV Access
In recent NVDA versions, it has started spelling out certain controls in dialogs. For example, if a button is labelled "Cancel", it will spell it. If I change to another TTS, the problem goes away. But I like my Eloquence.
Does anyone have a workaround for this? I'm using NVDA a lot with RIM and the Remote Access feature, and it's super snappy, so I would like to find a way to keep using Eloquence if I can.
Can anyone recommend an accessible course to learn html? It must work with NVDA. I've heard of Code Camp and W3Schools, but how accessible are they and how do they differ in content and style? I like courses with a structured approach, where things are explained i.e. a deductive and not an inductive approach. I usually don't need a tutorial, but I am fine with general instructions. In this case, though, exercises would be very beneficial. I am using this prior to beginning Part 2 of the Web Developer's course at Deque. I am not a developer, but they don't have one for accessibility testers.
#accessibility #blind #blindness #computing #DequeUniversity #html #learning #NVDA #programming #screenreaders #W3Schools
Nvidia ( $NVDA ) reported Q3 earnings of $0.81 EPS on $35.1 billion revenue, surpassing expectations. The Data Center business hit $30.8 billion, up 112% YoY, while gaming revenue reached $3.3 billion. Nvidia's stock fell 1% post-announcement.
What do you think about Nvidia's future in the AI-driven market?
#Nvidia #NVDA #EarningsReport #AI #TechStocks #DataCenter #GamingRevenue #StockMarket #Investing #MarketTrends